BETWEEN the time of Mr.
Crawley’s return and the draughting of the Township grant, dated April
the 7th, 1767, a space less than three years, there must have been over
seventy arrivals; even if we make an allowance of thirty absentees, who,
nevertheless, were grantees. In the return before referred to it is said
“John WalkBr, Corney, Hading, Nathan Brown, James MattBra, Jonathan
Corney, Sewell, John Bailey,—family and stock are coming down this
autumn from New England.”
The Corneys were plainly the families of Corning; Beding was Benjamin
Bedding; and James Matters, James Mattenly.
But besides those, who were all Mr. Crawley could speak of with
certainty, there were Andrew Lovitt, whose numerous and well-to-do
representatives are around us; Hezekiah Bunker, after whom the island so
called, was named; and others less known. During the season of 1765,
Richard, the ancestor of the Rose family, arrived; Nathaniel Elwell, of
Almanac celebrity; and David Pearl, around whose family fortunes fact
has thrown an air of romance. To these may be added Daniel Crocker,
Elias Trask and Jonathan Scott, as being noteworthy for the influence
which they in their lifetime, or their descendants after them, have had
on the fortunes of this community. Although the document is lengthy, I
have been unable to believe that it could have been omitted with
advantage. I have therefore inserted the list of grantees, amongst whom,
in three divisions, the whole Township was divided, with the exception
of four shares retained by the Government, “to be disposed of as the
Governour, Lieut. Governour, or Commander-in-Chief for the said
Province, for the time being, may hereafter direct.” I may here remark,
as being somewhat curious, and inexplicable at this late day, that
several persons, who are well known to have been in the Township when
the grant was made, were excluded. Such were Nathan Utley, Levi Horton
and Elishama Eldridge.
7tH, 1767. The
following, as set forth in this grant, are
“Beginning at the Stony Beach at the North side of the harhour of Cape
Fourchu, and running Northward, measuring on the sea beach nine hundred
and fifty chains, then to run into the Country course North sixty-nine
degrees East, measuring twelve hundred and thirty chains, thence South
twenty-one degrees, East till it meets with the River Tuskett; and to
begin from the first boundary and to run along the sea coast Southerly
till it comes to Little River, and to be bounded by said river as far as
high water flows, then to run North sixty-six degrees, East till it
meets lands laid out unto Robert Wilmot and others, to be bounded by
said lands of Robert Wilmot and others till it comes to the River
Tuskett, and to be bounded by the said River Tuskett till it meets the
Northern boundary first described.”
As nearly as we are able to decide from different considerations, there
were probably between twenty and thirty of those 132 grantees who were
not in the Province at this time; and later on, we shall see that many,
from different causes, finally lost their lands.
We have no reason to think that Sealed Landers would lose any time in
setting up the grist mill. He had every inducement to get it into
operation as soon as possible. His own advantage and the necessities of
the people would alike urge him to its completion. In the face of this,
it is a little difficult to see the meaning of Mr. Crawley’s remark that
there are “a saw mill and a grist mill erecting in the said Township.”
The grist mill was undoubtedly Mr. Landers’, and the saw mill was
probably that erected by Ephraim Cook at Little River. John Walker,
Landers’ brother-in-law, was associated with him in the working of the
mill; and, ere long,—it being about as necessary to have lumber as to
have meal,—a saw mill was erected on the eastern side of the stream,
just opposite the grist mill. To some extent the interests of the two
sets of millers were antagonistic; but an equitable arrangement having
been made, an instrument was signed by all the parties concerned. As the
earliest document of the kind made in the Township, it is not unworthy
of a place here; we therefore insert it:
'“This indenture, agreement and covenant, made and executed this
thirteenth day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven
hundred and eighty six, by us—between Seled Landere and John Walker,
both of Yarmouth, in Queens County, and Province of Nova Scotia, on the
one part, and Phineas Durkee, Eleazer Butler, and William Herskell, all
of Yarmouth aforesaid, on the other part—witnesseth, that whereas there
is a dam erected and built, now standing on the-fresh stream or river
near the new dwelling house of the said Seled Landere, and the said
Landers and Walker have built and now improve a grist mill on the
westerly side of the eaid stream or river, and the other party have a
saw mill on the easterly side of said stream or river, and the said dam
is for the common use and benefit of both said millers, and now the said
Landers and Walker, on their part, do covenant and agree to maintain and
keep in good repair the whole of the westerly end of eaid dam, so far as
to middle or centre of said dam, to be computed and measured from the
said two mills, that is, to be divided in the middle half way, between
said saw mill and grist mill, and to keep and maintain said dam so high
as to raise seven feet of water at least in the floom of said grist
mill, as it is now built, and in like manner to keep in repair their
half of said dam as long as a grist mill shall be there continued; and
the said Phineas Durkee, Eleazer Butler and William Herskell, on their
part, do covenant and agree to maintain and keep in repair the other
half of said dam, from the middle, as aforesaid, to the eastern bank or
shore, of the same height as aforesaid, so long as the said saw mill
shall be there continued, and also not to draw off the water at the
floom of the said saw mill, at any time when the same is wanted for the
use of the said grist mill, so low as not to leave four feet and a half
head of water in the grist mill floom. And for the true and faithful
performance of all and singular the articles, covenant and agreement,
each party respectively, in manner aforesaid, according to the intent,
meaning, and most reasonable construction thereof, we, the said parties,
do bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators and assigns,
each party to the other party, firmly by these presents. In witness
whereof, we have hereunto interchangeably set our hands and seals the
day and year first above written. Signed,
Sealed Landers, John Walker, Phineas Durkee, Eleazer Butler, William
Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of Eleazer Hibbard,” |