THE decision of the
question as to who were the possessors of the soil, and where that soil
was, the raising of mills for different purposes, together with the very
gradual extension of the fishing trade, gave an impulse to a matter of
vital importance, viz :
Good roads, as no nation ever knew better than the ancient Romans, are
the very marrow of the prosperity and progress of a Country. No doubt
but travelling from place to place, in the first instance, must have
been at once wearisome and dangerous; both of which are illustrated in
Sealed Landers’ long journeys to and from Crocker’s Point, by way of
Chebogue Point, and the absence of any kind of road from Chebogue to
Argyle, necessitating a journey through treacherous waters in an open
boat, as when John and Mrs. McKinnon lost their lives.
“Roads there were none. The rugged and rocky beach formed the only path
over which the poorer people could carry, on their shoulders, a little
modicum of corn, when they could get it, to Landers’ grist mill at
Milton, which, with a saw mill erected over the eame dam, was one of the
earliest attempts at improvement. The few who possessed boats made use
of the water as their highway, and the only other mode of communication
for several years were crooked and muddy foot-tracks, winding around
stuflips and over roots, ascending every hill that could he found, not,
as one might be led to imagine, for the sake of descending it on the
other side, but to avoid the impassable swaflips which, in spite of this
precaution, would now and then present a complete obstruction to the
wayfarer’s progress. The intercourse between Yarmouth and Chebogue was
carried on by following an Indian foot-path, marked out by blazed
And up till a certain point of time, there was little to induce, and
nothing to compel the settlers to make public roads, or to do more than
simply clear the approaches to their several dwellings. But I think that
when once the Township was allotted, there were new reasons for fresh
activity in improving the means of travel. No one, until now, knew where
or what his lot would be; and they appear to have felt that before the
question of ownership was settled, they could not, with any justice or
prudence, incur the expense of making highways.
But the very next year after, viz., in 1768, there was very considerable
activity at least in surveying, if not in actual work. Roads have to be
surveyed before they are built. The first road that was laid out in this
County, was one with which all who live in the Town are very familiar.
It ran from the head of the Salt Pond at Chegoggin to Milton Bridge, and
on south through the present Town, past the Sand-beach and Cove, to the
corner of Hilton’s road, sending off a branch to Bunker’s Island (so
called from the brothers Bunker, who owned it); and afterwards continued
from Hilton’s corner to Rocky Nook, now called Rockville; but of this
extension there is no record.
But, although the first to he laid out, this was neither the most
important nor the first to he made. It was only & country road. The
second that was laid out claimed precedence, for it was called
“THE HIGHWAY IN THE TOWN OP YARMOUTH,” and extended from William Curtis’
house, which stood on the west side of the road, exactly opposite the
old poor-house, down the west side of the Chebogue river, past the
Chebogue Burying Ground and Rocky Nook to Chebogue Point. This was
designed to be the great thoroughfare of the County. So man proposes;
but God disposes. It is not exactly so.
The next road that was laid out was on the east side of Chebogue harbour,
and extended from Pinkney’s point to Durkee’s Island; and the two
following were respectively that from Moody’s to Gowen’s corner, and
Wyman’s road, extending from central Chebogue to Hibbard’s corner. All
those roads were .laid out in one year, viz. 1768; and I believe we have
stated the true reason for the impetus which such work received. There
was nothing more done in this way till 1772, when Lovitt’s road, as far
as the dyke, was laid out. And in the same year, that on the west side
of Yarmouth harbour from the head of the Salt Pond at Chegoggin to Fish
Point, was surveyed. About the same time the cross road from Hilton’s
corner at the Cove (Indian “Walnaic”), to the1 old Chebogue Meeting
House, was laid out.
Allusion is made in an early Record to a road existing in 1774 between
the old poor-house and what is now called Arcadia, going as far as the
bridge. All that is here stated, together with the laying out of a road
across Bunker’s Island in 1778, and that on the east side of Chebogue
River from Durkee’s Island to Arcadia, comprises the whole of the work,
either surveyed or done, during the first twenty years of the
As for Argyle, it is doubtful whether for many years after this there
were any roads worthy of the name. That district, never having been
granted as a whole, but many of its most valuable lands given away to
men who never saw them, suffered all the disadvantages of absenteeism
and the want of combined interest. It is in no spirit of neglect that
the Township of Argyle has no fuller notice in those and all other
topics; but simply from the circum3 stance that where records and facts
are wanting, details cannot be written.
The extraction and former homes of the majority of the new settlers, is
a sufficient ground for expecting them to have been men of strong
religious views. They were nearly all New Englanders; and so, with very
rare exceptions, Congregationalists.
Amongst the first settlers there were many who' preached. Two of those
were Ebenezer Moulton, who is described as having been “the first who
preached in Yarmouth and Mr. Samuel Wood, who resided at Chebogue. Mr.
Moulton was of the Baptist persuasion; and whilst Mr. Wood appears to
have preached at Chebogue, Mr. Monlton preached at Cape Forcliue. He
lived near to what is now corrupted into Elder Head, from the
circumstance that he, an Elder, lived in the neighbourhood. He came from
Brainfield, Mass., in 1761, whither he returned in 1773.
Mr. Frost, who came to Argyle in or about 1762, was in the habit of
preaching at Chebogue.
Mr. Nehemiah Porter, who-came from Ipswich in 1767, remained here till
about 1771, when he returned to Massachusetts; and in the year 1765 the
Rev. Jonathan Scott, for twenty years pastor of the Congregational
church, arrived.
To these may he added the name of Aaron Bancroft, who came from Reading
in Massachusetts in 1780, and to which he returned in 1783. This
gentleman was the father of the well known American historian. From the
same place another prominent citizen, Samuel Sheldon Poole, had come in
This looks like a formidable company of Preachers for a very small
population; but in all probability there was this likeness to the
Apostle in all of them, “they laboured with their own hands.”
For the first, five years, stated religious meetings were held in the
several localities in different private houses. At length, on the 22nd
day of July, 1766,
designed for the worship of Almighty God in the Township of Yarmouth,
was raised at Chebogue. The building was framed, boarded and roofed by
subscription, and in this state it was used for seveu years. At length,
in 1773 the outside was finished, and pews and seats erected in the
lower part. Eighteen years after the raising of this structure,5 the
meeting house in Cape Forchue Society was erected. The raising of the
frame was begun on the 27th, and was completed on the 28th of July,
1784. The finishing of this house was'slow.- There was no glass in it
till 1790; and in 1791, there were no seats in it, excepting rough
boards laid down loosely, no pews, and no pulpit, f The principle upon
which, necessarily, work of this kind was done, was essentially “pay and
go.” There were no banks to discount; nor was the principle of
mortgaging practicable.
The former of those two buildings was taken down in 1820, another, more
commodious, having been erected during the same year, a few hundred
yards from its site. Since then, a third, still more commodious, has
been erected. The difficulties under which the first building was
erected, may be partially realized by reflecting for a moment on the
condition in which for years the worshippers were glad to use it. And as
one evidence of our temporal prosperity, I suppose it is not saying too
much to affirm that many individual descendants of the first settlers
could now alone build and complete, outside and inside, comfortably and
even elegantly, such a structure, much more easily than could their
forefathers, with all their united efforts. The reader has here a view
of the Tabernacle, the Congregational place of worship in the Town, and
further reference to which is elsewhere made. |