ABOUT the year 1781, an
unsettled period,—a some what painful affair happened at Chegoggin, in
the house of old Mrs. Porter. Two officers, as one version has it, came
there and begged a night’s lodging, for which they paid, intending to
leave in the morning. They were Hessians, and could not speak a word of
English. Two young men came to ask Mrs. Porter to a wedding. One of the
young men laid his hand on one of the officers, pretending to have been
sent from Halifax, and said, “you are my prisoner.” A scuffle ensued, in
which the young man got the officer’s sword and stabbed him through the
body, killing him instantly. All night the other lay with his arm under
the head of his dead comrade. At day dawn he left the house; and they
buried the murdered man near Zebina Shaw’s, at the head of the Salt
Pond. Nothing more was ever heard of them. The affair was investigated
at Shelburne, but nothing was proved against the young man, who pleaded
self defence.
The mention of Shelburne reminds us that in the year 1784, the former
County of Queens was circumscribed, by having the Townships of
Shelburne, Barrington, Argyle, and Yarmouth set off as a separate
County, with the new Loyalist Town of Shelburne for the County Town.
This was some relief to those who, ten years before, had petitioned to
have Yarmouth set off with other Townships, having Yarmouth as the
County Town. The distance was now 70 instead of 115 miles. Between 1782
and 1784 Shelburne had become the most populous city in Nova Scotia,
with handsomely laid out streets, and complete civic arrangements; the
population being nearly ten thousand; and consisting for the more part
of men who would sooner leave and lose all, than deny their King or
Country. Many of them were gentlemen by birth, education and station; a
large proportion had been men of means; all of them were strongly
attached to British institutions. To the Loyalist proper, that is, those
who strove till they could strive no longer, as distinguished from the
earlier Refugees, who left the States at the first scent of possible
hostilities, must be added a third element, the disbanded Hessians, who,
for the more part, were rewarded for their services, by liberal grants
of land.
It is a matter of painful history how rapidly Shelburne fell; more
rapidly, if possible, than it rose. But the result, which alone concerns
us here at present, was, that many of those men travelled westward,
settling finally, some at Argyle, others at Tusket; some at Plymouth,
and others again at Yarmouth. It is manifest that such an element as
this being introduced into the County could mot but ultimately exercise
a very wide spread social influence. The principal settlement, or as we
County, was in Tusket; and thence they finally spread into the vicinity
and surrounding district. They arrived there about the year 1785; and at
first consisted of twenty-five families, viz.: Hatfields, Lent,
Blauvelts, Sarvents, Smith, Andrews, Tooker, and others, now household
words among us, many of whom brought their negro slaves with them. At
the time they settled, they found many patches of cultivated grounds,
vestiges of the old Acadians. These grounds were over-run with a growth
of young trees. They also found cattle grown quite wild, which had
belonged to the French; and, I am told that the same breed is still
found in the County, hardier though smaller, than others since
introduced. The following account written by one of the first
settlers,—Mrs. Van Tyle—long afterwards known as “Aunt Deborah Smith,”
tracing the progress of her own and other families from New York to
Tusket is worthy of record :—
“We left New York on
the last day of October, 1783, in the schooner Cherry Bounce, Captain
John Gilchrist, master, and arrived at Port Roseway the 7th November, so
called then, now Shelburne. The snow was about two feet deep; went up to
the town, there were a number of houses building, but none finished;
plenty of marquees, tents and sheds for the people to shelter under,
which they greatly needed at that season of the year. It looked dismal
enough. Called on some of our friends in their tents, Col. VanBuskirk
and his wife and two young daughters in one; and his daughter Sarah,
Lawyer Combauld’s wife, and babe in another. I thought they did not look
able to stand the coming winter, which proved a very hard one. The
servants had sheds of boards to cook under. We heard the hammer and saw
day and night. Fine times for carpenters. Three days after we sailed
down to Robertson’s Cove, and there remained frozen up all winter, and
the whole harbour too until the 17th March. During the winter, father
and Mr. Van Tyle built a log house on shore, having provisions on hoard,
the schooner, but when the spring came and we saw nothing but rocks and
moss, they made up their minds to look for a more favourable place. They
had orders from the Surveyors to take up land where they could find it
unlocated. On the 20th March they left the family, and with thirteen
others set sail for Yarmouth, Joshua Trefry, pilot. There they found the
land all taken up; were recommended to Tusket. Found the land there
looked more favourable, returned to Shelburne, took the family on board,
and arrived at Tusket 11th May, 1784. At this time there was no one
settled on the river, but the French. In the fall two families moved up,
Mr. John Withby and Mr. John Williams. November 1st, Mr. Morris and
Capt. Leonard came up to lay out the land about the lakes and at other
places. In the course of the summer of 1785, Mr. James Hatfield and
family came to Tusket; uncle Job Hatfield came up in the course of the
summer, and others, viz.: — Mr. Lent, Mr. VanNorden, Mr. Maybee, and Mr.
Sarvent. The river abounded with fish, salmon, and herring; and there
was a large business carried on exporting them to the West Indies.
Before ten years, this new settlement had widely spread and clearly
defined its position. It aimed at the erection of a new district, to he
called Franklin Township, with Tusket as its centre, lying mid-way
between the Township of Yarmouth and the then distant settlement at
Argyle. The subjoined memorial will serve to prove this, as well as to
illustrate other points; as, for example, to show-who were the then
residents in Tusket and vicinity, meaning thereby Plymouth and both
sides of the river, as far as Gravel’s on the one side, and Andrews on
the other:— .
“To the Right Rev. Father in God, Charles, Bishop of Nova Scotia, the
memorial of the inhabitants of Franklin Township and its vicinity:
Humbly sheweth, That your Memorialists, members of the Church of
England, and Loyalists, being destitute of religious worship and
desirous and willing to contribute to the building of a Church and
support of a Missionary to the utmost of our abilities, most earnestly
solicit your patronage and benevolent intercession with his Excellency
the Governor, to appropriate one hundred pounds to our assistance, and
we promise, Right Reverend Sir, as soon as the season will admit, to
enter into contract with proper workmen, and to join our subscriptions
and all necessary proceedings, to carry the same pious work into
execution. And your Memorialists, etc.
“Feanklin Town, April 6th, 1793.”
I have not inserted the
sums which are set down against the individual names, as not coming
within the scope of my purpose; but several are subscribers for £5 0s.
0d., and considering the time, and the circumstances of the Memorialists,
the whole subscription bears marks of earnestness and attachment to
their religious principles.
Although we are now describing the period approaching to 1790, we find
This is evidenced by the Town meetings, which were almost invariably
held before this in Chebogue. After the meeting-house was built in Cape
Forchue in 1784, reference to the building of which has already been
made, meetings in Yarmouth became more frequent; and on such occasions,
they were almost always held in the meeting-house. This was quite
natural, and in accordance with New England ideas of Government, which
required that Civil officers should also be Church officers. A proof, if
any more were needed, of the hitherto comparative importance of Chebogue,
is the fact that it had its meeting-house seventeen years before
Yarmouth. I have thought it well worth while to insert the
that was entered into by the severally interested parties, together with
the names of the subscribers. It need hardly be added that after the
lapse of ninety years, those whose names are appended have long since
been gathered to their rest:—-
“This Covenant and Agreement made and executed at Yarmouth in the
Province of Nova Scotia on the 12th day of Jan’y A. D. 1784 by and
between us inhabitants of Yarmouth aforesaid, whose names are hereunto
subscribed Witnesseth, that we the said Subscribers do bind and oblige
ourselves each to the rest to build a meeting house for the Public
Worship of God on the Easterly side of Cape Forehue Harbour and on a
Lott of Land known, by the name of the Ministerial Lott. Further we do
Covenant and agree that all moneys voted from time to time until said
house shall he compleated shall be assess’d in just and equal proportion
according to each mane interest to be done by a stall bill made for that
purpose. We do further agree that all moneys so voted shall he assessed
by such persons as the Subscribers shall chuse and appoint and when so
assessed shall be paid into the hands of such persons as shall be
appointed to collect the same and those assessors are hereby invested
with full power to authorise said Collector or Collectors to make
distress upon such person or persons as shall refuse to pay such
assessment so made or any part thereof and all moneys so assessed and
raised to be for the purpose above mentioned and that only and that such
collector or collectors shall pay all such moneys so collected hy them
into the hands of such person or persons as shall be appointed to
receive the same We do further covenant and agree that all matters
relating to the premises above mentioned such as the size of the house,
sums of money to be raised, chusing of Officers and selling the Pews or
the Ground for them shall be voted by a Major vote of the Subscribers.
“For the performance of the above the subscribers and each of us bind
ourselves firmly in the sum of fifty pounds current money of the
Province of Nova Scotia.
"That they and every one of them shall on his part well and faithfully
perform all and everything contained in the premises above.
“That they shall pay and keep all and singular the Contracts, payments
and agreements which on his or their parts ought to be paid and kept and
that according to the true intent and meaning of the above articles with
out fraud or cover. In witness whereof we have set our hands.”
This document has been
inserted as it was originally written, viz.: without punctuation, and
with the orthographical peculiarities retained.
Immigration during this period was almost at a stand. New comers had to
purchase, and possibly, better prospects for farmers were to be found in
other parts of the Province. I do not think that those who had settled
here, had any cause of complaint. Farming was not their strong point;
but still in the year 1786, Justices Benjamin Barnard and Samuel Sheldon
Poole, made a return, in accordance with the Governor’s orders, to the
effect that in Yarmouth Township there were 161 oxen, 456 cows, 887
young cattle, and 686 sheep, “which account,” say they, “may be depended
on as just, we having been particular in taking the same.”
The reader will compare this with Mr. Crawley’s return of 1764, made
twenty-two years previously.
It is plain, however, that
not only did no good, but they did positive harm; and it was felt that
some steps should be taken to promote greater prosperity. Accordingly we
find Mr. John Crawley and Mr. Poole swearing, in Halifax on the 27th of
June, 1783, that
“William Haskall, Thomas Moore, Benjamin Morgan, William Moore, Stephen
Gallishan, Alex. Godfrey, Samuel Allen, and Thomas Sinnot, proprietors
in the Township of Yarmouth, have made little or no improvements on
their shares of lands, and that they have not been resident on their
said shares of land for these seven years past.”
This was but the first step in the argument; for at the same time, Mr.
Poole put in a -word for himself and others by memorializing the
Governor and Council,—having taken the precaution to have his memorial
certified beforehand by Mr. Crawley. The document is curious and full of
information, direct and inferential : —
“The memorial of Samuel Sheldon Poole, in behalf of himself and sundry
settlers in the Township of Yarmouth, sheweth,—
“That your memorialist represents that some of the said persons have
been settled in said Township one and twenty years, and none less than
nine years, except Jesse Rice and Waitstill Lewis, who have been there
between four and five years.
“That they had never had any lands granted them by government: but have
made improvements on lands purchased by them in this Province.
“That they are desirous of remaining settlers in the Province.
“That the most of them have families and stocks as per list annexed.
“That there are several rights or shares of lands in the Township of
Yarmouth, liable to forfeiture, having been deserted many years, and
without improvement as per list annexed.
“That, therefore, your memorialist, in behalf as aforesaid,—Humbly
prayeth that the said rights of land may he escheated and regranted to
them in such proportions as to your Excellency and Honours shall seem
The list of deserters is the same as that sworn to by Mr. Crawley and
Mr. Barnard: and the list for whom application was so ingeniously made
and well put were :
“ Nathan Titley, wife and four children.
Benj. Barnard, “ “ three “ '
S. S. Poole, “ “ three “
Levi Horton, “ “ seven “
Waitstill Lewis, “ “ two “
Samuel Foot, “ “ one child.
Jesse Eice, single, a refugee, and a Physician.
Elishama Eldridge expects to marry soon, a trader, who has been in
Yarmouth twenty years.
There is no date to this document; but it is bound up in the volume of
Records extending from 1783-7.
Mr. Benjamin Barnard, to whom reference is here and elsewhere repeatedly
made, was a native of Salem, and a graduate of Harvard. He was a useful
citizen and magistrate; a Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, and
Registrar of Deeds. He died in 1827, aged 74. At first, and for some
time, all deeds were recorded at Liverpool. The earliest record is dated
September 19tli, 1768; and was a deed from Benjamin Ellenwood to Daniel
Fogler of Nantucket, of “one acre of land on the north side of Cape
Forchue Harbour formerly laid out to John Oates.”
Waitstill Lewis, the ancestor of all who bear the name in the County,
was a Loyalist. He died in Yarmouth in 1838, leaving a large and
respectable family.
Jesse Rice was a physician, a native of New Hampshire and a Loyalist,
who was proscribed and banished.
This application for the escheatment of unimproved and deserted lands
bears marks of having been made just before the
grantees, which was not done till 1787; in which year also the plan of
the Township was made by Samuel Goldsbury. The mandate of partition was
issued at Halifax on the 21st of July, 1786; and the writ is returned as
having been complied with, dated Yarmouth, January the 20th, 1787. The
document is somewhat lengthy; but important, as exhibiting the principle
upon which the division and allotment was made. The preamble sets forth
to the Sheriff of Shelburne County, as it then was, his duty to call
together the proprietors, whose names all follow, of the said Township
of Yarmouth, to be summoned by you, by giving forty days notice to the
aforesaid persons if they will he present, and in the presence of two of
His Majesty’s Justices of the Peace, that you do assign in severalty the
shares or proportions of the said lands actually occupied or improved to
all such proprietors who have occupied or improved the same by the oaths
of twelve lawful men of the said County; and that you also cause the
improved lands in the said Township to be divided respect being had to
the value of the said lands and tenements with their appurtenances and
to our several Grant or Grants to the several parties aforesaid to be
divided by ballot agreeable to the purport and meaning of their
respective titles and pursuant to the laws of our Province of Nova
Scotia aforesaid, in that case made and provided, and to be alloted and
set out to each and every the parties aforesaid his, her, or their true
parts or proportions of the said lands, tenements and appurtenances as
aforesaid, to hold to them and their respective heirs severally, to be
by you delivered and assigned so that all and every the parties above
said receive and have a just and proportionable quantity of the said
lands and make due return of this writ to the Justices of our Supreme
Court at Halifax.”
All was done accordingly; the twelve men, as disinterested parties
living out of the Township, were chosen from Argyle and Barrington, and
the whole was certified by Elishama Eldridge Deputy Sheriff, J. Homer,
and John Coffin, Justices. The italicised words are mine,—being intended
to draw attention to the governing ideas of the partition. Several
parties—among them Mr. Poole,— were included in the list of Proprietors,
who were certainly not Grantees. But Mr. Poole’s petition, before
detailed, supplies the explanation.
We have already referred, at some length, to the escheatment of certain
lands, on the ground of desertion or non residence, between 1767 and
1787. Similarly, by order of the Supreme Court, in 1797, ten years after
the partition of the Township, an escheatment of sundry lots of land
belonging to sundry persons respectively in arrears in payment of their
shares and proportion of the expense of executing the partition,
was made. The names of the delinquents, fifteen in number, are those of
families who are now, for the more part, of little note: whilst those of
the purchasers must be identified, in the main, with the gradual
prosperity of the Township. All this is reasonable; for men who after
ten years were unable or unwilling to pay the expenses incurred in
laying out their lands, would hardly be likely to make very good or very
active use of the land itself. |