When the Loyalists left
Shelburne, in several cases they brought with them to Tusket and
They had accompanied their masters from New York a^ other cities in the
States. In many cases families of them lived in their masters’ houses,
or in other houses provided for them; and there is reason to believe,
that as far as work or usage or houses or clothing were concerned, they
were better cared for, and probably knew they were, than many of those
who had been liberated. After all allowance however has been made for
kindness and consideration, the institution remained. In this
connection, an interesting trial took place in 1787 in Shelburne. Jesse
Gray, of Argyle, had sold to William Mangham, a colored woman named Mary
Postill, for one hundred bushels of potatoes. Gray was tried on a charge
of misdemeanor. The wrong was not the sale of a slave, but the sale of a
slave of which he was not the real owner. Proofs having been brought
forward that she had really belonged to Gray in one of the Southern
States; the Court at once acquitted him, and she became a| much the
property of Mangham for a hundred bushels of potatoes as a horse would
for the same consideration.
But iu the course of a very few years, public opinion in this Province
reprobated the practice. Notwithstanding, as late as the years 1801 and
1802 there were several negro slaves bought and sold in this County. As
one of the last traces of that institution I here insert one of these
bills of sale:—
“Know all men by these Presents that I, A. B., of the Township of
Yarmouth for and in consideration of the sum of thirty-nine pounds in
hand paid to me by C. D., have bargained and sold to him and by these
presents do grant bargain and sell to him the said C. D. a certain Negro
Boy named Jack, about seven years of age, born in my house from a wench
and a man, both my sole property; and I, the said A. B., do promise to
warrant and defend the said Negro Boy Jack against all lawful claim or
claims of any person or persons whatsoever.
“In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this
twenty-third day of December, 1801. "
“A. B.
“Signed, Bealed, and delivered in the presence of
“E. F.
“G. H.
“J. K”
In addition to this bill of sale there are several others, one of which
was of a young negro woman twenty-eight, who was sold the next year,
1802, for £40. That same coloured woman — together with her husband, was
liberated by her master Colonel Bond, and is still living near Weymouth.
She is therefore now more than a hundred years old. From freed slaves,
left in many cases in destitution and utter inability and indisposition
to provide for themselves, the SALMON RIVER SETTLEMENT in this Township
originated. With a few exceptions the settlement has not been ornamental
to the County, and scarcely useful; but it may be, that part of the
blame of this state of affairs ought to be borne by that portion of the
population, who have been themselves taught the blessings of iudustry,
sobriety and useful knowledge.
The older settled parts of the County, have so far engrossed our
attention, only because they were all that existed. But early in the
nineteenth century, the healthy mark of NEW GROUND being opened up
claims some notice: the principal of which are Kemptville, Beaver River,
Hebron, and Carleton, The first settler at
KEMPTVILLE was Abner Andrews; who, in taking up his abode in that place,
had advanced several miles beyond the extreme inhabited point. The
Commissioner of Lands, the lajjs Dr. Farish, laid out this pioneer
settler, Mr. Andrews’ land in 1821; and, at that time, the embryo
settlement was named Kemptville, in honour of the then Governor Sir
James Kempt.
like Salmon River, Eel Brook, Smelt Brook, and other waters bearing
names, arising from the natural products or inhabitants,—probably
received its name from abounding in beavers, either at, or before, the
arrival of the English. The settlement,—which at first took the name of
the river, but part of which has been named more lately Maitland, after
Sir Peregrine Maitland, a former Governor,—is an offshoot from Yarmouth
of the old settled families of the Eaymonds, Comings, Crosbys, Perrys
and others; all names well Jmown in the County. This village suffered
very severely from
Independent of the havoc made in Glare Township, in which the Chapel was
burnt, and the venerable Abbe Sigogne severely injured, the fire
extended into this Township and burnt up the houses, barns, mills,
crops, stocks, and farming implements of 34 families. Grain, cattle,
furniture, clothes, and everything combustible within the burnt district
were all consumed. The magistrates of the Township of Yarmouth stated
that, after due inquiry, “the number of souls included in those families
who are turned out destitute and in want, is one hundred and fifty.” The
distresses of the sufferers enlisted, far and wide, the liveliest
sympathy of the most practical kind. Large sums were subscribed in
Halifax, St. John, Boston, and other places. Sir James Kempt proved
himself a most fatherly Governor. On receipt of the magistrates’
authentic information, he caused one hundred great coats, two hundred
pairs of stockings, and two hundred pairs of mitts to be sent from the
Military stores: and for very many years the coats, which were
conspicuous both for make and material, were the visible if mute
reminders of the disaster. In the way of bedding also, he sent one
hundred blankets, one hundred and fifty rugs, one hundred and fifty
sheets, one hundred bed covers, one hundred holsters, and fifty beds.
The receipt of those articles, very inadequate, even with other
assistance, but very acceptable— was acknowledged by a letter from the
magistrates, who thanked him for the very kind and handsome manner in
which his Excellency had bestowed it: and [they add] we are happy in
saying that the public grant made by your Excellency and his Majesty’s
Council, added to your own very liberal donation, and the contributions
of many beneficent individuals both in Halifax and eleewhere, will
enable us to keep the destitute in a state of comparative comfort, until
the fruits of the earth and the exertions of another reason, enable them
to provide for themselves. We have etc.
"Benj. Barnard.
“J. N. Bond.
“H. G. Parish.
“John Binoay.”
Since that calamity the settlement has been very prosperous, and nearly
every trace of it has long since passed away. There is a flourishing
shipbuilding business, for which there are many facilities, and which,
together with fishing and lumbering, are carried on. The settlement also
deserves notice from the circumstance that here THE FIRST TEMPERANCE
SOCIETY in Nova Scotia, or according to some, in North America, or
according to others, in the world, was formed. The preamble to the
original list of names,—for at first there wore no officers,—will best
explain the motives and principles of those who joined the Society:—
“Beaver river temperance society.
"We the undersigned firmly believing and most assuredly gathering that
the too great use of spirituous liquors is prejudicial to the body and
souls of mankind in general both spiritual and temporal, to remedy this
great and spreading evil, we therefore whose names are hereunto annexed
do for ever renounce the' use of ardent or distilled spirituous liquors
except what may be taken as a medicine in case of sickness. And we pray
Almighty God to establish our hearts and strengthen our serious
“April 25, 1829.”
Then follow the signatures. Shortly after, it was thought necessary to
organize the Society and appoint officers for the more effectually
carrying its objects into operation. The first officers were—
President—Mr. Josiah Porter.
Vice Presidents—Jonathan Raymond, and Jonathan Corning.
Executive Committee—Daniel Raymond, Jabez Landers, William Parry, Daniel
Corning, Ebenezer Corning, and David Parry.
This Parent Society has given birth to many children, who have done
great good in their generation.
About fifty years ago, I believe, when there was a great rage for
emigrating to Ohio, and several families had left for that then very
distant El Dorado of the West, Nehemiah and Benjamin Churchill, sons of
Ezra, and grandsons of Lemuel of Chebogue, were smitten with the “Ohio
fever,” as it was called. Not being able to carry out their plans from
some cause, they removed back into the woods with their families,
several miles beyond the most distant settler at the “Ponds,” as all the
country above the mills at Milton was then called, and gave their farms
the name of their wished-for western home; which has thus become the
name -of the settlement. There is a good mill site in the centre of the
village. At first the settlers were engaged in lumbering,—but more
lately the people have been chiefly occupied in farming and bringing
cordwood to the Yarmouth market. The name of
was given to that settlement, as before said, by Captain Landers. That
was his property, where he hoped to spend the remainder of his days—the
centre of his shipbuilding operations. His house was at first apart from
all others; but, in the course of years, the junction of the Ohio road
with the main post road became a desirable place of business, and was
called “Hebron Corner.” As the village extended beyond this spot, the
latter half of the name was left out, and the whole settlement finally
became Hebron. Having no fishing, lumbering, or milling privileges, the
community has become manufacturing,—chiefly tanning and hoot and shoe
making. The number of persons depending on this industry being about
three hundred, and the gross amount of Capital engaged in a year’s
business being about $200,000.
With regard to
it may he said that Mr. Daniel Kaymond was the first settler in this
part of the County. It is true that twenty years before, a number of
persons,—the tradition says nine—residing on the river above and about
Tusket village, formed a co-partnery for milling purposes. They carried
out pwrt of their plan only, and did little more than effect a clearing
in the neighbourhood of “ Nine Partners’ Falls,” — a name given, as some
say, in allusion to the partnery: or, as others again say, with
reference to the physical features of the place. But neither alternative
is very conclusive. Mr. Kaymond built a mill in the centre of the
present village, and a year or two after he settled there he was
followed by a number of Chebogue families, viz.: Hiltons, Dennis,
Crawley and Perry, who, together with others, have succeeded in
establishing one of the most thriving settlements in the County.
Carleton was also formerly named Temperance—a name which is not yet
wholly extinct. The origin of it was this: The first settlers saw the
evils of intemperance, and agreed to eschew, as a beverage, all kinds of
intoxicating liquors. Total abstinence was not, as yet, their idea, and
to assist them in their most excellent design, they gave the settlement
the name of “Temperance.” There is no fact more capable of demonstration
than that the early settlers of this County were far from being
teetotallers. Drinking was a standing institution, equally and
impartially applied to all sorts of occasions, serious and light. No
visit was made, nor enterprise undertaken, without the aid of this
powerful auxiliary. Births, weddings and funerals, were all suitable
occasions and always in order; and the custom extended to both sexes. No
road could be built, nor frame of a Church raised, without rum. In the
earliest days of Yarmouth the amount of rum sold to the half starving
people was simply enormous; and, in some of the accounts rendered by the
traders of the day, liquor of some kind forms every second or third
item. In one account of thirty-eight items, twenty-eight are for rum,
toddy, cider or flip. Without palliating or excusing the intemperate
language of many extreme total abstinence advocates, we see from those
facts what great necessity there was for such prudent conduct as that of
the pioneer settlers of Carleton.
Whilst speaking of the rise and naming of new settlements, there can he
no more suitable opportunity for appending a list of names of well-known
places, traced hack to their earliest mention, in one way or another :—