From the days of Cabot
and Cartier the finding of a north-west passage to the Pacific had been
the ambition of many daring mariners. During the sixteenth, seventeenth
and eighteenth centuries voyage followed voyage, each, by the discovery
of a new strait or bay, adding to our knowledge of the Arctic regions.
Vast sums of money and many valuable lives were spent in the search. Of
the Arctic expeditions, those
which were made by land
are of interest to us, for they helped to open up our north country, in
parts of which valuable minerals have since been found.
In 1819, John Franklin
and Dr. Richardson sailed from England, having in view a journey, to the
Arctic coast through Northern Canada. The first winter was spent at Fort
Chipewyan and the
second at Fort
Enterprise, north of Great Slave Lake. In the following spring the
explorers descended the Coppermine River to the Arctic, and coasted
eastward as far as Cape Turnagain. Three years later Franklin made his
second journey, this time wintering at Fort Franklin, on Great Bear
Lake. Here the party divided, the leader himself descending the
Mackenzie and tracing the coast west to Return Reef Meanwhile Dr.
Richardson worked his way east until he reached the mouth of the
Coppermine, which he ascended, rejoining Franklin at their winter
In 1833, Captain Back
was sent out to look for one John Ross, who three years earlier had gone
by sea in search of the north-west passage. Back wintered at Fort
Reliance, on Great Slave Lake, where he received news of the safe return
to England of the missing explorer.
nevertheless, to complete his journey, he pressed on to the Arctic by
the Great Fish, which is now called the Back River.
The directors of the
Hudson’s Bay Company now began to display an active interest in these
Arctic discoveries. Their charter required of them a support of the work
of exploration. Moreover, England had become enthusiastic over the
remarkable achievements of Franklin and Back. In 1836, therefore, the
Company ordered Governor Simpson to prepare and send out an expedition
in search of the long-sought passage. Two competent officers of the
Company, Peter Dease and Thomas Simpson, were chosen to conduct the
enterprise. A start was made from Norway House. The party wintered at
Fort Chipewyan, and early in the spring paddled down the Mackenzie and
from the river’s mouth westward. Return Reef was passed, and Simpson
made his way on foot to Cape Barrow. The explorers wintered at Fort
Confidence, and the following summer found them on their way down the
Coppermine. Cape Turnagain marked the limit of this journey, hut before
returning Simpson took possession of Victoria Land in the name of the

In a third and
final trip Simpson and Dease passed Cape Turnagain and reached Cape
We have already noticed
that, after Canada passed into the hands of the English, the attention
of the fur traders was centred in the district about Lake Athabaska.
Samuel Hearne, on his return from the Coppermine River, had spent part
of a season among the Indians on the north shore of the lake. It
remained, however, for the Montreal merchants to open up this new region
to trade, and the man chosen for this work was the daring Peter Pond,
who, in 1778, built the first trading-post on the Athabaska River, near
the lake. Ten years later Fort Chipewyan was erected, the famous
starting-point of explorations directed west to the Rockies and north to
the Arctic Ocean.
It was natural that
traders who had become familiar. with Athabaska Lake should pass 011 up
the Peace River. The first to do this was a French-Canadian, who
established Fort Vermilion. Later were built, farther up the river,
Forts Dunvegan and McLeod.
About seven years after
Pond entered the Athabaska district, Cuthbert Grant, the father of the
half-breed leader in the skirmish at Seven Oaks, extended the fur trade
to Great Slave Lake. When the two great companies united, they built a
large trading-post on Great Slave Lake, called Fort Resolution. Another
important point on the lake was Fort Providence, founded by Mackenzie on
his return from the Arctic Ocean.
About 1796, a
North-West Company trader, named Livingstone, built the first fort on
the Mackenzie River. That this pioneer work was attended with great
danger may be judged from the fact that this unfortunate man was
murdered by the hostile Eskimos. The next fort erected on the Mackenzie
was Fort Simpson, which was and still is the centre of trade for the
district. Other important places in the same neighborhood were Forts
Franklin and Good Hope, the former built for the accommodation of the
great explorer, the latter to meet the demands of the ever extending fur
The union of the
North-West and the Hudson’s Bay Companies was followed by a rapid
extension of trade in the Mackenzie River district. John Bell, an Arctic
explorer of some experience, built a fort on Peel’s River. In 1846, Bell
descended the Rat River and discovered the Lower Yukon. This new region
was occupied by the erection of La Pierre’s House and Fort Yukon. When
the United States bought Alaska from Russia in 1867, these points were
given up by the Company. The whole district has since been abandoned by
the fur traders as unprofitable.
Situated at the
junction of the Mackenzie and Liard, Fort Simpson became the base from
which the latter river, one of the swiftest and most dangerous of the
Rocky Mountain streams, was explored. The first post built on the river
was Fort Liard, at the Forks of the east and west branches. In 1834,
Chief Trader John McLeod succeeded in forcing his way up the west
branch, and discovered Dease River and Dease Lake, from which the Liard
takes its rise. Four years later, Robert Campbell established a
trading-station on Dease Lake, and in the same season, crossing the
mountains, reached the Stikine River.
In 1840, Campbell was
again sent out by the Hudson’s Bay Company. Ascending the north branch
of the Liard River to Lake Francis, he made his way by Finlayson River
to a small lake of the same name, occupying the height of land. Crossing
this, he found himself looking down upon a large river, which, as a
tribute to the Governor of the Company, he called the Pelly. After
descending the stream a short distance, he retraced his course to the
Lower Liard. Not until eight years later did Campbell make the journey
which rendered complete his already extensive travels. From the height
of land he descended the Pelly to its junction with the Lewes, where
he-built Fort Selkirk. After a year’s delay, he descended the now famous
Yukon River to Fort Yukon, from which point he made his way down the
Porcupine to the mouth of the Mackenzie. Great was the surprise of his
friends when he arrived at Fort Simpson, coming up instead of down the
stream. |