The Prairie Provinces A short history of Manitoba, Saskatchewan
and Alberta by D. M. Duncan, M.A.
Educational film about the Canadian
provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and the northwest
territories of Keewatin, Mackensie and Franklin in 1943.
Since the publication
of this book, under the title of “A History of Manitoba and the
North-West Territories,” many events of importance have happened in
Western Canada, notably the formation of the Provinces of Saskatchewan
and Alberta. To meet the demand for an up-to-date history a thorough
revision has been made. It is the hope of the author that “The Prairie
Provinces” will be found to present the story of the West in a form at
once complete and accurate.
The aim of this book —
the method of treatment being suggestive rather than exhaustive — is to
arouse in the boys and girls who attend our schools an interest in the
history of the West. To appreciate our country’s past is to take a long
step toward the realization of its future.
In connection with the
illustration of the work, author and publisher acknowledge indebtedness
to Rev. Geo. Bryce, LL.D., Rev. R. G. MacBeth, Rev. J. A. Macdonald, and
The Linscott Publishing Company, for permission to use illustrations
controlled by them. By their courtesy the educational value of the book
has been increased.