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The Scot in New France (1535-1880)

project of the constitution to be promulgated by the home authorities. His able speech may be met with in the pages of the Canadian Review, published at Montreal, in 1826. This St. Peter street magnate attained four score and ten years, and died at Russell Square, London, on the 10th January, 1836.

Another signature recalls days of strife and alarm; that of sturdy old Hugh McQuarters, the brave artillery sergeant who, at Prês-de-Ville on that momentous 31st December 1775, applied the match to the cannon which consigned to a snowy shroud Brigadier-General Richard Montgomery, his two aides, McPherson and Cheeseman, and his brave but doomed followers some eleven in all; the rest having sought safety in flight. By this record, it appears Sergeant McQuarters had also a son in 1802 one of Dr. Sparks’ congregation. Old Hugh McQuarters lived in Champlain street and closed his career there, in 1812.

Another autograph, that of James Thompson, one of Wolfe’s comrades—" a big giant," as our old friend, the late Judge Henry Black who knew him well used to style him, awakens many memories of the past. Sergeant James Thompson, of Fraser’s Highlanders, at Louisbourg in 1758, and at Quebec, in 1759, came from Tain, Scotland to Canada as a volunteer to accompany a friend—Capt. David Baillie of the 78th. His athletic frame, courage, integrity and intelligence, during the seventy-two years of his Canadian career, brought him employment, honor, trust and attention from every Governor of the colony from 1759 to 1830, the period of his death; he was then aged 98 years. At the battle of the Plains of Abraham, James Thompson, as hospital sergeant, was intrusted with the landing at Pointe Lévis of the wounded, who were crossed over in boats; he tells us of his carrying some of the wounded from the crossing at Levis, up the hill, all the way to the church at St. Joseph converted into an hospital and distant three miles from the present

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