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The Scot in New France (1535-1880)

ferry: a six foot giant alone could have been equal to such a task. In 1775, Sergeant Thompson, as overseer of Government works, was charged with erecting the pali sades, fascines and other primitive contrivances to keep out Brother Jonathan, who had not yet learned the use of Parrot or Gatling guns, and torpedoes. Later on, we find the sturdy Highlander a subject of curiosity to strangers visiting Quebec—full of siege anecdotes and reminiscences—a welcome guest at the Château in the days of the Earl of Dalhousie. In 1827, as senior Mason, he was called on by His Excellency to give the three magic taps with the hammer, when the corner stone of the Wolfe and Montcalm monument was laid, in the presence of Captain Young of the 79th Highlanders, and a great concourse of citizens. About New Year’s day, 1776, Mr. Thompson became possessed of Gen. Montgomery’s sword ; it has since passed to his grandson, James Thompson Harrower, whom I see here present, and to whose kindness we are indebted for exhibiting it to you to-night. You will also, no doubt, learn with pleasure that the Society has become possessed of the Thompson M.S.S. letters and papers. Mr. James Thompson left several sons, some of whose signatures are affixed to the document before us. John Gawler was Judge for the District of Gaspé from 1828 to 1865; George received a commission in the Royal Artillery; a third was Deputy Commissary General James Thompson, who died in this city in 1869, and whom many can recall.

Old James Thompson expired in 1830, at the family mansion, St. Ursule Street, now occupied by his grandson, Mr. James Thompson Harrower.

When we name John Greenshields, D. Munro (the partner of the Hon. Matthew Bell) J. Blackwood, Matthew Lymburner, Peter Stuart, William Grant, John Mure, John McNider, J. G. Hanna, John Crawford, David Stewart, (the David Stewart of "Astoria" described by Washing-

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