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The Scot in New France (1535-1880)

ton Irving ?; James Orkney, Robert Wood, Alexander Munn, James McCallum, Thomas White, Fred. Petrie, Robert Ritchie, we recall many leading merchants in St. Peter, Notre-Dame Street and the old Cul-de-Sac.

"Jane Sewell," was the wife of Stephen Sewell Solicitor-General of Lower Canada, brother to Chief Justice Sewell. "Henrietta Sewell," one of the signers, survived ten years her husband, the late Jonathan Sewell.* Chief Justice for Lower Canada, who died in Quebec, in 1839. Chief Justice Sewell left a numerous progeny: t

"Ebenezer Baird," we take to have been the progenitor of a well-remembered Quebec Barrister, James E. Baird, Esq., the patron of our city member, Jacques Malouin, Esquire.

George Pyke, a Halifax Barrister, had settled here. Subsequently he rose to the Bench as Mr. Justice Pyke. Robert Harrower was doubtless the father of Messrs. Robert, David and Charles Harrower, of Trois Saumons, County of L’Islet. Honorable James Irvine, in 1818, a member of the Legislative Council was the grandfather of the Hon. George Irvine, of this city. The Hon. John Jones Ross, the present Speaker of the Legislative Council, Quebec, traces back to the "James Ross" of 1802, and the

See Appendix Letter I.

t John Sewell, Capt. in 49th (Brock’s Regiment) and Lt.-Col.Volunteers in 1837. William Smith Sewell, late Sheriff of Quebec, died 1st June, 1866.
Edmund Willoughby Sewell, Clerk in Holy
Robert Shore Milnes Sewell, Advocate, died 9th May, 1834.
Maria May Livingstone Sewell widow of Major Henry Temple 15th Regiment.
Henrietta Sewell, wife of Rev. Dr. Frs. J. Lundy, died 17th Nov., 1847.
Henry Doyle Sewell, Clerk in Hoiy Orders.
James Arthur Sewell, M.D., Professor of Laval University.
Montague Charles Sewell, died 28th February, 1859.
Charlotte De Quincy Sewell, died 31st December, 1826.
Fanny Georgina Sewell, wife of Capt. Trevor Davenport, 1st" Royals."
Eliza Janet Sewell, wife of John Ross, Esq., died 8th May, 1875.
Algernon Robinson Sewell, Lt.-Col. 15th Regiment, died 10th January, 1875.

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