organizations—Christian Temperance Union— National Council of Women—A
suffragette echo of Westminster—The recognition of women in the
State—Clubs and societies—Socialism in the Dominion—“Seizing the reins
of power”—The unfurling of the red flag—The safety valve of democracy.
WOMEN’S organizations
have rapidly developed in Canada. There are no less than twenty-six
throughout the Dominion, many of them of great numerical strength, such
as the Ontario Women’s Institute, which numbers 16,000 members and has
600 branches.
The Women’s Christian
Temperance Union has a general organization for Canada, and an
affiliated society in each of the provinces. Distinctly religious
interests are fostered by seven missionary societies connected with the
various Churches.
There is a National
Council of Women, which held its annual meeting at Halifax last year.
Its outlook is broad and its criticisms trenchant. Strong resolutions
were passed in connexion with current topics. It has a standing
committee on employment for women. Reports were received from its
committees on all subjects affecting the feminine community. At its last
meeting a committee on white slave traffic gave a report with startling
details. It petitioned the Government for the appointment of women on
the Royal Commission on Technical Education. Care of feeble-minded women
and children was discussed, and minor details included the harmfulness
of many theatres and cinematographic displays.
The council declared in
favour of Women’s Suffrage, a movement which received support from many
of the branch meetings, including the Women’s Christian Temperance Union
of Manitoba. This movement has been widely discussed and obtained many
supporters. The Toronto “Globe,” the leading Liberal paper in Canada,
threw its columns open for the discussion of the subject in the early
part of the year. A decided majority favoured the suffrage, the main
contention being that women knew the women’s problem best and were
qualified to influence legislation on the subject. European methods of
advocating the movement were adopted in the Ontario Legislature in the
spring, and an echo of St. Stephens, Westminster, was heard, when a
woman rose in the gallery and said—
“There is one thing you
have forgotten in your deliberations, and that is justice to women. I
hope that at your future meetings you will give more attention to the
cause of women. That is all I have to say.”
The interrupter was
Miss Olivia Smith, said to be an Englishwoman. The incident occurred as
the session was about to be closed. She escaped from the House
Canada is by no means
insensible to the worth of its leading women. Sex is not likely to prove
a disqualification where merit is concerned. The Dominion Government has
appointed Mrs. Willoughby Cummings, Secretary to the Women’s National
Council, to a Government Office. King’s College, Windsor, conferred on
her at the same time the degree of D.C.L.
The influence of women
on education and their fitness for managerial service is further
attested by the appointment of three women to the Senate of the Toronto
University, namely Winifred W. Leisenring, B.A. Margery Curlette, B.A.,
and Augusta Stowe-Gullen of Toronto, appointments which had hitherto
been unprecedented. Paris has gone to Toronto for the selection of a
distinguished woman, Miss Helen MacMurchy, M.D., to serve on the
Permanent International Committee of the Hygiene Congress, Paris.
There are also a
Women’s Canadian Historical Society, a Household Economic Association,
an Alexandra Club, and a Press Club with several branches.
Socialism has gained
considerable hold on a section of the Canadian people. The principles of
the advanced wing, of whom the Marxians are the type, do not so far bulk
largely in the propaganda of the movement.
I was present at a
meeting in Vancouver, which was held on a Sunday evening in a large
music hall, and was well attended. It is difficult to judge status by
dress in the Dominion, as there is a uniform air of well-to-do-ness
about all classes. It was quite evident from a glance at the audience
that it was not comprised of those who espouse Socialism as a possible
solution of problems of which they are the immediate victims. Many of
them were in evening dress, and the occupants of boxes at the sides of
the building, which included ladies, looked as if economic laws had not
dealt unkindly with them, Socialism or no Socialism.
After the lecture,
questions were invited, which served to elicit the principles of the
speaker more clearly than his address. Amongst other things he was
opposed to sending social representatives to the Dominion Government,
and expressed the pious hope that if such a thing were to happen he
would not be alive to witness it. Strangely enough, he had no objection
to the Socialist being represented on local bodies. His aim was “to
seize the reins of power,” and this point was laboured at some length.
Questioned how this was to be done if the Socialists remained
unrepresented in Parliament, the lecturer became vague and declined to
give a clear answer.
It was evident that
many amongst the audience were against this phase of the movement.
Pressed on the point as to means, he replied pictorially that when he
left the platform and passed through the door, he would not go round the
table, zigzag, or take the opposite direction, but go straight for the
His cross-examiner was
on his feet again. He accepted the figure, but even to reach the door,
aeroplanes not being available, some steps were necessary ; what were
they ?
The chairman prudently
came to the lecturer’s relief by declaring the meeting closed.
The form of Socialism
that receives most support in Canada is the municipalization of
essential public commodities instead of capitalizing them. This, as has
been pointed out, is the policy of many associations. A large meeting
held at Ottawa was addressed by a clergyman who instanced the cases of
education, tram-cars, and the post office, as in consonance with the
principles of the best Socialism. He had no hope that the Pulpit, the
Press, or the rich men would further the cause; it was for the workers
to emancipate themselves. In his judgment Socialism created family life
and capitalism destroyed it.
Other sections
emphasized a more extreme form of the movement. In Montreal the red flag
of Socialism was unfurled and the Bible exploited to show that class
distinctions are the curse of ancient and modern life. Capitalists and
employers were freely denounced. On May Day a meeting was held in the
same city, which was addressed in English, French, and Yiddish. A large
proportion of the community consisted of Russian Jews. A procession of
over 4000 marched through the city of Winnipeg on the same day, and
resolutions were carried in denunciation of the capitalist class.
A Social Democratic
party has been founded during the past year, making Toronto its chief
centre. It is co-operating with labour organizations, and is avowedly
socialistic. A meeting was held in Toronto, and one of the speakers is
reported to have said—
“The unrest in the
world is caused by the robbery of the working classes by the capitalist
class. The remedy is to stop the robbery and to give the toilers a fair
share of the wealth they produce. The Churches have no live message for
the workers of to-day ; all sects alike cater only for the wealthy ; the
poor and needy are not wanted. Instead of trying to uplift those who are
fallen by the wayside, or who are distressed, they shun them.”
The usual contradictory
positions incidental to extreme views on economics naturally evolve. One
leader gave an address on “Why a Socialist cannot be a Christian,” and
prophesied that the in-coming of Socialism meant the obliteration of
Another claimed that
Christianity and Socialism were identical, and urged working men,
contrary to the Vancouver lecturer, to get the functions and machinery
of government into their own hands. The elaboration of the argument was
as follows :—
“The machinery of
production would then be transformed into the collective property of
all. All would then take their part in the production and would have the
right to consume to the full value of their production, and modern wage
slavery would become as extinct as the earlier forms of chattel slavery
and serfdom.”
An American statesman
remarked at a socialistic meeting in Canada that the plutocratic class
in the United States mustered 9 per cent, of the population and
possessed £ 13,400,000,000, or 70 per cent, of the wealth ; the middle
class numbered 21 per cent, of the population and held £4,800,000,000,
or 25 per cent, of the wealth; that the lower class numbered 70 per
cent, of the population and owned 5 per cent, of the wealth.
Without entering into
the merits of the question, Socialism and the free expression of opinion
on that and other questions prove the strength and stability of the
Canadian Government. It recognizes that freedom of speech is the safety
valve of a great democracy; that these public discussions exhibit the
strength and weakness of every movement. If there are elements of good
sense and sound logic in the arguments, it is for the good of the State
that they be, as far as practicable, embodied in the statutes of the
land. If they are weak, unpractical, it needs but the light to kill
them. Freedom of speech is the antidote to secret societies. Even the
Russian in Canada, to whom this liberty is extended in common with other
citizens, learns how to use and not abuse it. The attitude of the
Government is further illustrated in the appointment of public servants
from the class supposed to consist of such inflammable material. A
well-known local Socialist at Toronto was selected last year to serve on
the Royal Commission on Technical Education. He was a member of a body
holding advanced views, in the opinion of some, inimical to the welfare
of the State. |