The Seagram Company Ltd.
Shortly after the outbreak of World War II, a time of cataclysmic
tension in our nation and the world, the late Samuel Bronfman on behalf
of Seagram commissioned Stephen Leacock to write the reflective
history, Canada,
The Foundations of its Future.
In the introduction to that book, my father wrote: “Of all the natural
resources of Canada, the greatest is its people.” That premise is as
valid now as it was then. Nonetheless, when we examine Canada today, we
find a perplexing contrast. We are as blessed with freedom and material
well-being as any nation on earth. But realistically, new — and often
difficult — relationships have emerged in our social and political
order. Their intensity has caused us all to reflect on two vital
subjects: who are we and where are we going?
As a concerned corporate citizen, Seagram asked an outstanding group of
journalists and photographers to address these questions in terms of our
strengths, our weaknesses and our opportunities. Leading this team were,
as editorial director, John M. Scott, former editor of Time Canada
and now that magazine’s Canadian correspondent, on leave of absence for
this project; and Alan Grossman, a writer of wide journalistic
experience here and abroad.
The quality of this work has prompted us to give it wide distribution in
English and in French through a variety of Canadian magazines and by
mail in both Canada and the United States. We hope that it will bring
new insights to those who read and discuss it.
Our country is, after all, one of great accomplishment. For years Canada
has been regarded throughout the world as a bright star in the galaxy of
nations. Ours is a unique opportunity to reach together for greatness —
and to achieve it. With compassionate hearts and open minds, let us dare
to explore unrealized horizons as we pursue The Canadian Journey.

Charles R. Bronfman
March 1980.
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