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In many respects this section is a catch all for any information that doesn't fit naturally into any of our other sections.  We can explore any cultural activities, crafts, community activities and anything else we might think of.  As always we'd be more than happy to receive contributions in text, pictures or videos to place on the site. Also feel free to contact us with any suggestions you many have.

Canadian Canoe Culture

Canoe Camping and Bushcraft in Ontario, Canada

Ray Mears Northern Wilderness S01E01

Unforgettable 35-Day Wilderness Expedition in Canada's Big Land
The Full Documentary of the 2020 "Boreal to Barrenlands - Crossing Labrador" expedition! An unprecedented canoe journey that takes four friends 670 kms through Labrador’s interior to cross three-ecosystems, two heights of land, and one entire province in 35 days.

Poetry and Stories
Canadian Curmudgeon
This is a column from a Canadian with good knowledge of politics and the Canadian way of life who will be anonymous but will from time to time post commentary on what is happening in Canada.

Videos of Canada
Here we are making use of YouTube to provide some videos of Canada and its Provinces.
Canadian Politics
Providing information on Politics in Canada and their leaders.

Canadians do it Better!
This was taken from MacLean's Magazine in 2009 as there celebration of Canada Day.
Some books on Education
Canadian Content for Children
Facts About Canada
Facts about Canada and Canadians.
The North West Passage
This is a series of videos from YouTube where Billy Connelly travelled the North West Passage.
Canadian Humour
Thought I'd start to build in some Canadian humour stories.
Romantic Canada By Victoria Hayward
Illustrated with photographs by Edith S. Watson (1922)
Here I'm going to try and tell you about the TV, Radio, Print and Film in Canada.
Lovell's Gazetteer of the Dominion of Canada (work in progress)
Here you will find a list of some 14,850 cities, towns, villages and places.
Canadian Music
Here we hope to bring you music from some of Canada's great artists.
Canadian Botany
Information on Botany and Flora of Canada
Ten Thousand Miles Through Canada
The Natural Resources, Commercial Industries, Fish and Game, Sports and Pastimes of the Great Dominion by Joseph Adams.
Rugby Football in Canada
From the Rugby Canada web site
Its Origin and Development by James Naismith, the Inventor of the Game (1941)
Canada in the Commonwealth Games
Glasgow 2014 Media Guide (pdf). This guide lists all our athletes!
Old Canadian Magazines
This is where we'll post some old Canadian Magazines as we find them.
Camping in the Canadian Rockies
An Account of Camp Life in the Wilder parts of the Canadian Rocky Mountains, together with a description of the Region about Banff, Lake Louise and Glacier, and a Sketch of of the early Explorations by Walter Dwight Wilcox (1896).
The Growth of Canadian National Feeling
By W. S. Wallace
Canadian Monthly Magazine
Published by the Vanderhoof-Gunn Publishing Company
The Glittering Mountains of Canada
A Record of Exploration and Pioneer Ascents in the Canadian Rockies 1914 - 1924 by J. Monroe Thorington (1925).
The Scots Canadian
The Newsletter of the Scottish Studies Society.
The Maple Leaf as an Emblem of Canada
By Henry Scadding D.D.
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
All Canadians should be aware of this Charter.
Canada's North, A Profile
by Allan M. Maslove and David C. Hawkes
Canada’s Past Matters campaign
By the Canadian Association of University Teachers
Canadian Index of Wellbeing

Languages in Canada
Hot jobs (and not-so-hot jobs) in Canada
Enigma Machine
A series of puzzles created by Doug Ross a Scots Canadian
Canadian Household Survey
The 2011 survey.
Settling in Canada
A series of videos helping you to prepare for coming to and settling in Canada.
Over Canada
A video letting you see Canada through an Arial Adventure
History of Ice Hockey
A CBC Video Documentary
Wild Life in Canada
By Captain Angus Buchanan, M.C. (1920)
Alone in the Wild with Ed Wardle
I wanted to share this, since I thought that this series took away the Hollywood character of the Bear Grylls and friends survival series and actually shows more of the real deal for people that are not as highly trained. It also shows how making bad decisions can cost you a lot. It's definitely slower than the other series, but it also seems more real. I say it seem more real because you never ever know 100% if it was staged or not. I do think that if this was staged though, it was a freaking amazing performance.
The Last Trapper
For over 20 years, Nicolas Vanier, an untiring voyager in the coldest of climes, a veritable Jack London of modern times, has criss-crossed the wildest regions of the far northern lands. His travels include major expeditions in Siberia, Lapland, Alaska and of course Canada, where he recently undertook an incredible White Odyssey: 8600 kilometres covered with a team of sledge dogs, from Alaska all the way to Quebec. It was during that crossing, on the floor of a sumptuous and inaccessible valley in the Rocky Mountains, that Nicolas met the man who inspired him to make this film, a film that has lived within the man.
Les Stroud (Survivorman) - Off The Grid
Les does quite a few videos about surviving in all kinds of locations in the world.
The Canadian Curler's Manual
or an account of curling as practised in Canada with remarks on the history of the game by James Bickett (1840)
Travel in Canada
Some ideas of holidays in Canada.
Top 15 Small Cities In Canada

Dictionary of Canadianisms on Historical Principles
External Link
Official Bird of Canada

We don't have one but here is a suggestion.
Ray Mears' Northern Wilderness
A 6 video program on Wilderness Canada.
Sport in Canada
Some information on Sport in Canada
The CHAP Program (pdf)
CHAP Home Helper Program
A Maple Leaf and Other Sketches
by Rev. C. T. Phillips, D. D. (pdf)
The Maple-Leaf Canadian Annual
A publication in 1849 which has been repaired and enhanced from the very faint original (pdf)
The Maple-Leaf Canadian Annual
A publication in 1852-54 which has been repaired and enhanced from the very faint original (pdf)

Maple-Leaf Men
And other War Gleanings by Rose E. Sharland (pdf)
The Moose
A video about the Moose
Margaret Murray Robertson
The Tragically Hip
A couple of videos from this Canadian Rock n Roll band
The Canadian Emigrant Housekeeper's Guide
By Mrs. C. P. Traill (1861) (pdf)
The Diary of Mrs. John Graves Simcoe
Wife of the First Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of Upper Canada, 1792-6 with Notes and a Biography by J. Ross Robertson and Two Hundred and thirty-seven illustrations, including ninety reproductions of interesting Sketches by Mrs. Simcoe (1911) (pdf)
Mountaineering and Exploration in the Selkirks
A Record of Pioneer Work among the Canadian Alps, 1908-1912 By Howard Palmer (1914) (pdf)
Kent Cloverleaf Conservation Club

Canadian Poets and Poems [External Link]
Sportsman's Paradise
Or, The Lake Lands of Canada by B.A.Watson, A.M., M.D. (pdf)
Canadian Pictures, by the Marquis of Lorne (pdf)
Out of the North
By Howard V. Sutherland (1913) (pdf)
A Trip on the Great Lakes
Description of a trip, summer, 1912 by a Skiff Traveler, Who Loves "Outdoors." Tells of Fish, Fur, Game and Other Things of Interest By Raymond S Spears (1913) (pdf)
Camping on the Great Lakes
By Raymond S Spears (1913) (pdf)
Diamond Tolls
By Raymond S Spears (1920) (pdf)
Experience is Everything
By Raymond S. Spears. A kind of Grandfather know best tale.

The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
(Audio of Text w/ Panoramic Visuals)

Forest and Stream Weekly Journal
Devoted to Field and Aquatic Sports, Practical Natural History, Fish Culture, the Protection of Game. Preservation of Forests, and the Inculcation in Men and Women of a Healthy Interest in Outdoor Recreation and Study.
Great Lakes
Great Gardening (1993) (pdf)
History of the Canadian Film Industry

Our National Pie
And What it contained being a report of the proceedings of the Anglo-French-Hibernian-Scottish-Canadian-National Society held April 1st, 1878. (pdf)
The World of Ice
Or the Whaling Cruise of the Dolphin and adventures of her crew in the Polar regions by R M Ballantyne (pdf)
Fast in the Ice
Or Adventures in the Polar Regions by R. M. Ballantyne (pdf)
Forest Life in Acadie
Sketches of Sport and Natural History in the Lower Provinces of the Canadian Dominion by Captain Campbell Hardy (1869) (pdf)
Maple Leaves - Canadian History, Literature, Sport
Like a virgin goddess in a primeval world, Canada still walks in unconscious beauty among her golden woods and along the margin of her trackless streams, catching but broken glances of her radiant majesty, as mirrored on their surface, and scarcely dreams as yet of the glorious future awaiting her in the Olympus of nations.—(From Lord Dufferin's speach at Belfast, 11th June 1872.) By J. M. LeMoine (1873) (pdf)
Rural Life in Canada
Its Trend and Tasks by John MacDougall (1913) (pdf)
War Food
Practical and Economical Methods of Keeping Vegetables, Fruits and Meats by Amy L. Handy (1917) (pdf)
War-Time Breads and Cakes
By Amy L. Handy (1918) (pdf)
The Dorothy Perkins Canadian Garden Book
A timely and helpful handbook for the AMeteur Gardener. Written by a Canadian for Canadians, and adapted to our climatic conditions (1918) (pdf)
The Romance of Canada
Stories from the History of her Discovery, Exploration, Conquest and Settlement edited by Herbert Strang (pdf)
The Twa Mongrels
A Modern Eclogue by Tummus Teeddles (1876)
Canadian Living
A March 2016 edition of this monthly Magazine
Canadian Bookman
A quarterly publication of which this is the first issue (1915)
The Biography of a Grizzly
By Ernest Thompson Seton (fifteenth impression) (1919) (pdf)
Canadian Nationality
The Cry of Labor and other essays by W. Frank Hatheway (1906) (pdf)
Canadian Nights
Being Sketches and Reminisces of Life and Sport in the Rockies, the Prairies and the Canadian Woods by The Earl of Dunraven (1914) (pdf)
New Studies of Canadian Folk Lore
By H. Beaugrand (1904) (pdf)
Sir Peter Pettyshaw
A Story of Canadian Life (pdf)
Sketches of Canadian Life
Lay and Ecclesiastical, illustrative of Canada and the Canadian Church by A Presbyter of the Diocese of Toronto (1849) (pdf)
Record of the Founding of the Royal Canadian Academy
By His Excellency The Marquis of Lorne and Her Royal Highness The Princess Louise and the Constitution (1891) (pdf0
Osgoode Hall
Reminiscences of the Bench and Bar by James Cleland Hamilton (1904) (pdf)
Among the Canadian Alps
By Lawrence J. Burpee F.R.G.S. (1914) (pdf)
Monte Hale starring in Pioneer Marshal
A hard-riding, hard-shooting Western Movie in comic style pdf format (pdf)
The Canadian Mother's Book
By Helen MacMurcity, M.D.. (TOR.), Chief of the Division of Child Welfare (1927) (pdf)
Canadian Trails
Hither and Thither in the Great Dominion by Eldred G. F. Walker (1912) (pdf)
Canadian Wild Flowers
Selections from the writings of Miss Helen P. Q. Johnson of Magog, P.Q. Canada with a sketch of her life by the Rev. J. M. Orrock (1884) (pdf)
Canadian Wonder Tales
By Cyrus MacMillan with illustrations in colour by George Shering (1920) (pdf)
Forest Preservation in Canada (pdf)
Canadian Fairy Tales
By Cyrus Macmillan (1922)
Annual Flowers for Canadian Gardens
By Isabella Preson and R.W. Oliver (1947) issued by the Department of Agriculture (pdf)
A History of Canadian Journalism
In the several portions of the Dominion with a sketch of the Canadian Press Association 1859-1908 Edited by a Committee of the Association Toronto (1908) (pdf)
In a Canadian Canoe
The Nine Muses minus one and other stories by Barry Pain (third edition) (1891) (pdf)
Homeward from California
Through the Magnificence of the Canadian Rockies by the Canadian Pacific Railway (pdf)
Canadian Boundaries
Diplomatic and Consular Appropriation Bill Statement of Otto H. Tittmann (pdf). The work of defining the Border between Canada and Alaska.
Canadian Wild Flowers
Edited and Lithographed with Botanical Descriptions By C. P. Traill (1868) (pdf)
Flowers from a Canadian Garden
Selected and Edited by Lawrence J. Burpee (1909) (pdf)
The Forest of Bourg-Marie
By S. Frances Harrison (second edition) (1898) (pdf)
Canadian Essays
Critical and Historical by Thomas O'Hagan, M.A, Ph.D. (1901) (pdf)
Wild Animals I have known and 200 drawings
By Ernest Thompson Seton (1898) (pdf)
Canadian Poets
This volume contains brief but inclusive records of fifty men and women to whom song has come first. Many of their poems are indigenous to the soil,— vitally, healthfully Canadian. Chosen and Edited by John W. Garvin, B. A. (1916) (pdf)
The Book of Games
With directions on how to play them by Mary White (Eighth Edition) (1898) (pdf). To the game-loving people who so kindly welcomed the first appearance of this little book (under the title, "The Book of a Hundred Games"), I send my warmest thanks. That it was so cordially received in England, the paradise of sports, has been most gratifying, and this encourages me to send it forth again with fifteen additional games and a new dress. (pdf)
Fifty Winters Ago
By Gates Neill Peardon (1940) (pdf) A story for children (pdf)
At Youthful Days, Emigration and The Drinking Customs of Fifty Years Ago
Also At the Cranks Met with In the Emerald Isle and Canada; With Amusing Incidents and Anecdotes of the Early Settlers in the Latter Place, the Rebellion of 'J7, and a Brief Sketch of The York Pioneers Society by B. M, Murphy, Author of The School Upon the Hill (1890) (pdf)
Souvenirs of the Past
With Illustrations, an instructive and amusing work, giving a correct account of the customs and habits of the Pioneers of Canada and the surrounding country, embracing many anecdotes of its prominent inhabitants, and withal an absolute correct and historical account of many of the important political events connected with the early days of Canada and the Territory of Michigan by William Lewis Haby (1896) (pdf)
Trooper - The American Dream - Live Canada 150 - Port Moody
A video
Crazy Canadian Trivia 2
Even though the title of this book is Crazy Canadian Trivia 2, the people you'll meet here, and the things they did, aren't crazy — at least, not most of them. But some of them are pretty wild and wacky, and all of them are really interesting, at least in my opinion. That's why I can't resist filling up my trivia files with clippings about them and about all sorts of neat facts about Canada. Here's hoping you have as much fun reading about them as I do - Pat Hancock (pdf)
The Flaming Forest
A Novel of the Canadian Northwest by James Oliver Curwood (pdf)
The Canadian Journey
Rivers of Memory, River of Dreams (1980) (pdf)
The New Canadian Folksong and Handicraft Festival
Winnipeg June 19-23, 1928 (pdf)
Canada Descriptive Atlas
Issued by direction of Hon. W. A. Gordon, Minister of Immigration and Colonization (pdf)
A Woman in Canada
By Mrs. George Cran (1911) (pdf)
The Great North West
A magnificent Tale of Adventure by David Goodwin (pdf)
Canada and British Immigration
By Brigadier-General M. L. Hornby, C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O. of Lethbridge, Alberta and Invermere, B.C. (1936) (pdf)
Woman; Her Character, Culture and Calling
A Full Discussion of Woman's Work in the Home, The School, the Church and the Social Circle; with an Account of Her Successful Labors in Moral and Social Reform, Her Heroic Work for God and Humanity in the Mission Fields, Her Success as a Wage-Earner and in Fighting Life's Battle alone; with Chapters on all Departments of Woman's Training and Culture, Her Claims to the Higher Education, and the Best Methods to be pursued therein by a Galaxy of Distinguished Authors in the United States and Canada with an Introduction by Miss Frances E. Willard, President of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union and Edited by the Rev. Principal Austin, A.M., B.D. of Almac Ladies' College, St. Thomas, Ontario. (1890) (pdf)
Canada, The Land of Hope
By E. Way Elkington (1910) (pdf)
The Woman - Bless Her
Not as Amiable a Book as it Sounds. THE six chapters of this little book are devoted to studies of women in Canada by Marjory MacMurchy (1916) (pdf)
Canadian Living
The Ultimate Cook Book (pdf)
Canadian Jack
By John Mackie (1913) (pdf)
Handy Book of Canadian Law
By Edward Sugden, Lord St. Leonards, Revised and adapted for Canada with additions by Walter S. Scott, LL.D., (Dub.), F.R.S.L. (1917) (pdf)
Breaking the Ice Curtain?
Russia, Canada, and Arctic Security in a Changing Circumpolar World. Edited by P. Whitney Lackenbauer and Suzanne Lalonde (2019) (pdf)
The Trapper's Guide
And Manual of Instructions for capturing all kinds of fur-bearing animals, amd curing their skins; with observations on the Fur-Trade, hints on Life in the Woods and narratives of trapping and hunting excursions by S. Newhouse, and other Trappers and Sportsmen. (Ninth edition) (1894) (pdf)
Fur Trade in Canada
By Keith Wilson in the Focus on Canadian History Series (1929) (pdf)
Canadian Farm Cook Book
Compiled by The Women's Department Canadian Farm (1911) (pdf)
The Fighting Edge
A novel by William MacLeod Raine (1922) (pdf)
Children of the Arctic
By The Snow Baby and her Mother (1903) (pdf)
Canada-Scotland Friendship Group Relaunches on Parliament Hill

Canadian National Parks
Address by Hon. J. B. Harker (1917) (pdf)
Christmas in French Canada
By Louis Fréchette (1899) (pdf)
Christmas keepsake
December 19th, 1891 (pdf)
A Backswood Christmas
Story by Augustus Bridle, A homely sketch of how Christmas was kept in Old Ontario (1910) (pdf)
Hector My Dog, His Autobiography
By Egerton R. Young (1905) (pdf)
My Dogs in the Northland
By Egerton R. Young (1902) (pdf)
Forest and Prairie
Life on the Frontier by Emerson Bennett (1860) (pdf)
The Canadian Martyrs
By E. J. Devine, S.J. (second edition) (1923) (pdf)
Canadian Leaves
History, Art, Science, Literature, Commerce, A Series of New Papers read before the Canadian Club of New York (1887)
Worst Canadian Stories
Collected & Edited by Crad Kilodney in two volumes (1987)
The Buffalo Runners
A Tale of the Red River Plains by R. M. Ballantyne (1890) (pdf)
Nearly all the incidents in this tale are either facts, or founded on fact. The region in which the scenes were enacted, although now within the fringe of civilisation with the large and populous city of Winnipeg as its centre, formed—at the time I write of and still later when I sojourned there part of the almost unknown wilderness of Rupert's Land. R. M. B.
In the Heart of Old Canada
By William Wood (1913) (pdf)
Evolving Canadian Federalism
By A. R. M. Lower, F. R. Scott, et al. (1938) (pdf)
The Cities in the Suburbs
By Humphrey Carver (1965) (pdf)
My First Cariboo Hunt (1884)
Gold, Gold, in Cariboo!
A Story of Adventure in British Columbia by Clive Phillipps-Wolley (1893) (pdf)
Assunta Howard, and other stories and sketches
1891 (pdf)
The Canadian Pioneers
By Abbé H. R. Casgrain, Translated from the French by A. W. L. Gompertz (1896) (pdf)
Buffy Sainte-Marie
A Multimedia Life, chronicled the achievements of Sainte-Marie and her personal journey as singer, songwriter, artist, teacher and activist.
Report of the Aberdeen Association
The object the Association shall be to collect good and attractive
periodicals and other literature, and to distribute it in monthly parcels to settlers who apply for it from outlying parts of Canada.  (1898) (pdf)
Schooling in Canada
From the 1981 census (pdf)
Book Collecting
By M. A. Buchanan, University of Toronto (pdf)
Canada Descriptive Atlas
Issued by direction of Hon. James Alexander Robb, Minister of Immigration and colonization (1923) (pdf)
How do we make federal laws in Canada?
A Blog Post by EcoJustice written by Melanie Snow
The Sunny-Sulky Book
A book for children, By Sarah Cory Rippey (1913) (pdf)
Adult immigrant ESL programs in Canada
Emerging trends in the contexts of history, economics and identity. (2007) (pdf)
New Complete French Grammar
By W. H. Fraser & J. Squair, and A. Coleman, University of Chicago (1921) (pdf)
The Ancestry of Archibald Lampman, Poet
By Rev. Ernest Voorhis, A.M., Ph.D., Presented by Duncan C. Scott, Litt. D., F.R.S.C. (1921) (pdf)
The Second President Lincoln
By Rendell Williams, Presented by the Honble. William Renwick Riddell, F.R.S.C. (1921) (pdf)
Canadian Copyright
By Sir Daniel Wilson, LL.D., F.R.S.E., President of the University of Toronto (1892) (pdf)
Canada Greets You!
Issued by authority of The Hon. W. D. Euler, Minister of Trade and Commerce, for Canada (pdf)
Handbook of Canada
Published by the Publication Committee of the Local Executive, Toronto 1897, of the British Association for the Advancement of Science Toronto Meeting 1897 (pdf)
Experiments in Governing Canada
By D. A. O'Sullivan, D. C. L. (pdf)
The Warden of the Plains
And other stories of Life in the Canadian North-West by John MacLean M.A., Ph.D., illustrated by J. E. Laughlin (1896) (pdf)
Meditations of a pioneer backwoodsman
Or, Hints, facts, & figures advocating railway extension from Guelph to Lake Huron by Watkins, F. W. (1867) (pdf)
The Life of John James Audubon
The Naturalist, edited by his widow with an introduction by Jas. Grant Wilson (1869) (pdf).  He spent much time in Canada and Scotland.
The Drama of the Forests
Romance and Adventure by Arthur Heming (1921) (pdf)
Our Little Life
A Novel of Today by J. G. Sime (1921) (pdf)
The Valley of Gold
A Tale of the Saskatchewan by David Howarth. (1921) (pdf)
The Barren Ground of Northern Canada
Searching for the Musk-Ox By Warburton Pike (1917) (pdf)
The Quest of Alistair
A novel by Robert Allison Hood (1921) (pdf)
Mr. Billy Buttons
A novel by William A. McDermott (1896) (pdf)
Shepherds of the Wild
By Edison Marshall (1922) (pdf)
By William MacLeod Raine (1922) (pdf)
A "Mountie" story with a good movie plot. Mr. Raine knows more about the R.N.W.M.P. than most of those who purvey this type of fiction.
Brown Waters and Other Sketches
By W. H. Blake (1915) (pdf)
By Sinclair Lewis (1922) (pdf)
The Adventures of Sajo and her Beaver people
By Grey Owl [Wa=Sha=Quon=Asin] (1934) (pdf)
By Star and Compass
Tales of the Explorers of Canada by William Stewart Wallace (1922) (pdf)
The Lobstick Trail
A novel by Douglas Durkin (1921) (pdf)
Open Trails
By Emily Ferguson (1920) (pdf)
Over Prarie Trails
By Frederick Philip Grove (pdf)
Bengough's Chalk-Talks
A series of Platform Addresses on various topics, with reproductions of the impromptu Drawings with which they were illustrated by J. W. Bengough (1922) (pdf)
Human Beings Need Places Unchanged by Themselves
Defining and Debating Wilderness in the West Kootenays, 1969-74 by Jenny Clayton (pdf)
Alternative Education in the Back-to-the-Land Movement of the West Kootenays, 1959 to 1980
By Nancy Janovicek, University of Calgary (pdf)
This article examines two alternative schools developed by back-to-the-land communities in the West Kootenays, British Columbia. The Argenta Friends School offered an alternative education in a rural community to senior high school students. Quaker observation informed the school’s consensus governance and self-directed learning. The Vallican Whole School was a product of the Slocan Valley counterculture, and taught children from age six to sixteen. Children were encouraged to pursue their own interests rather than to follow a strict curriculum. Although they had different approaches to education, both schools emphasized the importance of learning rural skills as the foundation of an education that encouraged students to thrive in the place where they lived.
A Novel by Robert Stead (1922) (pdf)
Northland Stories
Tales of Trapping Life in the Canadian Wilderness by William MacMillan (1922) (pdf)
Common Sources of Conflict in Community
By Helen Stevenson (pdf)
The Writing on the Wall
In three parts - Past, Present and Future by H. Glynn-Ward (1921) (pdf)
Knights Errant of the Wilderness
Tales of the Explorers of the great North-West by Morden H. Long (1922) (pdf)
Tillicums of the Trail
Being Klondike Yarns Told to Canadian Soldiers Overseas by a Sourdough Padre By George C. F. Pringle, Chaplain in the Field with the Cameron Highlanders of Canada (1922) (pdf)
The Bridge
A Story of the Great Lakes by M. L. C. Pickthall (1922) (pdf)
This my Son
A Novel by John Freeman (1923) (pdf)
Down the Mackenzie and up the Yukon in 1906
BY Elihu Stwart, Formerly Superintendent of Forestry for Canada (1913) (pdf)
Annual Report and Transaction No. 23 1922 - 1923
Of the Women's Canadian Historical Society of Toronto including Sketch of the Life of Mrs. W. Forsyth-Grant (pdf)
A Voyage with the Voyageurs
From Appletons' Journal (pdf)
Notes on the Road
By a Canadian "Guerilla" alias Commercial Traveller (1868) (pdf)
Proceedings of the Canadian Institute
City Sanitation and Sewage Disposal by L. J. Clark (pdf)
Record of the celebration of the centenary of the Talbot settlement held in 1903
by Ermatinger, C. O. (Charles Oakes) (1910) (pdf)
Duncan Polite
The Watchman of Glenora by Mary Esther Miller MacGregor (1905)
presents a Highlander and a Lowlander as two old friends keeping an eye on the life of the village of Glenora. (pdf)
The Silver Maple
A Novel by Marian Keith (1906) (pdf)
The Major
A novel by Ralph Connor (1917) (pdf)
Anne of Green Gables
A novel by L. M. Montgomery (1933) (pdf)
Canadian Nights
Being sketches and reminiscences of life and sport in the Rockies, the Prairies, and the Canadian woods by the Earl of Dunraven (1914) (pdf)
The Spoilers of the Valley
A Novel by Robert Watson (1921) (pdf)
Travels through the Canadas
Containing a description of the picturesque scenery on some of the rivers and lakes; with an account of the productions, commerce, and inhabitants of those provinces. To which is subjoined a comparative view of the manners and customs of several of the Indian nations of North and South America by George Herriot (1807) (pdf)
William Wilfred Campbell
By O. J. Stevenson from the Canadian Bookman Magazine of March 1927

Mazo De La Roche
By John Macklem from the September 2027 edition of the Canadian Bookman Magazine
Lucy Maud Montgomery
By V. B. Rhodenizer from the Canadian Bookman Magazine of August 1927
The Anti-Slavery Crusade
A Chronicle of the Gathering Storm by Jesse Macy (1919) (pdf)
Norm MacDonald's Revenge
From Maxim Magazine (pdf)
Explorations in the Far North
By Frank Russell (1898) (pdf)
Couples Report from
Jordan & Tammy Peterson
A Cup of Tea With Nellie McClung
By A. Ermatinger Fraser
The Macaulay Club
By R. E. Gosnell
Old and New McGill
By J. Murray Gibbon
The Drama of the Forests
Romance and Adventure by Arthur Heming (1921)
Earth's Enigmas
By Charles G. D. Roberts (1903) (pdf)
Most of the stories in this collection attempt to present one or another of those problems of life or nature to which, as it appears to many of us, there is no adequate solution within sight. Others are the almost literal transcript of dreams which seemed to me to have a coherency, completeness, and symbolic significance sufficiently marked to justify me in setting them down. The rest are scenes from that simple life of Canadian backwoods and tide-country with which my earlier years made me familiar. This edition is enlarged by the inclusion of three new stories, entitled "The House at Stony Lonesome," "The Hill of Chastisement," and "On the Tantramar Dyke;" and what is more important, it is enriched by the drawings of Mr. Charles Livingston Bull, for whose sympathetic interpretations I take this opportunity of expressing my gratitude.
The Bystander
1883 Edition (pdf)
A Monthly Review, The Bystandar
Of Current Events, Canadian and General, October, 1889 to September, 1890 (pdf)
The Watchers of the Trails
A Book of Animal Life by Charles C. D. Roberts (1904) (pdf)
Jack Miner and the Birds
Some things I know about Nature by Jack Miner of Kingsville, Ontario, Canada (1923)
Dick Kent In the Far North
A novel by Milton Richards [text file]
Canadian Folk-Life and Folk-Lore
By William Parker Greenough (1897) (pdf)
Brother Eskimo
By Alan Sullivan, Illustrated by George Avison (1921) (pdf)
Certain Canadian Superstitions
From the Journal of American Folk-Lore by Alice M. Leeson (pdf)
Scotland and her Memories
An address delivered at Montreal, Hallowe'en, 1890 by Hon. Geo. W. Ross, Minister of Education for Ontario (pdf)
The Conquest of a Continent
Or the expansion of races in America by Madison Grant (1933) (pdf)
Cities in the Suburbs
By Humphrey Carver (1965) (pdf)
Canadian Cultural Mosaic
A three part video series
Copies of Letters from Settlers in Upper Canada to their Friends
Containing important practical Information relating to that Country, for the guidance of Emigrants (1831) (pdf)
Royalty in Canada
Embracing sketches of the House of Argyll, the Right Honourable the Marquis of Lorne, (Governor-General of Canada), her Royal Highness the Princess Louise and the Members of the New Government by Charles R. Tuttle (1878) (pdf)
The Canada Year Book 1939
The Official Statistical Annual of the Resources, History, Institutions, and Social and Economic conditions of the Dominion. Published by Authority of The Honourable William D. Euler, M.P., Minister of Trade and Commerce (pdf)
The Canadian Scene
Sketches: Political and Historical by Hector Charlesworth (1927) (pdf)
Pioneer Literary Endeavor in Western Canada
From The Cayuidian Magazine, February 1894 by Henry Scadding (pdf)
A Scotch Catholic Settlement in Canada
By Miss A. M. Pope (1881) (pdf)
The Canadian Handbook
Issues for 1961 and 1986 showing how progress was made in a quarter of a century.
Descriptive Atlas (1925) (pdf)
Ecozones of Canada
A Government publication (1996) (pdf)
Facts on Canada (1963) (pdf)
Perspectives of Canada III
By Statistics Canada. This book is more than a collection of statistics. It is rather a set of descriptive essays which rely primarily on statistics to provide a variety of perspectives on the social and economic features of Canadian life. (1980) (pdf)
Growing Up in Canada
National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth by Statistics Canada (1996) (pdf)
Winter in Canada
By Ernest Voorhis (1929) (pdf)
The Sheila Watson Archives
John M. Kelly Library, University of St. Michael's College, University of Toronto (pdf)
Canadian Schoolhouse in the Red
The First National Study of School Facilities. A Canadian national study provides provincial data on the country's publicly funded school facilities including school building age, student achievement and school condition, fiscal condition, maintenance, and energy usage. (1993) (pdf)
English America
Or Pictures of Canadian Places and People by Samuel Phillips Day in two volumes (1864)
Forest Scenes and Incidents in the Wilds pf North America
Being a Diary of a Winter's Route from Halifax to the Canadas and during four months residence in the woods on the Borders of Lakes Huron and Simcoe by George Head, Esq. (pdf)
Travels Through the Canadas
Containg a description of the picturesque scenery on some of the rivers and lands with an account of the productions, commernce,and inhabitants of those Provinces to which is subjoined a comparitive view of the manners and customs of several of the Indian nations of north and south America by George Heriot, Deputy Post Master of British North America (1807)
A Pedestrian Tour
Of Two Thousand Three Hundred Miles, in North America to the Lakes, The Canadas, And the New-England States performed in the Autumn of 1821 by P. Stansbury (pdf)
The Canals of Canada
An historic and modern view of the canals of Canada
The Kilties
(Under Royal Patronage) Souvenir Album (pdf)
In the Land of the Moose, the Bear, and the Beaver
Adventures in the forests of the Athabasca by Achilles Daunt (1885) (pdf)
The three trappers
a story of adventure in the wilds of Canada by Achilles Daunt (1893) (pdf)
Views in the Canadas
New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia drawn from nature by Lieut.-Col. Bouchette and his sons Messrs Joseph; R. S. M.; and J. F. Bouchette (1832) (pdf)
Sketches of a Summer Trip to New York and the Canadas
BY David Wilkie (1837) (pdf)
Existing Difficulties in the Government of the Canadas
By J. A. Roebuck, M. P. (1836) (pdf)
Discover the richest family in Canada in this video!
Learn about their wealth, business empire, and how they became one of the wealthiest families in the country.
A Summer on the Canadian Prarie
By Georgina Binnie-Clark (1910) (pdf)

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