There are movements
afoot in Canada to select a National Bird as part of the Canada
celebrations for its 150th year of existence in 2017. Currently we have
the maple as our official tree and for better or worse, the beaver as
our official mammal. So why not an official bird? Many countries have
one, the U.S. with its bald eagle being a prime example. I strongly
believe that we should choose the gray jay, formerly known as the Canada
jay. Here are no less than SIXTEEN compelling reasons why it would be a
great choice:
1) Found in all
thirteen provinces and territories; it is only barely found in the U.S.,
in the Rocky Mt region and Alaska
2) A member of the corvid family, arguably the smartest birds on the
3) Extremely friendly toward humans like all Canadians, often found
panhandling on cross-country ski trails;
4) Very hardy like all Canadians, having highly adapted itself to living
in very cold regions;
5) Figures strongly in First Nations folklore, also called the whiskey
6) Is not an endangered species and thus, not at risk of disappearing;
7) Figures prominently in the boreal forest ecological zone,
constituting a vast portion of our country worthy of protection and
under pressure from clear-cutting and oil and gas development;
8) Not a hunted species, so it is not shot by Canadians;
9) Not an official bird species for any of the ten provinces and
recognized territories nor any other country (common loon is Ontario’s
bird; snowy owl is Quebec’s bird)
10) Formerly called the Canada jay by ornithologists; its French name is
mésangeai du Canada and its Latin name is Perisoreus canadensis!)
11) Stays in Canada year-round
12) Not flamboyant in its appearance, best representing the conservative
nature of Canadians!
13) Not regarded as an obnoxious or nuisance species (like the Canada
goose which is culled in the U.S.!)
14) Cannot be confused with any other bird species (99.6% of Canadians
cannot tell the difference between a raven and a crow!)
15) Not a circumpolar species, i.e. not found in other northern
countries (as is the snowy owl and raven)
16) Does look like any other bird species and thus, cannot be
In short, I cannot
think of a more Canadian bird!!! If Canada adopts this species as its
national bird, we might even be able to convince the Nomenclature
Committee of the American Ornithologists’ Union to rename it the Canada
The only thing going
against it is that many Canadians do not see this bird every day (unless
they enjoy skiing!), but lots of states and provinces as well as other
countries have official birds that the public does not see on a regular
basis and may in fact never see them as a live bird. The fact is that
once it is chosen, we can promote the bird so that Canadians make an
effort to visit our boreal forest to become very familiar with it and
indeed, be proud of it as our National Bird.
Other Comments:
A few years ago, a
raptor organization called The Canadian Raptor Conservancy in Ontario
started promoting a national bird for Canada, but they have been doing
it mostly by using an internet vote. I worry about their process because
there are species on their list of candidates which would be a
disastrous choice. For instance, the Canada goose is an obnoxious bird
that is much hated in the U.S., U.K. and elsewhere to the point of being
culled. The common loon is Ontario's bird, not likely a popular idea
with the other provinces, especially its arch-rival, Quebec. The same
can be said for the snowy owl, which is Quebec’s official bird. Another
leading candidate, the red-tailed hawk, is even more common in the U.S.
than Canada, so it is not very distinctive. Fortunately, the gray jay is
one of the candidates! More importantly, The Canadian Geographic Society
has recently initiated a similar online survey, a much more serious
effort, for the general public to weigh in on this matter. Forty
candidates have been nominated, including the gray jay, but currently
the front-runners are the common loon, the snowy owl, and gasp…. the
Canada goose. Personally, I would like to see some intelligent
discussion and debate about such an important matter as opposed to just
letting the public make some inane choice. I recall running a popular
vote to select an official bird for the city of Montreal and we ended up
with the American goldfinch only because the children who ended up being
allowed to vote thought that it was the prettiest bird. Recently, the
city of Vancouver went with the black-capped chickadee as its official
bird, another democratic decision that did not make any sense among
Canadian ornithologists. I am seeking help from all quarters to
facilitate the selection of the gray jay as Canada’s National Bird.
David M. Bird, PhD,
Emeritus Professor of Ornithology at McGill University
February 9, 2015
Picture by Chuck King
Picture by Melanie Pebemat
Picture by Gord Belyea
Picture by Rejean Turgeon
The Finnicky Gray Jay
Citizenship: Canadian.
Born April 23, 1949, Toronto, Ontario
and Written: English
with some ability in French
Emeritus Professor of Wildlife Biology at McGill University and Director
of the Avian Science and Conservation Centre. Main researchinterests over 40 years focused on raptorial birds, e.g.
falcons, hawks, eagles, owls, etc. Participated in recovery programs for
endangered Peregrine Falcons and Loggerhead Shrikes. Most recent
research interest includes application of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV)
to wildlife studies. Also have extensive consulting experience in
human-bird interactions, e.g. control of nuisance wildlife, impact of
ecotourism, wind farms, golf courses, urbanization, etc. on birds of
prey and wildlife in general.
Administrative skills
in community service include being Past-President of the
Raptor Research Foundation Inc.; Past-President of the Society of
Canadian Ornithologists, Past member of the board of directors of the
American Birding Association; current ex-officio member of
Unmanned Systems Canada. Elected as a Fellow of the American
Ornithologists’ Union in 1996 and as a Member of the International
Ornithological Committee in 1998. Have world-wide contacts in
ornithology. Organized two major conferences on birds and numerous
symposia and workshops. Founded a new peer-reviewed scientific
publication, the Journal of Unmanned Vehicle Systems, as part of the NRC
Research Press series, for Unmanned Systems Canada.
Have much
experience in area of public relations; produced a weekly
nature report for CFCF-CTV, a major English television network in Quebec
for 3 years; produced television reports for The Discovery Channel
(Canada) in 1995; wrote a monthly column on birds in The Gazette,
Quebec's only major English newspaper; write a column on bird behaviour
for the bimonthly magazine, Bird-Watchers' Digest. Logged many hours on
radio phone-in shows on wildlife for CJAD and CBC; produced a weekly
nature column on CJAD radio for 45 weeks in 1995. Founded and organized
the Montreal Bird Festival in May 2000.
In terms
ofteaching at McGill University, lectured on ornithology,
wildlife behaviour, science communication methods, wildlife
conservation, and fisheries and wildlife management. Taught ornithology
in Kenya for 5 stints. Have taught a 5-day ornithology course for
interested bird-lovers. Hosted/led birding trips to several countries,
including Belize, Costa Rica, Peru, India, Chile, Virgin Islands,
Galapagos, and Kenya. 37 M.Sc. and 11 Ph.D. students supervised to
completion; 2 M.Sc. students currently being supervised.
awards over the last 5 years include
the Award for Excellent in Alumni Education from McGill University,
the Tom Cade Award from the
Raptor Research Foundation for Significant Contributions to Captive
Breeding and Conservation of Birds of Prey, the Quebec Education Award
awarded by Bird Protection Quebec, and the Roland Michener Conservation
Award from the Canadian Wildlife Federation.
Over 200
publications in refereed scientific journals/conference
proceedings; edited three conference proceedings, edited four books in
last 5 years including Raptor Research and Management Techniques (2007)
and best-selling Birds of Canada (2010), Birds of Eastern Canada (2013)
and Birds of Western Canada (2013); author of City Critters: How to Live
With Urban Wildlife (1986), Bird’s Eye View (1999), and The Bird Almanac
Lakeshore Road
Ste. Anne
de Bellevue, Quebec H9X 3V9