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Settling in Canada
A series of videos helping you to prepare for coming to and settling in Canada.

Before You Arrive in Canada
This video will help you get ready for your new life in Canada. It will explain some of the things you should do before you leave your country of origin to make sure you are prepared when you arrive in Canada.  Topics include learning English and French, gathering official documents, getting ready to find work, Canada's health and education systems and much more.

Permanent Resident Card
Learn about the permanent resident card (PR card), the official proof of immigration status for all permanent residents of Canada. Permanent residents should apply for a new card six months before their card will expire. If you plan to travel outside the country and return to Canada on a commercial vehicle like a train or airplane, you must have a valid PR card.

Your First Two Weeks in Canada
This video will help you get ready for your new life in Canada. It will explain some of the things you should do during your first two weeks in Canada to help make the transition easier. Topics include arriving at the airport, finding support at an immigrant-serving organization, getting government documents, opening a Canadian bank account and much more.

Day to Day Life in Canada - GNA

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