THE first part of
the following work was written with the design of conveying an idea
of some of the picturesque scenery of the Saint Lawrence, at once
the largest and most wonderful body of fresh waters on. this globe.
Numbers of tributary, streams, some of which are of immense
magnitude, disembogue themselves into this gigantic flood, which,
from its principal source, Lake Superior, to its junction with the
Ocean, parts with none of its waters, but rolls thither all that it
The restless impetuosity of many of these streams has furrowed up
the surface of the land, and produced objects of stupendous
grandeur. Several of these awful and sublime operations of Nature,
have hitherto been visited by a small portion only of civilized men.
Her most wild features, her most striking and attractive charms, are
frequently concealed in the midst of unfrequented deserts.
To the picturesque description of the scenes in Canada, is added
that of the climate and productions of the country, of the manners
and character of the inhabitants, also of those of the domiciliated
Indians, and of tribes which occupy or frequent situations on the
borders of the great lakes. A brief dissertation respecting the
commerce and constitution of the Canadas is likewise subjoined.
An opportunity of visiting the Azores having been presented to the
Author during his voyage to America, he has made two of the most
celebrated of these isles the subject of the commencement of this
In drawing up the second part, recourse was had to documents found
in the library of the Jesuits at Quebec, and to Memoirs, Travels,
and other works, which have been published at different periods. As
some of these are written in the English language, it was conceived
unnecessary to make any material alteration in the stile of the
passages which have been borrowed from them. A list of such
authorities as have been consulted will be found below. A portion of
the information has been derived from living observation,
communicated by men on whose veracity a reliance could be placed. A
residence in Canada for a series of years, has afforded to the
author opportunities of witnessing the modes of life pursued By
several of the Indian nations, and has enabled him to adduce what he
has himself observed, as well as to reject what he deemed improbable
in the writings he consulted.
Amid the multitude of tribes scattered throughput the extensive
regions of America, it appears singular that there should be found
in use a distinct language peculiar to each, and frequently customs
which have but little affinity to those of neighbouring
associations. Among many, ceremonies and practices are found
resembling those of the former inhabitants of countries in the
ancient hemisphere. When there appears any striking similarity with
respect to usages, among people far remote from each other, it is
remarked in the following pages.
The events which take place among men, many of whom are but little
removed from the rude simplicity of a state of nature; appear to
present but a barren field for narration. The natives of America
seem to possess but little variety in their character or customs,
and to be incapable of attaining any great degree of improvement.
Their passions exhibit a resemblance to the vast inequalities of the
climates to which their bodies are exposed. Like the elements, they
are either lulled to stilness, or roused into unrelenting fury.
The almost infinite diversity of tongues spoken by the inhabitants
of America, and the difficulties encountered in the endeavour to
attain acknowledge of some of them, render it impracticable to
afford any very satisfactory information on the subject of language.
In the last chapter, however, will be found a Vocabulary of the
Algonquin Tongue, whose use is the most extensive of any in North
26th August, 1806.
Travels Through the
by George Heriot, Deputy Post Master of British North America (1807)
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