GALT was a reservoir of ideas, a peerless exponent of finance and the
first man to force Confederation into practical politics in Canada. As a
father of protection, he penned a declaration of fiscal independence in
1859 which is one of the country’s steps in self-government. As the
first Canadian High Commissioner in London, he blazed a new Imperial
trail and proclaimed sentiments of loyalty which effaced the annexation
ideas of his early manhood. Throughout his public career he was the
champion of the Protestants of Quebec, and when he felt their rights
were prejudiced he resigned as Minister of Finance in 1866. His
constructive ability commanded general admiration, but fickleness and
independence robbed him of the fame and influence he deserved.
Galt’s portly, erect form was familiar for a quarter century of public
life, during which he counselled various leaders and supported different
ministries, but he never lost the respect of the people. His was the
generous, amiable personality of a robust, healthy man. He was a sincere
and earnest speaker, with a well-modulated voice and an amazing mastery
of facts, but he was not an orator. His diction was simple, without
flowers of eloquence, but was rather the cold, colorless language of the
Galt was essentially a practical man in politics. He left a successful
business and put at his country’s service a financial expertness rare in
public life. We think of Quebec as old and long settled, but Galt played
a large part in colonizing the Eastern Townships in the ’thirties and
’forties of last century. His father, John Galt, the Scottish novelist,
from whom he inherited his rich mental qualities, had preceded him in
the land business, being the founder and Commissioner of the Canada
Company, which colonized large tracts of the “Queen’s Bush” between
Toronto and Lake Huron and founded Guelph and Goderich.
Alexander Galt was born in London on September 6, 1817, and came to
Canada in 1834, as a junior clerk in the British American Land Company
at Sherbrooke. He rose step by step until in 1844 he became Commissioner
of the Company. He found its affairs in confusion, and by his ability
and understanding brought them to order and prosperity. His business
success attracted notice and in 1849 he was elected to Parliament for
the County of Sherbrooke. He sat through the stormy session of 1849,
when the Parliament Buildings in Montreal were burned, after the passage
of the Rebellion Losses Bill. This seemed to sicken young Galt of
politics for the time, for he retired to private life.
It was in 1849 that a group of influential Lower Canadians issued a
manifesto favoring annexation to the United States. A. T. Galt was one
of the signers of this document. It is easy now to condemn such an
extreme view of the country’s future, but Canadian prosperity was then
endangered by the adoption of free trade by Britain in 1846, and
Canadian pride was hurt by the indifference of British statesmen to
their colonies. It was then the fashion in Britain to say the colonies
cost more than they were worth. Galt was influenced, too, by a desire to
secure relief from the domination of the Catholic Church.
During the next four years Galt became President of the St. Lawrence &
Atlantic Ry., extricated it from its difficulties by amalgamation with
the Grand Trunk Ry., and participated in the construction of the Grand
Trunk from Toronto to Sarnia. From 1852 to 1859 he was a director of the
G.T.R. By 1853 he was back in Parliament, where he found scope for his
talents in financial, trade and commercial questions. Upon the fall of
the Brown-Dorion Government in 1858, Sir Edmund Head, impressed by
Galt’s striking speech that year in favor of a federal union, asked him
to form a Cabinet, but, realizing that his independent course, while
spectacular, left him without a following, he declined. George E.
Cartier, who was called on at Galt’s suggestion, took Galt as Minister
of Finance, promising to adopt federal union as a Cabinet policy. The
great issue of the time thus became a practical one.
Before tracing more in detail Galt’s contribution to Confederation, it
is instructive to note his services in forming Canada’s financial
policy. His first duty in taking office in 1858 was to restore the
shattered finances of United Canada. Revenues were low and expenses
high. It was his opportunity. Cayley, his predecessor, had been induced
by Isaac 8uchanan of Hamilton, the leading figure in the Association for
the Promotion of Canadian Industry, to give protection in the tariff to
several manufacturing industries. Galt went farther in 1859 and raised
the tariff from 15 to 20 per cent, on unenumerated articles. The object
of this tariff, he told the House on March 18, was “to encourage the
industrial portion of the community and to equally distribute the taxes
necessary for revenue purposes.” He ridiculed the idea that British
connection would be endangered, but before many months his policy had
made trouble in the old country and in the United States. An American
commission reported in 1860 that they were strongly impressed with the
lack of good faith shown towards the United States by Galt’s policy, and
Edward Porritt avers that feeling was so strong that even without the
Alabama case, the St. Albans raid and other episodes, the reciprocity
treaty would not have survived a day longer than it did.
If the United States was angry and retaliatory, the mother country was
sullenly acquiescent. Sir Edmund Head, in forwarding the new tariff to
the Colonial Secretary, was somewhat apologetic.
“I must necessarily leave the representatives of the people in
Parliament,” he wrote, “to adopt the mode of raising supplies which they
believe to be most beneficial to their constituents.”
Merchants of Sheffield protested against the new tariff and asked the
British Government to discountenance it as “a system condemned by reason
and experience.” The Duke of Newcastle, in forwarding the protest,
regretted that the law had been passed, but sa.d he would probably have
no other course than to signify the Queen’s assent to it. The Duke was
right, as he was pointedly told by Galt in the return mail.
“The Government of Canada,” Galt wrote, “acting for its Legislature and
people, cannot, through those feelings of deference which they owe to
the Imperial authorities, in any measure waive or diminish the right of
the people of Canada to decide for themselves both as to the mode and
extent to which taxation shall be imposed. . . . Self-government would
be utterly annihilated if the views of the Imperial Government were to
be preferred to those of the people of Canada. It is, therefore, the
duty of the present Government distinctly to affirm the right of the
Canadian Legislature to adjust the taxation of the people in the way
they deem best—even if it unfortunately should happen to meet with the
disapproval of the Imperial Ministry. Her Majesty cannot be advised to
disallow such acts unless her advisers are prepared to assume the
administration of the affairs of the colony irrespective of the views of
its inhabitants.”
Another important achievement by Galt at this time was the introduction
into Canada in 1858 of the decimal currency system, which replaced the
pounds, shillings and pence of the motherland.
There had been discussion of union of the British American Provinces for
years, but Galt forced the issue by his speech in the Assembly at
Toronto on July 6, 1858. He then outlined roughly the plan of union
which was subsequently adopted. He declared that unless a union was
formed the Province of Canada would inevitably drift into the United
States. He saw merits in the union of the two Canadas, which had
organized municipal government, settled the clergy reserves and
seigniorial tenure questions, and made the Legislative Council elective.
Yet the present Government, the strongest for several years, were unable
to carry their measures. The present system could not go on, it was
necessary to change the constitution, to adopt the federal principle.
Questions of religion and race now promoted disunion. If they adopted
the federal principle each section of the union might adopt whatever
views it regarded as proper for itself.
Canada, he said, looking to the future, was the foremost colony of the
foremost empire of the world. But in five months they had disposed of
measures that should have been passed in as many weeks. They had not
been able to take up the great subject of the Hudson’s Bay Company, and
unless they extended themselves east and west and made one great
northern confederation they must be content to fall into the arms of the
neighboring federation. Was it nothing to them to control all this
Hudson’s Bay territory? Such a thing was never known before that a
continent ten times as large as Canada was offered to a state. He
desired to see a wide and grand system of federation for the British
North American colonies. He believed a universal desire prevailed that
we should be no longer a colony—that we were fit for the dignity of
nationhood. And to such an aspiration no bar was offered by the Imperial
authority. He had no proclivities for office, he said. He only wished to
see the necessary policy for the country adopted, and he would give his
best support to any government who would carry out those principles.
Galt presented a resolution favoring federation, in part as follows:
“It is therefore the opinion of this House that the union of Upper with
Lower Canada should be changed from a legislative to a federative union
by the subdivision of the Province into two or more divisions, each
governing itself in local and sectional matters, with a general
legislature and government for subjects of national and common
He also proposed:
“That a general confederation of the Provinces of New Brunswick, Nova
Scotia, Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island with Canada and the
western territories is most desirable and calculated to promote their
several and united interests by preserving to each Province the language
control, management of its peculiar institutions and of those internal
matters respecting which differences of opinion might arise with other
members of the confederation, while it will increase that identity of
feeling which pervades the possessions of the British Crown in North
Strange to say, this clear-cut program attracted little notice at the
time. George Brown said he preferred representation by population, but
failing that he would take federal union of the Canadas. A little later
Galt entered Cartier’s Cabinet, taking with him the policy of
federation. Cartier, in announcing his Cabinet’s program, gave definite
form to the policy when he declared:
“The expediency of a federal union of the British North American
Provinces will be anxiously considered, and communications with the Home
Government and the Lower Provinces entered into forthwith on this
At this time the climax of the deadlock had not been reached, but
political rivalries and racial jealousies were fast bringing about an
impasse. There were able men in plenty in public life, but the
inequalities between Upper and Lower Canada were causing ill-feeling and
anxiety, with no solution in sight. Cartier implemented his promise, and
with Galt and John Ross went to England. Their memorandum to the
Colonial Secretary, Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton, urged confederation on
grounds peculiar to Canada and considerations affecting the interests of
the other colonies and the whole empire. It referred to the demand for
increased representation for Upper Canada, which had resulted in “an
agitation fraught with great danger to the peaceful and harmonious
working of our constitutional system, and consequently detrimental to
the progress of the Province.” The memorandum set forth the desirability
of uniting Canada, the Maritime Provinces and Newfoundland, and added:
“The population, trade and resources of all these Provinces have so
rapidly increased of late years, and the removal of trade restrictions
has made them in so great a degree self-sustaining, that it appears to
the Government of Canada exceedingly important to bind still more
closely the ties of their common allegiance to the British Crown, and to
obtain for general purposes such an identity of legislation as may serve
to consolidate their growing powers, thus raising in the British Empire
an important federation on the North American continent.”
Little encouragement followed this formal appeal. The Colonial Secretary
showed no enthusiasm for the union, and writing a month later said the
Imperial Government could go no further at present, as they had received
a reply on the subject from only one Province.
Other events were to move the union scheme forward, and Mr. Galt found
his opportunity first as a diplomat in arranging the coalition and
afterwards as a Canadian delegate to the Charlottetown Conference. He
was one of the Ministers to sail on the Queen Victoria, the ship of
destiny freighted with the inarticulated hopes of a nation yet to be.
Galt’s unique powers as an exponent of finance were never used to better
advantage than here. At that momentous gathering, called to discuss “the
reunion of the Maritime Provinces,” as Tupper had aptly phrased it, Galt
made an impressive address.
“The financial position of Canada,” says John Hamilton Gray, the
delegate-historian of the Confederation Conference, of Galt’s speech,
“was contrasted with the other Provinces, their several sources of
wealth, their comparative increases, the detrimental way in which their
conflicting tariffs operated to each other’s disadvantage, the expansion
of their commerce, the expansion of their manufactures, and the
development of the various internal resources that would be fostered by
a further increase of trade and a greater unity of interest, were
pointed out with great power by Mr. Galt in a speech of three hours.
Statistics were piled upon statistics, confirming his various positions
and producing a marked effect upon the convention. It might almost be
said of him on this occasion as was once said of Pope, though speaking
of figures in a different sense:
“‘He lisped in numbers—for the numbers came.’”
From now on, for the next two years, Galt was a virile leader in
promoting the cause of union. At the Quebec Conference he played an
important part in finally adjusting the financial relations of the
Provinces under the union scheme, a point which at one time brought
deadlock and almost wrecked the convention. At a banquet during the
Quebec Conference Galt prophesied great prosperity as a result of
Confederation, pointing to the enormous free trade area of the United
States as an object lesson in promoting commerce.
At Sherbrooke, on November 23 of the same year, in an important speech,
Galt defended the union of 1841 as far as it had gone, and held that the
concession of representation by population would be attended by a
dangerous agitation. The Provinces of British North America, if united,
he said, would form a power on the northern half of the continent “which
would be able to make itself respected, and which he trusted would
furnish hereafter happy and prosperous homes to many millions of the
industrial classes from Europe now struggling for existence.”
“By a union with the Maritime Provinces,” he added, “we should be able
to strike a blow on sea, and, like the glorious old mother country,
carry our flag in triumph over the waters of the great ocean.” If Galt
meant the creation of a Canadian navy or a Canadian wing of the British
navy, history has shown him too optimistic on that one point. In this
speech Galt also upheld the rights of the minority in education in all
Provinces, rights which he said must be protected in the new
Mr. Galt made one of the important speeches during the Confederation
debates in 1865, when in his thorough manner he discussed the economics
of the situation. He quoted the trade returns of the various Provinces
in 1863 as follows: Total exports and imports— Canada, $87,795,000 or
$35 per head; New Brunswick, $16,729,680, or $66 per head; Nova Scotia,
$18,622,359, or $56 per head; Prince Edward Island, $3,055,568 or $37
per head; Newfoundland $11,245,032 or $86 per head; a total of
$137,447,567. These figures compared with the total trade of the
Dominion of Canada of over two billion dollars in 1916—much of it, it is
true, a forced development from the war—are a flashlight on the success
which has followed Confederation, at least in that direction. Galt
foresaw much of this growth and in a passage in this speech gave rein to
his imagination:
“Possessing as we do in the far western part of Canada perhaps the most
fertile wheat-growing tracts on this continent, in central and eastern
Canada facilities for manufacturing such as cannot anywhere be
surpassed, and in the eastern or Maritime Provinces an abundance of that
most useful of all minerals, coal, as well as the most magnificent and
valuable fisheries in the world; extending as this country does over two
thousand miles, traversed by the finest navigable river in the world, we
might well look forward to our future with hopeful anticipation of
seeing the realization not merely of what we have hitherto thought would
be the commerce of Canada, great as that might become, but to the
possession of Atlantic ports which we should help to build to a position
equal to that of the chief cities of the American continent.”
The spade work for Confederation in Canada had now been done, though
much remained as yet to reconcile Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. Galt
had his part in the mission to London in 1865. All was then smooth, but
in August, 1866, he startled the country by resigning as Finance
Minister on the determination of the Government not to proceed with the
Lower Canada education bill. This bill was promoted by the Protestant
minority of Lower Canada, and the Roman Catholic majority would not
permit it to pass unless a similar bill with reference to the Roman
Catholic minority in Upper Canada was also enacted. John A. Macdonald,
in voicing the Government’s position, said the policy advocated for the
minorities would give the Maritime Provinces an unfortunate spectacle of
two Houses divided against themselves. “Instead of a double majority,”
he said, “we should have a double minority.”
Notwithstanding his resignation from the Cabinet, Galt’s abilities were
requisitioned for the final stages of the Confederation bill, and he
accompanied the Ministerial delegation to England in the fall of 1866 to
draft the B. N, A. Act. He entered the first Confederation Cabinet as
Minister of Finance and, like Cartier, revolted at the proffered C. B.
as insufficient recognition for his services, and was subsequently, in
1869, made a K. C. M. G. His tractability was of short duration. In
November, 1867, he resigned from the Cabinet, and there has always been
an air of mystery as to the cause. Sir John Rose, who succeeded him,
told friends that he found the business of the Department in ragged
shape, so far as preparing for the next Budget was concerned, a fact
which might indicate irresolution for some time. The correspondence
subsequently made public shows that he resented the refusal of his
colleagues to go to the rescue of the Commercial Bank, in which he was
heavily interested. His letter of November 3 to Sir John Macdonald
affirms his decision to “withdraw from official life until at least I
have had the opportunity of putting my affairs in something like
The portfolio of Finance was again offered him in 1869 if he would
renounce his views in favor of the independence of Canada, but he
declined. Galt then went into opposition to Sir John Macdonald, who
reciprocated the opposition with the utmost heartiness. Writing to Sir
John Rose on February 23, 1870, Sir John said:
“Galt has come out, I am glad to say, formally in opposition and
relieved me of the difficulty connected with him. . . . He is now
finally dead as a Canadian politician.”
Galt was, however, far from dead and buried. In 1876, in a letter to
Senator James Ferrier, he criticized Macdonald for his connection with
the Pacific Scandal. The Conservative chieftain, then in defeat and
dejection, expressed the anger of a man wounded in the house of a
friend, and responded half-heartedly to approaches for a renewal of
friendship. A year later the Mackenzie Government used Galt’s diplomacy
with good result on the Fisheries Commission at Halifax, and in 1880 Sir
John Macdonald made him the first Canadian High Commissioner to Great
Britain, declaring him to be “the most available man for the position.”
To Galt, however, the post was a disappointment, as he felt he was
little more than an emigration agent. He resigned in 1883. In a speech
in London on January 25,1881, Galt admonished the old country for not
entering upon a policy of settling her people in the Dominions. His
words have a strange flavor of the year 1917.
“I speak now,” he said, “not of Canada alone, but of her sister colonies
as well, when I affirm that within the limits of the British Empire
everything required by civilized man can be produced as well as in the
whole of the rest of the world; while if facility of access be taken
into account Canada stands on more than an equal footing with her great
rival, the United States. . . Canada is now doing her part in the effort
to colonize British North America, and it rests with the Government and
the people of England to do theirs.”
Galt’s last ten years of life were spent in comparative retirement,
interrupted by business investments in coal lands in western Canada. His
death in Montreal on September 19, 1893, from cancer qf the throat,
followed a long illness.
Sir Alexander Galt’s death drew praise from far and wide for his
services in shaping the young Canadian nation. He brought to the
councils of State a clear mind, an alert business judgment, and an
independent character. He left the memory of a sturdy, lovable man whose
services were generous and unselfish, and who was too big to be
controlled for sinister political purposes.
The Life and Times of Sir Alexander Tilloch Galt
By Oscar Douglas Skelton (1920) |