THE Dominion of Canada is no longer an experiment. The
union now so prosperous and solidified was adopted in the face of much
opposition, and without directly consulting the people except in New
Brunswick. For many years the lack of progress under the new
constitution was accompanied by doubt and resentment. Conditions have
changed and the party strife of that era has passed with the death of
the last of the Fathers of Confederation. It seems timely, therefore, to
examine the part played by the leaders of that day in the various
provinces in bringing about the union. In this volume an attempt is made
to present this service in proper perspective. Most of the men described
were favorable to union, others were opposed and fought it until the
final decision. An arbitrary selection for such a series may be open to
criticism, but it will be found that each of those sketched in the
following pages was an important factor and leader of opinion.
The writer is under obligation to the contents of many
existing volumes of history and biography, to official reports and
documents, to surviving contemporaries of the Confederation leaders, and
to a host of friends who have aided with counsel and material at their
disposal. Among the latter special gratitude is due to Hon. W. S.
Fielding, Mr. Duncan Campbell Scott, Senator L. G. Power, Mr. E. J.
Hathaway, Mr. William Houston, Mr. John Lewis, Mr. John Boyd, Mr. C. W.
Young, Mr. Reuben Macdonald, Mr. A. F. Macdonald, Mr. C. W. Jefferys,
Miss Katherine Hughes, Hon. Andrew Broder, and to the staff of the
Toronto Reference Library. '
M. O. H.
Toronto, May, 1917.
The Fathers of Confederation
Delegates to the Quebec Conference, October, 1864.
From Canada:
Sir Etienne P. Tache, (1795-1865), Premier, Receiver-General and
Minister of Militia.
John A. Macdonald, (1815-1891), Attorney-General for Upper Canada.
George E. Cartier, (1814-1873), Attorney-General for Lower Canada.
George Brown, (1818-1880), President of the Executive Council.
Oliver Mowat, (1820-1903), Postmaster-General.
Alexander T. Galt, (1817-1893), Minister of Finance.
William McDougall, (1822-1905), Provincial Secretary.
T. D’Arcy McGee, (1825-1868), Minister of Agriculture.
Alexander Campbell, (1821-1892), Commissioner of Crown Lands.
J. C. Chapais, (1812-1885), Commissioner of Public Works.
Hector L. Langevin, (1826-1906), Solicitor-General for Lower Canada.
James Cockbum, (1819-1883), Solicitor-General for Upper Canada.
From Nova Scotia:
Charles Tupper, (1821-1915), Premier and Provincial Secretary.
William A. Henry, (1816-1888), Attorney-General.
R. B. Dickey, (1811-1903), Member of the Legislative Council.
Jonathan McCully, (1809-1877), Member of the Legislative Council.
Adams G. Archibald, (1814-1892), Member of the Legislative Assembly.
From New Brunswick:
Samuel Leonard Tilley, (1818-1896), Premier and Provincial Secretary.
William H. Steeves, (1814-1873), Minister without portfolio.
J. M. Johnson, (1818-1868), Attorney-General.
Peter Mitchell, (1824-1899), Minister without portfolio.
E. B. Chandler, (1800-1880), Member of the Legislative Council.
John Hamilton Gray, (1814-1889), Member of the Legislative Assembly.
Charles Fisher, (1808-1880), Member of the Legislative Assembly.
From Prince Edward Island:
Colonel John Hamilton Gray, (1812-1887), President of the Council.
Edward Palmer, (1809-1899), Attorney-General.
William H. Pope, (1825-1879), Colonial Secretary.
A. A. Macdonald, (1829-1912), Member of the Legislative Council.
George Coles, (1810-1875), Member of the Legislative Assembly.
T. Heath Haviland, (1822-1895), Member of the Legislative Assembly.
Edward Whelan, (1824-1867), Member of the Legislative Assembly.
From Newfoundland:
F. B. T. Carter, (1819-1900), Speaker of the Legislative Assembly.
Ambrose Shea, (1818-1905).
Before Confederation
Upper Canada:
Sir John A. Macdonald
George Brown
Sir Oliver Mowat
William McDougall
John Sandfield Macdonald
Lower Canada:
Sir George E. Cartier
Sir Alexander T. Galt
Thomas D’Arcy McGee
Sir Antoine A. Dorion
Christopher Dunkin
New Brunswick:
Sir Samuel Leonard Tilley
Peter Mitchell
Sir Albert J. Smith
Nova Scotia:
Sir Charles Tupper
Joseph Howe
William Annand
Prince Edward Island:
David Laird
Rounding Out Confederation
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