WHILE Upper Canada was
all but unanimous for » » Confederation, and in Lower Canada Cartier was
rapidly conquering opposition, down in the Maritime Provinces there was
antagonism which almost paralyzed the whole movement. The burden of the
battle for union in New Brunswick fell largely on Samuel Leonard Tilley,
once an apothecary’s apprentice, later Premier of his Province, and
destined to stand high in the councils of the new, wide Dominion. For
his trying task, Tilley brought qualities of no ordinary strength. He
was energetic, kindly, honest, gentlemanly, with scarcely an enemy in
the world. He was a fluent, forceful speaker, with an attractive
presence and a penetrating political judgment. He was a Puritan in
principle and the first statesman in British North America to introduce
a prohibitory liquor bill.
Tilley’s strong principles did not lessen his friends, for he had a
saving sense of humor. When he was Finance Minister at Ottawa he carried
his temperance practice into effect at his official dinners. But on one
occasion, as the plum pudding was brought in, covered with a rich blue
blaze, John Henry Pope, of Compton, one of the members present, said in
a stage whisper:
“’Pon my word, I never saw ginger ale burn like that.”
Tilley joined in the roar of laughter that followed.
Isolated, unprotected and in need of liberal development, New Brunswick
early felt the need of union. In 1853 when the first sod was turned for
the railway from St. John to Shediac, the directors of the new line,
addressing Sir Edmund Head, then Governor, expressed the hope that the
British Provinces should become “a powerful and united portion of the
British Empire.” Sir Edmund Head endorsed the sentiment and hoped the
people of Canada and the Maritime Provinces would speedily realize that
their interests were identical. The desire for railways was an abiding
ambition for the Province, and the Intercolonial was one
will-o’-the-wisp that hastened consideration of Confederation.
Tilley had been an approving listener in 1860 when Dr. Charles Tupper,
lecturing in St. John, advocated a union of British North America. Two
years later he attended the conference at Quebec regarding the
Intercolonial Railway, and visited Upper Canada, when delegates
informally urged a union of the Provinces. The Trent Affair, and the
despatch to Canada of troops who had to be sent overland to Quebec on
sleds in winter, enforced the need of a railway when the delegates from
the various Provinces went later to England to seek Imperial aid.
Despite the urgency of the plea of Tilley and Howe, terms were not
agreed upon, and the project was delayed indefinitely. It became,
however, a live issue at the Quebec Conference in 1864. Tilley, who had
joined with Tupper in organizing the Charlottetown Conference for a
Maritime union, was outspoken at Quebec on the railway question.
“The delegates from the Lower Provinces were not seeking this union,” he
said at the banquet. “They had assembled at Charlottetown in order to
see whether they could not extend their family relations, and then
Canada intervened and the consideration of the larger question was the
result.” Alluding to the Intercolonial Railway project he said: “We
won’t have this union unless you give us the railway. It was utterly
impossible we could hare either a political or commercial union without
Tilley’s genius for finance was a factor in the formation of the
resolutions at Quebec, and his attractive personality radiated good-will
and won friends everywhere during the visit to Upper Canada. But there
was an awakening when he returned to his own Province. He was not long
at home before mischievous criticisms appeared. The secrecy of the
Conference gave rise to many of the early misconceptions. A few days
after the Charlottetown Conference closed the St. John Globe said:
“We should not be surprised to find that the federation meeting at
Charlottetown will result in a ‘great fizzle.’ The doings of any
convention or association that meets nowadays with closed doors rarely
amount to anything in so far as they affect the public. The members of
the convention made a great mistake in not inviting the press to attend
their deliberations. They could have had very little to say that the
public ought not to hear.”
Before November had ended it was clear that union was in for a stiff
struggle in the Province. A formidable opposition was already growing
up, and a number of the ablest papers in St. John were trying to turn
the whole thing into ridicule. Tilley was already on the defence with a
declaration that he would submit the question to the people. In a speech
he pointed to the enlarged market the manufacturers of New Brunswick
would have under union. He referred good-humoredly at St. John to the
aspersions cast on Upper Canadian politicians, and said one would
imagine that all at once the politicians of New Brunswick had become
wonderfully pure and patriotic. He analyzed the financial aspects of the
agreement, and declared their revenue under union would be equal to what
they would derive from an increase of 200,000 in population under the
old conditions. He was confident that Upper Canada could not carry out
schemes for her own aggrandizement, for her 82 representatives would be
opposed in such a case by 65 from Lower Canada and 47 from the Lower
Nor were dangers from without forgotten by Mr. Tilley. He said he had
nothing but the most kindly feelings towards the American people. “It
was plain, however, that the English public, as well as the British
Government, have felt for some time that our position with reference to
the United States is not as satisfactory as it was in times past.” The
low values of colonial securities also reflected the feeling of
uncertainty of British capitalists with reference to the future destiny
of British America, while Lord Stanley had declared that Canada was the
most indefensible country in the world.
Hostility to the union scheme increased, fanned by resourceful opponents
who did not want their own sphere of officialdom eclipsed. Early in
March, 1865, the crash occurred. While the Confederation debate was in
full swing at Quebec, the message came one day that Tilley’s
Confederation Government, in the first of the Provinces affected to
consult the people, had been defeated, having carried only 6 out of 41
seats. Unionists were staggered and anti-unionists took hope that they
might yet overthrow the scheme then being forced through three
legislatures. The alarm which had prevailed in the Maritime Provinces
took on a more acrid form, and broadsides of abuse and misrepresentation
were fired on the union cause. New Brunswick was afire with excitement
and the country was overrun with pamphleteers and propagandists. The
bogey of direct taxation was held before the people and gained much
headway before the true nature of the resolutions could be presented. As
in Nova Scotia, the electors were told that they had been sold to the
Canadians for 80 cents per head, a reference, of course, to the subsidy
of that amount which the Dominion would pay to the Provinces. It might
have been said with as much truth that the Canadians had similarly been
sold to New Brunswick.
As in the other small Provinces, the cause of union met obstacles
inherent to the circumstances. The Legislature had authorized a
conference on Maritime union; a larger union was proposed without
consulting the electorate. Mr. Tilley had doubtless relied on his
eloquence and power to carry a scheme which the people did not
understand, and which appeared to be born of the political necessities
of Canada. The Province would have additional taxation, the opponents
said, and its political independence would be destroyed.
It was Tilley’s task to dissolve this vapor of ignorance and suspicion.
This he did by a campaign of energy and persistence, covering almost
every part of the Province. He was now a private citizen, he and all his
colleagues having been defeated in the March elections. He was in the
prime of manhood, his figure was attractive, his manner impressive and
his voice convincing to a people misled by agitators and ready to learn.
“I will make a house-to-house canvass of the Province,” he declared, and
he almost redeemed his threat. He appealed to the patriotism of the
people as he went from county to county, telling of the desire of the
motherland that union should be adopted. “Are you afraid?” he thundered,
with his organ-like chest, to a hostile St. John audience, as he entered
on the great campaign.
At this time the part of Arthur Hamilton Gordon (afterwards Lord
Stranmore and uncle of the Earl of Aberdeen, recently Governor-General
of Canada), Governor of New Brunswick, became a matter of importance.
Gordon had opposed Confederation, but a visit to England gave him new
light. Not long after the new Government of Albert J. Smith took office
in 1865, the Colonial Secretary wrote this advice to Gordon:
“You will impress the strong and deliberate opinion of her Majesty’s
Government that it is an object much to be desired that all the British
North American colonies should agree to unite in one government.”
A series of events then promoted a revulsion of feeling. Dissension
sprang up in the Smith-Hatheway Cabinet. The Legislative Council, led by
Peter Mitchell, in reply to the Speech from the Throne, endorsed union,
and Governor Gordon accepted this Address without consulting his
advisers. The Cabinet had no course but to resign, their resolution
being fortified by a threatened Fenian invasion and by defeat in an
important by-election.
Governor Gordon, whose conduct has been criticized as contrary to the
principles of responsible government, was now a firm friend of union and
did not hesitate to stretch his powers to aid the cause. Lengthy
correspondence took place between him and Premier A. J. Smith, in the
course of which, writing on April 12, 1866, Gordon said:
“He has no doubt as to the course which it is his duty to pursue in
obedience to his Sovereign’s commands and in the interests of the people
of British North America. His Excellency may be in error, but he
believes that a vast change has already taken place in the opinions held
on the subject in New Brunswick. He fully anticipates that the House of
Assembly will yet return a response to the communication made to them
not less favorable to the principle of union than that given by the
Upper House, and in any event he relies with confidence on the desire of
a great majority of the people of the Province to aid in building up a
powerful and prosperous nation under the sovereignty of the British
Crown. To this verdict his Excellency is perfectly ready to appeal.”
Tilley watched the constitutional struggle from the cool shades of
private life. He had been out of office for almost a year, but he was
far from being out of touch. He had formed a warm friendship with John
A. Macdonald, and on April 14, 1866, he wrote the Conservative leader an
extended account of the situation. He told of the break-up of the Smith
Government through the quarrel with Governor Gordon, and the appeal to
the country by Smith against the Governor’s conduct in answering the
Legislative Council’s Address in favor of union before he consulted with
his advisers.
“Had the break-up occurred in any other way,” he said, “we could without
doubt have put the Nova Scotia resolutions through this House and have a
majority to sustain the new Administration. As it is, I see nothing
before us but a general election, and we shall have to fight the
Opposition upon less favorable ground than we would if the simple
question of Confederation was at issue. The new Government will probably
be formed to-day, and I suppose I must go into it, and fight it out upon
the Confederate line.”
When the Smith Government resigned, the Governor called on Peter
Mitchell to form a Cabinet. Though Mitchell was an active unionist, he
advised the Governor that Tilley was the proper person to form an
administration, but the latter declined on the ground that he was not a
member of the Legislature. A Cabinet was then formed by Mitchell and R.
D. Wilmot, with Tilley as Provincial Secretary. The aggressive campaign
was continued, and the elections returned a large majority for
Confederation, the popular vote being 55,665 for union and 33,767
against. The battle for Confederation was completed by the adoption of
the Nova Scotia resolutions and the participation in the London
Conference to frame the bill. In this Tilley had a part, though the
delay in the arrival of the Canadian delegates was a trying incident.
Union was undoubtedly hastened in New Brunswick by the Fenian scare, and
was received in 1867 with more general approval than in Nova Scotia.
Tilley’s seventy-eight years of life epitomized the evolution of his
Province. At his birth New Brunswick had but 50,000 people, and it was
only 34 years since the Loyalist immigration reached the St. John
Valley. Wooden buildings were universal, people cooked and warmed
themselves by the open fireplace, homespun comprised everyone’s
clothing, and farm implements showed little advance on a thousand years
before. Tilley lived to see New Brunswick with over 300,000 inhabitants,
its prosperous settlements bordering the coasts and rivers, but its
interior still largely in possession of the lumberman and the moose. St.
John had become an important ocean port, and progress in manufacturing
kept pace with farming.
Tilley was born at Gagetown, a picturesque village on the St. John
River, on May 8, 1818. His ancestors were Loyalists, his
great-grandfather, Samuel Tilley, migrating from Long Island after the
American Revolution. His father, Thomas Morgan Tilley, was a house
joiner and builder. The youth attended the Gagetown Grammar School, and
at 13, with soaring ambition, went to St. John, where he became an
apprentice in Dr. Henry Cook’s drug store. A little later he entered the
store of William O. Smith, a shrewd business man of public spirit, from
whom he derived many political ideas. A smart, active and pleasing
youth, he attracted attention and soon joined the St. John Young Men’s
Debating Society, where, like many another public man, he had his first
and most helpful training in public speaking. In 1837 he enlisted in the
cause of temperance, and his prominence in this did much to draw him
into politics later. The next year he entered a drug partnership, and so
successful was his business life, in the growing port of St. John, that
when he retired in 1855 he was wealthy. Tilley’s life-long belief in
protection led him to support the candidature in 1849 of B. Ansley on a
high tariff platform. The following year he was a foremost member of the
New Brunswick Railway League, an organization formed as a protest
against the Legislature’s failure to assist railways, and having a line
from St. John to Shediac as its chief objective. In June of that year,
after a useful municipal career, Tilley was elected to the Legislature
during his absence from the city, and thereafter was never long free
from public duties. Responsible government had just been won under the
leadership of Lemuel A. Wilmot,* and a new era began.
It is unnecessary to trace the deviations of New Brunswick politics in
the early years of Tilley’s public life. As in Canada, there were
factions and defections during a period of shadowy party boundaries.
After an absence of three sessions, Tilley was re-elected in 1854 and
entered the first Liberal Government of the Province, that of Charles
Fisher,t who was also a Father of Confederation. In 1855 Tilley,
prematurely, as it proved, implemented his temperance beliefs by putting
through a bill prohibiting the importation, manufacture and sale of
intoxicating liquor.
Surveying the conditions from this distance, Tilley’s prohibition
measure seems to have been the result of zeal rather than judgment.
Those were the days of almost universal drinking. No social gathering
was considered complete without it, and in that damp climate in the
pioneer age, liquor was the “cure-all” for the ills of men. The
square-rigged barques that carried timber to the seven seas returned
with vinous and spirituous cargoes, the favorite being Jamaica rum from
the West Indies. In 1838 the 120,000 people of New Brunswick consumed
312,298 gallons of rum, gin and whiskey and 64,579 gallons of brandy.
Tilley introduced his prohibition bill as a private member. It was first
considered on March 19, and passed on the 27th. The narrow margin of 21
to 18 should have warned the promoter, but on the last day of the year
the supposed end of the reign of King Alcohol was celebrated by the
pealing of bells at midnight. It was not long before the law was seen to
be a dead letter. There were 200 taverns in St. John and suburbs alone,
and liquor continued to be sold. In a few months an unsympathetic
Governor, H. T. Manners-Sutton, dissolved the Assembly, the- Government
was defeated and the new Gray-Wilmot Ministry repealed the act. Fisher
and Tilley gained power again in 1857 and enacted much advanced
legislation, including vote by ballot, the enlargement of the franchise
and quadrennial parliaments.
During his long public service Tilley was essentially the business man
in politics. A man who could retire with a competency at 37 was one
whose advice was sought by visionary and impractical politicians. His
sound character and judgment put him in the forefront wherever he
happened to be. He took part in the early conferences at Quebec
regarding the Intercolonial Railway, the construction of which was
greatly delayed by circumstances. He was an influential figure at the
Charlottetown and Quebec Conferences, and helped frame the B.N.A. Act in
London. When he had at length secured the adoption of union in his own
Province he turned his hand to the cause elsewhere. As so often happens
in personal intercourse, the contrast between him and John A. Macdonald
made them fast friends. In 1867, when forming his Confederation Cabinet,
Macdonald asked Tilley to join and to choose his own colleague from New
Brunswick. He entered as Minister of Customs and took Peter Mitchell as
Minister of Marine and Fisheries. An important part was played by Tilley
in 1868 in reconciling Howe and Nova Scotia to union. Howe had just
returned from his fruitless quest in Britain for repeal. Tilley , wrote
Macdonald from Windsor, N.S., on July 17, that he had had breakfast with
Howe and found him ready to consider Confederation if some concessions
could be made.
“The reasonable men,” Tilley wrote, “want an excuse to enable them to
hold back the violent and unreasonable of their own party, and this
excuse ought to be given them.” He urged Macdonald to visit Nova Scotia
at once, and said the nature of the concessions was not as important as
the fact that concessions would be made.
“I am not an alarmist,” he added, “but the position can only be
understood by visiting Nova Scotia. There is no use in crying peace when
there is no peace. We require wise and prudent action at this moment;
the most serious results may be produced by the opposite course.”
Macdonald was discerning enough to act upon this advice. He hastened to
Halifax, made concessions to the anti-unionists, Howe joined his
Cabinet, and serious trouble was avoided.
Though originally a Liberal and responsible for some advanced
legislation, Tilley was now firmly established in the political family
of Sir John Macdonald. From February until November, 1873, he was
Minister of Finance, resigning to become Lieutenant-Governor of New
Brunswick. The barefoot messenger boy of 1831 had come home in the
trappings of a gilded governor, and he now had years of dignity and calm
in his own Province. But the call of active politics was again to be
heard and answered.
After Sir John Macdonald and Sir Charles Tupper had swept the Dominion
in 1878. on the new National Policy platform, it fell to Tilley to
introduce the new tariff. He had abandoned the ease and comfort of
Government House at Fredericton to return to the hurly-burly of
political life. He became Minister of Finance in the joyous home-comin’g
of the Conservatives, and on March 14 following enunciated the National
Policy. His three hours’ speech was somewhat dreary, as he lacked the
magic to make figures glow, but it stands as the argument for the policy
which has persisted ever since with little modification. He could refer
with truth to the depressed conditions which then existed. In 1873, he
said, he could point with pride and satisfaction to the increased
capital of the banks and the large dividends they paid. “To-day, I
regret to say, we must point to depreciated values and to small
dividends. Then I could point to the general prosperity of the country.
To-day we must all admit that it is greatly depressed.”
What was afterwards for years denounced by the Liberals as the “Red
Parlor” had its origin at this time. This was the consultation between
the Government and the manufacturers as to the amount of protection
various industries ought to have.
“We have invited,” said Tilley, “gentlemen from all parts of the
Dominion and representing all the interests in the Dominion, to assist
us in the readjustment of the tariff, because we did not feel, though
perhaps we possessed an average intelligence in ordinary government
matters, we did not feel that we knew everything.” The Government was
confronted at the time with falling revenues, for the ad valorem duties
generally in force in Canada made the customs receipts drop as values
fell. Tilley said he regretted the necessity for increased taxation, but
promised that taxation would be heavier on goods from, foreign countries
than from the mother country. So far as the United States was concerned
he expressed no regret, for Canada had expected to lead them into better
trade relations, but in vain. The new schedules, generally speaking,
increased the rates from 1 lxk per cent, to 20 and even to 40 per cent.
Tilley said he thought these “would be ample protection to all who are
seeking it and who have a right to expect it.”
“The time has arrived, I think,” he said, “when it becomes our duty to
decide whether the thousands of men throughout the length and breadth of
this country who are unemployed shall seek employment in another country
or shall find it in this Dominion; the time has arrived when we are to
decide whether we shall be simply hewers of wood and drawers of water;
whether we shall be simply agriculturists raising wheat, and lumbermen
producing more lumber than we can use, or Great Britain and the United
States will take from us at remunerative prices; whether we will confine
ourselves to the fisheries and certain other small industries and cease
to be what we have been, and not rise to what I believe we are destined
to be under wise and judicious legislation—or whether we will inaugurate
a policy that will by its provisions say to the industries of the
country: We will give you sufficient protection; we will give you a
market for what you can produce; we will say that while our neighbors
built up a Chinese wall, we will impose a reasonable duty upon their
products coming into this country; at all events, we will maintain for
our agricultural and other products largely the market of our own
Dominion. The time has certainly arrived when we must consider whether
we will allow matters to remain as they are, with the result of being an
unimportant and uninteresting portion of her Majesty’s Dominions, or
will rise to the position which I believe Providence has destined us to
occupy by means which, I believe, though I may be over-sanguine, which
the country believes are calculated to bring prosperity and happiness to
the people, to give employment to the thousands who are unemployed, and
to make this a great and prosperous country, as all desire and hope it
will be.”
Sir Leonard (he had been knighted in 1879) continued as Finance Minister
until October 31, 1885, when failing vigor compelled him to resign as
his “only chance of a measure of health and possibly a few more years of
life.” He was again appointed Lieutenant-Governor of New Brunswick, and
continued to hold office for almost eight years further. He was now the
victim of an incurable disease, and when he finally lay down the reins
he knew he had not many years to live. He went in and out among his
people for three years more, respected and loved by the thousands to
whom he was personally known and for whose welfare he had always been
solicitous. In June, 1896, his illness took a fatal turn, and he passed
away on the 25th. Just before he lost consciousness on the 23rd the
first returns of the Dominion election which was to sweep his party from
power were given him. At that moment they appeared favorable and the
dying gladiator said: “I can go to sleep now; New Brunswick has done
Thus passed a statesman whose life was an example and whose record was
an inspiration. He was a lucid but not a brilliant speaker. He was a man
of sense and judgment rather than emotion and display. He was honest and
he ever looked for the good and noble in others. As New Brunswick’s
foremost son he takes his place among the greatest of the builders of
the new Dominion. |