with Tilley the honor of luring timid New Brunswick into the path of
Confederation. Later he assisted in breaking the leading strings with
which the mother country sought to guide the young Dominion, and to
exercise too great control over her natural resources. For these duties
he possessed qualities of stubbornness and dash which differed from the
character of Tilley. Mitchell was a strong, dominating character, rough
and ready, and not moderated by deference. Tilley was of a finer mould,
gentlemanly and courteous. Mitchell was a shipbuilder and contractor, a
man of the world; Tilley was a druggist, a temperance advocate, and a
devoted churchman. Mitchell’s seventy-five years of life were crowded
with business, politics and the enjoyment of life. His resolute
character made him a force in any environment, but he did not accomplish
the work nor reap the honors that his abilities warranted. Though
counted by contemporaries an abler man than Tilley, he had less
stability, and therefore less usefulness in an era of great issues and
great men. Tilley was a gentle and loyal colleague of Sir John A.
Macdonald; Mitchell was headstrong, quarrelled with Sir John, and
naturally fell by the wayside.
Peter Mitchell was a characteristic product of his environment and his
time. He was born at Newcastle, N.B., on January 4, 1824. His parents,
natives of Scotland, had settled on the Miramichi six years previously.
He was educated at the local grammar school, studied law, and was called
to the Bar in 1848. The east coast of New Brunswick, then raw and new,
was embarking in the lumber business, which has persisted to this day,
and young Mitchell, with an energetic disposition, was soon immersed in
lumbering, shipbuilding and other industrial vocations. As he had a
ready tongue and was popular, he had made his first political speech at
seventeen, and was soon in politics. He was elected to the Legislative
Assembly in 1856, where he remained four years. From 1860 until
Confederation he sat in the Legislative Council, where he became a
leader. In 1867, on joining the federal Cabinet, he was appointed to the
Senate. He left that silent chamber in 1874 for the House of Commons,
but was defeated in 1878. He sat again in the House from 1882 to 1891
and met his final defeat in 1896.
Such a catalogue of dates gives a poor idea of the stormy career of this
restless, often bitter, fighting Father of Confederation. Mitchell was
not a party man. His leanings were Liberal, but he joined the Macdonald
Cabinet, and he often referred to himself as “the third party.” He was
intractable and impatient of discipline. He was often irritating in
manner, even causing annoyance to Sir John Macdonald, that master of men
in their varied moods. On one occasion Mitchell threatened to hold up
the Intercolonial Railway estimates until the Government paid for a cow,
owned by a widow in New Brunswick, which had been killed by a train. The
cow was paid for.
Mitchell had a firm and resolute manner which impressed people. He spoke
well, without notes, stood with his hands in his pockets, and came down
hard on his heels by way of emphasis. He gave the impression of mental
as well as physical power, and, though likeable, was as bold as a lion.
Early in his public career Mitchell was an advocate of the union of the
Provinces. He spoke with Howe, McGee and others at Port Robinson, Upper
Canada, in September, 1862, and presented arguments for union when as
yet such concrete suggestions were rare. Speaking of the people of New
Brunswick, Mitchell then said: “They were prepared to go into anything
and support anything which would advance the character of the colonial
possessions of Great Britain by bringing them into closer union.
Disunited, these colonies were weak. United, acting together, governed
by one public sentiment, they would be powerful and strong, and so far
from their attachment to Great Britain being weakened, would add lustre
to her throne.”
By 1864 Mitchell was a considerable figure in New Brunswick, and
attended the Charlottetown and Quebec Conferences to arrange the union
scheme, and afterwards went to the London Conference, where he supported
Cartier against Macdonald in securing the adoption of a federal rather
than a legislative union.
Before the London Conference could be called, Mitchell and Tilley passed
through the first life-and-death struggle of the union scheme. It had
been agreed to test public sentiment first in New Brunswick, but the
Province was uninformed and unsympathetic; Tilley, then Premier,
Mitchell and the other Ministers were defeated by three to one in March,
“I thought at the time, and think still, that with proper management we
ought not to have failed,” Mitchell wrote years afterwards, “and believe
the one chief cause of our failure was an injunction placed upon us of
New Brunswick at the Quebec Conference that we were not to make public
the conclusions of the conference until all the delegates had arrived at
their several Provinces and had reported at headquarters, and in
consequence of that silence the suspicions of the members and the people
of our Province were excited and set the tide against us, and we were
Mitchell records that on the day the Cabinet resigned he prophesied in a
conversation with Lieutenant-Governor Gordon, that a change of opinion
would take place within twelve months. Subsequent communications between
Mitchell and Governor Gordon had a most disturbing effect on New
Brunswick politics. Gordon was recalled to England for a visit, and on
his return he was seen to be a convert to the union cause, under
pressure from the Home Government. The Government of Albert J. Smith was
in power, and Tilley and Mitchell were spreading the doctrines of
Confederation among the people.
Mitchell, in his reminiscences, sets forth that Gordon called him to
Fredericton and asked him if he would support Smith, who, Gordon
believed, “could be persuaded to agree to certain terms of union,” and
wished Mitchell to take a seat in Smith’s Government, the Premier being
anxious for it. Mitchell replied that he could not do that, as Smith had
been elected by an overwhelming majority against union only six or seven
months before. “I said,” Mitchell writes, “that, while I would not go
into his Government, I would undertake, on behalf of the party I
represented—as I was more of a patriot than a politician or partisan—to
induce our party to support Mr. Smith in that measure if he was
sincere—which I told the Governor I doubted— although by so doing he
would forego all the immense patronage which the first Government of
Confederation would have at the disposal of New Brunswick.”
Negotiations proceeded, and when Mitchell insisted on a paragraph
approving Confederation being inserted in the Speech from the Throne
when the Legislature met, the members on the Government side balked—as
Mitchell expected—and the Cabinet resigned. Mitchell states that his
steps were taken after consultation with Tilley and Charles Fisher, but
when the crisis came Tilley would not take the Premiership and risk
another defeat at the polls.
“So there was nothing left for it,” Mitchell writes, with no evidence of
self-effacement, “but to accept it myself. And I did, and Mr. Tilley
seconded me ably and well. I believed we would succeed, and after going
to the country on the very same issue on which our Government was
defeated nine months before, I came back with a majority behind me of
nearly four to one, and thus was the most active and principal means of
carrying Confederation.”
Passage of the Confederation resolutions was then but a formality, and
Mitchell went with Tilley into the first Federal Cabinet.
One of the earliest and greatest struggles for Maritime Province men at
Ottawa concerned the route of the Intercolonial Railway. Its
construction was a part of the Confederation agreement, for the shreds
and patches of the new union could not subsist on summer communication
only. Mitchell favored the route along Bay de Chaleur and the east
coast, while Tilley wanted the railway to follow the St. John River, or
central, route, which was the more fertile and populous. The question
became an acute one, and seriously threatened the Government’s
stability, owing to the strength at Tilley’s disposal from the
Opposition ranks.
In the end, the argument in favor of the east coast route, supported by
a recommendation from Mr. (afterwards Sir) Sandford Fleming, the
engineer in charge, prevailed for military reasons. Mitchell’s force of
character no doubt had much to do with the decision, as he himself
freely admits.
“Mr. Tilley knew the difficulty,” he writes, “but being pledged to the
southern route, and I to the northern, he would have much preferred a
River St. John man to myself (for the Cabinet), and I believe intended
to take him. We had some very angry words over it, but my force of
character settled the matter.”
Though Mitchell was Premier of New Brunswick during the last, and
successful, stage of the Confederation battle, John A. Macdonald looked
upon Tilley as the real leader, and in 1867 asked him to join the first
Dominion Cabinet and to choose his own colleague from his own Province,
and this slight in favor of one whom Mitchell tersely terms as “my
subordinate” forms one of several indictments which he makes against
Macdonald in his reminiscences. He wrote the Dominion Premier in
protest, and says he received an apologetic reply. At least it is
unthinkable that Macdonald could not rise to such a situation, for
political jealousies were one of his most frequent subjects of
trouble—and adjustment. When Mitchell arrived to claim his portfolio
there were only two left, Secretary of State for the Provinces and
Marine and Fisheries, in neither of which posts was there anything to
do, Macdonald told him. But Mitchell took the latter, and to his
everlasting credit he found much to do. It was a new department, and he
laid it out along bold and energetic lines. He established lighthouses
and other aids to navigation on lake and sea coast, and organized the
first fleet of cruisers for the protection of Canadian fisheries.
It was as the advocate of Canadian rights in regard to fisheries that
Mitchell advanced self-government another important stage. In his
despatches in this connection he gave the keynote for subsequent
negotiations which put a curb on the encroachments of the United States
in her dealings with Canada. He was a thorough enthusiast in his
attitude towards Canadian fisheries. “As a national possession they are
inestimable,” he wrote in 1870, “and as a field for industry and
enterprise they are inexhaustible.”
Mitchell’s despatch to the Imperial Government in the same year firmly
set forth Canada’s position regarding the ownership of her fisheries. He
pointed out that in the previous December the Canadian Cabinet had
approved a report by him, in which he declined to act on the suggestion
of Her Majesty’s Government that Canada should open her coasting trade
to the United States, as Great Britain had done, while the United States
continued to close theirs against Canada. The true policy of Canada, he
insisted, was to retain all the privileges it then possessed until fresh
negotiations in regard to trade relations might reopen the whole
Mitchell’s concluding words in his report to Council sound like a Bill
of Rights declared against the mother country. He said:
“The active protection of our fisheries was the first step in our
national policy, as viewed from the colonial standpoint, and has since
been followed up by legislation which has imposed certain charges upon
shipping and imposts upon articles of trade. It should, however, be
clearly understood that these restrictions and charges we are prepared
to remove whenever the United States are prepared to give us reciprocal
treatment. Till then, the public sentiment of this country calls for
vigorous action at the hands of the Canadian Government, and demands
that this, the greatest and largest question of them all, and one which
our neighbors most appreciate, shall be dealt with with spirit and vigor
and form part of an important national policy. . . .
“As part of the Empire, Canada is entitled to demand that her rights
should be preserved intact, and at least it cannot be said that Council
will have performed its duties if we silently permit ourselves to be
divested of them piecemeal, as is the case with our fishery interests,
and the people consider that their valuable fisheries are a trust
incident to Canada, and involve interests which Her Majesty holds for
the benefit of her loyal subjects, and which should not be abandoned nor
their protection neglected.”
In 1870 Mitchell engaged in a controversy with President Grant over
Canada’s fishing rights, and published a reply to Grant’s message to
Congress on the subject. He also rendered lasting service by arranging
for the fisheries arbitration at Halifax, which resulted in an award of
$4,500,000 to Canada for the use of Canadian fisheries by United States
Though Mitchell as a Liberal had joined the Macdonald Cabinet, he was
not within its inner councils. At the end of the session of 1873, he
says, he asked Sir John to allow him to resign, as he felt he had been
slighted, but was persuaded to remain until after the recess. Meantime
the Pacific Scandal storm broke in all its intensity. Mitchell hastened
to Ottawa, but declares he was given no explanation, and had no
information except what all could read in the newspapers. In the House,
after it was called, the charges and replies dragged on for days, but
Mitchell declined to speak in defence. One dramatic incident, however,
he witnessed and describes. There was much concern over the expected
speech and attitude of Donald A. Smith (afterwards Lord Strathcona), and
Mitchell, at Tup-per’s request, arranged an interview between Macdonald
and Smith with a view to a reconciliation. When Smith came from
Macdonald’s room the failure of the purpose was evident. Mitchell says:
“I saw by the expression and color of his face that he was very much
excited, and I feared it was all up with us. Mr. Smith came along to
where I sat and said to me:
“‘Oh! Mitchell, he’s an awful man, that. He has done nothing but swear
at me since I went into the room.’
“Mr. Smith said: ‘I don’t want to vote against your Government, and
particularly on your account, Mr. Mitchell, because you have always
treated me very fairly, but there is nothing else for me to do, and I
will have to do it.’"
Smith’s arraignment of the Government that night marked the turning
point, and the Government resigned next day.
Mitchell’s later years were somewhat embittered and uneventful. He used
to say that, after all, there was small satisfaction in serving one’s
country, for no matter what one did it soon forgot one. He became
proprietor of the Montreal Herald in 1885, but took little part in its
editorial management. He was not in Parliament after 1891, and after
unsuccessfully seeking an appointment from the Conservative Government,
was made Inspector of Fisheries for Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova
Scotia by the Laurier Government in March, 1897. He was then an old man,
and lived by himself at the Windsor Hotel in Montreal. In the summer of
1899 he had a partial stroke of paralysis while in Ottawa, but
afterwards went about apparently in good health. On October 25 the
second attack came, and the next morning he was found dead in his room
at the hotel.
Peter Mitchell was buried in his native town of Newcastle, N.B., and
though he had outlived nearly all of his political contemporaries, his
death removed a valiant, if stormy statesman, whose services become more
significant as the years pass. |