chief “last ditcher” of his day. Long after Joseph Howe had thrown his
influence in Nova Scotia for Confederation—lessened though it was by his
own vacillation —Annand maintained his insurgency. He remained the
leader of the anti-unionists, who were still in control of the local
Assembly, until his removal in 1875 to England, where he died in the
late ’eighties. Almost alone of influential Nova Scotians, Annand
resisted the force and the craft of Sir Charles Tupper, and was one of
the thousands who ever contended that a great wrong had been done his
Province by the manner in which it was forced into Confederation. So
sfirred was the Province that union and anti-union was the local
election issue far into the ’seventies. At first the Nova Scotia members
at Ottawa held aloof from the old parties, but gradually the Liberals,
who had comprised the bulk of the anti-unionists, joined the forces of
Alexander Mackenzie. As late as the Provincial election of 1886,
antiunion feeling was strong, but few are now living who took part in
the fight against Confederation, and the bitterness of the majority of
that day is little in evidence.
One of the veterans of the lost cause is Senator L. G. Power of Halifax.
“Was there any real grievance in Nova Scotia?” he was asked on the eve
of the Confederation jubilee.
“Nova Scotia before the union,” he replied, “had low customs duties, the
highest ad valorem, except liquor and tobacco, being ten per cent.; many
items were only five per cent.; others were free. It was a cheap country
to live in, and increased duties that followed were unpopular. We were a
prosperous Province; many people thought we would have been better off
under the old conditions. The people got what they wished from their own
Parliament, but Nova Scotia is now a small factor in the government of a
big country, and the people do not get things as they would like. There
is too much tendency to consider the big interests.”
Nova Scotia was slow to see the advantages of Confederation. Her own
nearest neighbors were the New England States, a few hours distant.
Canada lay days away by water, and no railway existed until the middle
’seventies. Canada had been the scene of rebellions and of the burning
of parliament buildings; Nova Scotia was peaceful, and was taught by
Howe to look on the Canadians as dangerous neighbors. When the logic of
the occasion, coupled with better terms, had won Howe to the union
cause, Annand, his relative and political associate for over thirty
years, remained an opponent, and bitterly attacked his former friend.
His position as editor of the Halifax Chronicle gave him influence which
sustained the anti-unionist cause for years.
Annand, though overshadowed by more picturesque contemporaries, was in
public life for almost forty years, and touched Nova Scotia’s
development at several vital points. He joined Howe in reforms, and his
shy, practical personality supplemented the oratorical genius who often
lived in the clouds and ever sought the lime-light. Annand was born in
Halifax on April 10, 1808, being thus Howe’s junior by four years. His
father was a well-to-do merchant, and both parents came from Banffshire,
Scotland. Their son inherited the prudence and the steadfastness of the
Lowland Scots. William was carefully educated in Halifax and in
Scotland, and for a time lived on a stock farm at Upper Musquodoboit,
near Halifax. So esteemed was the young farmer that at twenty-eight he
was elected to the Assembly for Halifax County, Howe being his fellow
member. Annand in his election address laid down a progressive platform,
including a demand for encouragement to agriculture, fisheries and
domestic manufactures. Hand in hand, Howe and Annand took up the battle
for responsible government, the latter being a shrewd counsellor and a
wholesome restraining influence on his more impulsive associate. Annand
took part in the movement in 1843 to secularize education in Nova
Scotia, and twenty years later supported Tupper and his Conservative
Government in their steps for compulsory education. Annand purchased The
Nova Scotian in 1843 and early in 1844 founded the Halifax Chronicle,
with which he was more or less identified until his death. Until 1846 he
spent two happy years in editorial association with Howe, as they
promoted the reforms for which they stood. Annand was not as brilliant a
writer as Howe, but his articles had a clear, logical style and a
certain manly dignity. He sat in the Assembly almost continuously until
1875, holding office as Financial Secretary from 1860 to 1863, and
afterwards being a strong critic of the Tupper Government until he
became Premier in 1867.
The fight over Confederation brought Annand to the front speedily. When
Adams G. Archibald* gave up the Liberal leadership and joined the
unionists, Annand naturally assumed a prominent place in his party.
Later, when Howe forsook the cause, Annand became Liberal leader.
Before 1864, the year of the Quebec Conference, had closed, Annand had
addressed a meeting in favor of Maritime Union and demanded that the
Quebec scheme be submitted to the people. Presently he threw his full
strength into the opposition cause, joining A. G. Jones, a prominent
Conservative, and William J. Stairs, a Liberal. He deposed the editor of
The Chronicle, Jonathan McCully,t who had been favorable to union, and
early in 1865 admitted to his columns Howe’s famous attacks on
Confederation entitled, “The Botheration Scheme.” The battle was then on
in earnest. Howe on the rostrum and Annand with his pen strengthened
each other. Together they denounced and delayed the scheme in the
Assembly and crossed to England in 1866 to present the antis’ case when
the bill was being drafted in London. Together they went to England
again in 1868 to demand repeal. On this visit Tupper impressed Howe with
the futility of the fight; he returned a waverer, and presently gave up
the battle. When Howe showed him Sir John Macdonald’s letter, offering
better terms, Annand, who was then Premier of Nova Scotia, said: “Yes,
we will take this letter and deal with it.” Howe read in this a. move
for further opposition to union and withdrew the letter. Annand proposed
another delegation to England, but Howe disagreed. The quarrel which
ensued broke a political friendship and association which had lasted for
thirty-three years.
It would be easy to say now that Annand and his fellow anti-unionists
were without vision, but it is unfair to ignore the arguments they
presented, which then made a deep impression in the Province. Among the
State papers of the period are the despatch of the Colonial Secretary,
the Duke of Buckingham, concerning Nova Scotia’s protest, and the Nova
Scotia Government’s reply. In February, 1868, the Legislature of Nova
Scotia, then in control of Annand and the antiunionists, ordered Howe to
proceed to England at once to present a petition to the Imperial
Parliament “praying for the release of Nova Scotia from the union.”
The Colonial Secretary, replying to this petition, said:
“I trust that the Assembly and people of Nova Scotia will not be
surprised that the Queen’s Government feel that they would not be
warranted in advising the reversal of a great measure of State, attended
by so many extensive consequences already in operation, and adopted with
the previous sanction of every one of the Legislatures concerned, and
with the subsequent approval of the Legislatures of Nova Scotia and New
To this the Annand Government made a tart reply:
“The Executive Council have read the despatch of His Grace the Duke of
Buckingham, in reply to the address of the representatives of the
people, for a repeal of the Act of Union, with mingled feelings of
surprise and regret. . . . It is astonishing that the Colonial Minister
should take the liberty of contradicting and of asserting that
Confederation first originated with the Legislature of Nova Scotia. This
assertion is unsustained by the slightest foundation of fact. We are,
therefore, in no manner desirous of changing our political constitution,
but will not willingly allow ourselves to be brought into subjection to
Canada or any other country. We will have no confederation or union with
other colonies, except upon terms of exact equality, and there is no
change in our political relations that we should not prefer to the
detestable confederation that has been attempted to be forced upon us.
We shall proceed with the legislation and other business of the
Province, protesting against the confederation boldly, and distinctly
asserting our full purpose and resolution to avail ourselves of every
opportunity to extricate ourselves from the trammels of Canada, and if
we fail, after exhausting all constitutional means at our command, we
will leave our future destiny in the hands of Him who will judge the
people righteously and govern the nations upon earth.”
Annand’s controversial ability was shown in his arguments against union
in 1866 and 1867, before Howe’s defection. Writing to the Earl of
Carnarvon in 1866, in defence of Howe and in reply to Tupper, he
contended the people should be consulted before the constitution was
changed. “While nobody,” he saidj “denied the power of the Imperial
Parliament to sweep away the constitution of a colony, should the
preservation of the national life or the great interests of the Empire
demand the sacrifice, yet in such a case flagrant abuses, corruption or
insubordination must be shown, or the existence of a high State
necessity, in presence of which the ordinary safeguards as existing
institutions should give way”! Annand contended that no such abuses or
State necessity existed to warrant what he termed “an act of
confiscation and coercion of the most arbitrary kind.” His prophecy
that, were an election to take place, not three unionists would be
returned, was borne out, for in the contest of September, 1867, only one
unionist, Dr. Tupper, was returned to Ottawa from the nineteen counties.
At the same time the unionists carried only two out of thirty-eight
seats in the Assembly.
In a debate in the Assembly in March, 1867, Annand developed the
argument against the coercion of Nova Scotia. He demanded of Dr. Tupper
where in the history of the world any such attempt had been made to
deprive a people of their government and institutions against their
will, without even a. chance to review the measure. “Such a policy might
be tried with impunity in Nova Scotia with its 350,000 inhabitants, but
could it safely be tried in Canada with 2,500,000? Could it be tried in
England? We are too weak to rebel if we had the disposition, but it is a
fair principle that what could not be done constitutionally in England
should not be done here.”
“If, however,” said Annand, replying to Dr. Tupper, “the people are
forced into the union, I do not hesitate to say that I will dedicate the
remaining years of my life, be they many or few, to endeavor to repeal a
union so hateful and obnoxious. I am an Englishman in spirit, if not by
birth; I love the institutions of England, and if I am deprived of them
and my liberties as a British subject, then all I can say is, that by
every constitutional means I will endeavor to destroy a union brought
about by corrupt and arbitrary means.”
In 1868 Howe, Annand and their colleagues made their last constitutional
effort in asking the British Parliament to release Nova Scotia from the
union. John Bright brought it before the House with a motion that a
commission be appointed to investigate the causes of discontent in Nova
Scotia. This was defeated by 183 to 87, and with this vote the repeal
movement failed. The delegates, who yet included Howe, issued a parting
statement couched in almost epic language, in which they said:
“But what of the future? The question is natural, but we have no answer
to give. With the publication of this paper our responsibilities end. We
have proposed our remedy—it has been rejected. His Grace the Colonial
Secretary and Lord Monck have assumed the task of making things pleasant
and harmonious. They will have begun to try their experiments before the
Legislature of Nova Scotia meets in August. Having discharged our duty
to the Empire, we go home to share the perils of our native land, in
whose service we consider it an honor to labor, whose fortunes in this
darkest hour of her history it would be cowardice to desert.” The back
of the resistance to union was broken. Howe capitulated to the arguments
of Tupper and the appeal of “better terms.” Annand might have acted with
him had Howe taken him into his confidence during the memorable return
journey with Tupper on the City of Cork. As it was, old friends parted.
Annand refused to meet the Ottawa Ministers at dinner when they came to
Halifax to negotiate with Howe, and afterwards took the stump against
Howe in Hants. Annand’s feeling against Howe, which was heartily
reciprocated in the quarrel, was reflected in The Chronicle, which on
February 2, 1869, said:
“Howe came from England determined to share the perils of his native
land in the darkest hour of her history, and he has done so with a
vengeance. He has assumed the perils of the Presidency of the Dominion
Privy Council, and the temptations of a yearly salary of $5,000, and
dared a trip to snowed-up Ottawa.
That Mr. Howe has shamefully abandoned the party which he joined in the
very heyday of its success is plain. That he actually sold, after long
plotting, the country to which he owed all that he ever was, or ever
had, we are sorry to say we are convinced. Let him go. One man never
built up a country. One man cannot ruin it if the people make a
determined stand for their rights.”
The insurgents and the irreconcilables had their day, but the leaven was
working. Howe and Tupper together carried the voters by storm in the
next election. Even Annand, shortly after Howe joined the Cabinet,
admitted through The Chronicle that it was “the policy of the people of
Nova Scotia to make the best of union while it lasted.”
Annand’s last years were spent in England, far from the scene of strife.
For a time he was Agent-General of the Dominion Government, and
afterwards, until his death on October 12, 1887, Agent for Nova Scotia.
When he passed away few of his contemporaries remained, but Nova Scotia
history must count him an influential and honorable figure during
critical times. He was a good executive, a capable leader, and a speaker
of ready expression and forcible style. |