author of the following work desires to acknowledge his obligations
to two preceding writers who have dealt with the life and times of
Count Frontenac, the late Mr. Parkman, and M. Henri Lorin. The
merits of the former are too well known and too thoroughly
established to need any commendation at this time. If he charms by
the lucidity and picturesqueness of his style, none the less does he
achieve a high level of historical accuracy, and manifest the
control of the true spirit of historical criticism. The work of M.
Lorin is, perhaps, less attractive in point of style, but it treats
the whole subject from an independent point of view, and in a very
comprehensive manner. It is a treasure-house of carefully sifted
facts in relation to the career of Canada's most famous governor
under the old regime. A certain French writer once complimented
another — a dim recollection suggests that it was Buffon who so
complimented President Debrosses in regard to his work on language —
by saying that whoever treated the same subject "apres
lui" would also have to do it "d"apres
lui"; and such the author inclines to
think has, to some extent, been his situation in relation to his two
able and industrious predecessors. At the same time the present work
has not been written without consultation of original sources, and
it is trusted that it will be found—for Canadian readers especially—
a not unserviceable or uninteresting narrative.
Chapter I
Canada before Frontenac, 1608 to 1632 Chapter II Canada before Frontenac, 1632
to 1672 Chapter III The Beginning of Frontenac's
Administration Chapter IV The Commencement of Troubles Chapter V Divided Power Chapter VI The Life of a Colony Chapter VII Governorship of M. De La
Barre, 1682 to 1685 Chapter VIII Governorship of Marquis of
Denonville, 1685 to 1689 Chapter IX Frontenac to the Rescue Chapter X Frontenac, Defender of Canada Chapter XI Fire and Sword on the Border Chapter XII The Drama of War - Peace at
the Last