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Makers of Canada

Here we are profiling the major personalities that helped to build Canada into the country it is today. We are also adding a sub section for biographies of other people that made a difference. When we add a book we also add its author and publication date. In our Makers of Canada section below we have listed the people in chronological order.

As always in a project of this nature we rely mainly on antiquarian resources but we'd love to hear from any of our visitors who feel they could contribute information by way of text, pictures or videos of any significant Canadians that contributed to making Canada what it is today.

  1. Champlain
    By N E Dionne (1909)
  2. Bishop Lavel
    By A. Lebond de Brumath (1909)
  3. Count Frontenac
    By William D. Le Sueur (1909)
  4. Wolfe and Montcalm
    By The Abbé H. R. Casgrain (1909)
  5. Lord Dorchester
    By A. G. Bradley (1909)
  6. William Lyon MacKenzie
    By Charles Lindsey (1912)
  7. Louis-Joseph Papineau
    By Alfred D Decelles (1912)
  8. John Graves Simcoe
    By Duncan Campbell Scott (1909)
  9. MacKenzie, Selkirk, Simpson
    By The rev. George Bryce D.D. (1909)
  10. General Brock
    By Lady Edgar (1909)
  11. Papineau & Cartier
    By Alfred D. DeCelles (1909)
  12. The Life of General The Hon. James Murray
    With a Biographical Sketch of the Family of Murray of Elibank by Major-Gen R. H. Mahon
  13. Joseph Howe
    By Hon. J. W. Longley (1909)
  14. Egerton Ryerson
    By Nathanael Burwash (1909)
  15. Baldwin, LaFontaine, Hincks
    By Stephen Leacock (1909)
  16. Lord Sydenham
    By Adam Shortt (1909)
  17. Lord Elgin
    By John George Bourinot (1903)
  18. Wilmot and Tilley
    By James Hannay (1909)
  19. Sir John A MacDonald
    By George R. Parkin (1908)
  20. George Brown
    By John Lewis (1909)
  21. Sir James Douglas
    By Robert Hamilton Coats and R. E. Gosnell (1908)
  22. Biography of Lord Strathcona and Mount Royal
    By Rev. J. W. Pedley
  23. The Father of British Canada: A Chronicle of Carleton
    By William Wood
  24. Index and Dictionary of Canadian History
    Edited by Lawrence J. Burpee. F.R.G.S. Librarian of the Carnegie Library, Ottawa and Arthur G. Doughty, C.M.G., Litt.D., Dominion Archivist, Ottawa (1911) (pdf)
  25. Sir Frederick Haldimand
    By Jean N. McIlwraith (pdf)
  26. Sir Charles Tupper
    By the Hon. J. W. Longley (pdf)
  27. William Lyon Mackenzie King
  28. Sir Wilfrid Laurier

Leaders of Confederation
This book provides sketches on each of the Fathers of Confederation

A Cyclopedia of Canadian Biography
Being Chiefly Men of the Time, A Collection of Persons Distinguished in Professional and Political Life; Leaders in the Commerce and Industry of Canada, and Successful Pioneers. Edited by Geo. MacLean Rose (1888) Series II

A Cyclopedia of Canadian Biography
Edited by Hector Charlesworth (1919) Series III

The Marquis of Dufferin and Ava
By Sir Alfred Lyall, P.C. in two volumes (pdf) (1905). Was for two terms Governor General of Canada
Volume 1  |  Volume 2

Men and Women of the Time
A handbook of Canadian Biography edited by Henry James Morgan (1912)

Canadian Who's Who
First Edition, Edited by Elizabeth Lumley (1910) (pdf)

Types of Canadian Women
And of Women who are or have been connected with Canada edited by Henry James Morgan, LL.D., F.R.S.N.A. (1903) (pdf)

Canadian Portraits
C.B.C. Broadcasts Edited by R. G. Riddell (1940)

The Canadians
A video Series of 59 Canadian Biographies

Heroines of Canadian History
By W. S. Herrington (1910) (pdf)

Women of Red River (1923) (pdf)

The Canadian Pioneers
By Abbé H. R. Casgrain Translated from the French by A. W. L. Gompertz (1896) (pdf)

The Canadian Biographical Dictionary and Portrait Gallery of Eminent and Self-made Men
 Ontario volume (1880) (pdf)
Quebec and the Maritime provinces volume  (1881) (pdf)

Portraits of British Americans
By W. Notman, Photographer to Her Majesty with Biogaphical Sketches by Fennings Taylor, Deputy Clerk and Clerk Assistant to the Legislative Council of Canada in three volumes (1865)

Builders of the Canadian Commonwealth
By George H. Locke with an Introduction by A. H. U. Colquhoun (1926) (pdf)

Significant Canadians

  1. Sir Oliver Mowat
    A Biographical Sketch by C. R. W. Biggar, M.A., in two volumes (1905)
  2. Sandford Fleming
    The most prominent and original of Canadian engineers
  3. John Turner, PM
    And Liberal leader who battled free trade with U.S. [External Link]
  4. Principal Grant
    Queens University
  5. Alexander Milton Ross
    Philanthropist and Scientist
  6. Alexander Morris
    Lawyer, judge, businessman, politician, and public servant
  7. Sir George W. Ross
  8. Father Lacombe
    Who spent more than sixty years of work among the Indians of Western Canada. (pdf)
  9. Sir Alexander Tilloch Galt
  10. John Ross Robertson
  11. David Thompson
  12. Dr John Rae
  13. Samuel Hearne
  14. Bar to Bar to Bench: a Memoir
    The Honourable Gregory T. Evans, C.M., Ont., Q.C., LL.B. (pdf)
  15. Gaasenbeek
    An Immigrant’s Story: Memoirs of a Dutch Canadian.
  16. Alexander Fraser [1860-1936]
  17. Scobie, Hugh, newspaperman, publisher, justice of the peace
  18. The Father of St. Kilda
    Twenty Years in Isolation in the Sub-Arctic Territory of the Hudson's Bay Company by Roderick Campbell, F.R.G.S. (1901). Essentially this is an account of a young lad growing up in the Western Islands of Scotland and then at 16 joining the Hudson Bay Company as an apprentice and sailing to Canada and then an account of his life for the next 20 years or so.
  19. Major Thomas Campbell CB
    Throughout his 63 years was a well respected military officer, a politician and a developer of the Seigneury in the county of Rouville, Quebec and most of all a much loved husband and father.
  20. The Canadian Album
    Men of Canada; or, Success by example, in religion, patriotism, business, law, medicine, education and agriculture; containing portraits of some of Canada's chief business men, statesmen, farmers, men of the learned professions, and others; also, an authentic sketch of their lives; object lessons for the present generation and examples to posterity (1891)
  21. Jack L. Cooke
    A Barber for some 40 years in South London, Ontario. A really excellent book taking us around Canada in his early years and giving us a real insight to Canada in the 20th century. Jack lost his hearing when only 12 years of age due to scarlet fever
  22. John Milne
    This is a book about the Life of John Milne. John Milne understood the value of his contribution to the building of our nation. His stories are interesting, informative and are filled with humanity. Reading the autobiography gives us a very real representation of what life was like in his time when our country was young and virtually anything was possible.
  23. Currie, Sir Arthur William
    Teacher, insurance salesman, militia officer, real-estate developer, army officer, office holder, and university administrator.
  24. George A. Fierheller, C.M., B.A., D.S.Litt., LL.D.
    A mover and shaker in the telecommunications industry in Canada with many charitable actives.
  25. Premier Ralph Klein of Alberta
    A Canadian icon
  26. One Life in the 20th Century
    By Heinz Muller
  27. The True Makers of Canada
    The Narrative of Gordon Sellar who emigrated to Canada in 1825.
  28. Chris Hadfield
    Canadian Astronaut
  29. Donald McCaig
    Famous educationist in 19th Century Canada
  30. Ian Angus Michael Munro
    President of CASSOC
  31. Paul Desmarais
    A key member of Canada's financial elite, and friend to premiers and prime ministers.
  32. Dr Norman Bethune
    China's Hero, Canada's Traitor.
  33. Malcolm MacLeod
    Influential in creating the CPR and building Western Canada
  34. Conrad Black
    Media Mogul and Historian
  35. Philip Gray
    A gifted & brave WW2 pilot, author and friends to many around the world.
  36. Diefenbaker
    Prime Minister of Canada
  37. Jim Flaherty
    Finance Minister of Canada
  38. Farley Mowat
    Acclaimed Canadian author

  39. Charles Fenerty
    Inventor of Paper from Wood

  40. MacLean
    Father and Son

  41. Ralph Connor
    Author and Minister

  42. Bruce MacKinnon
    Canadian editorial cartoonist

  43. William Osler, The Man
    By Harvey Cushing

  44. Alfred Fitzpatrick
    Known nationally and internationally as a pioneer in education.

  45. Constable Daniel Woodall
    Commemorating his life and death

  46. Flora MacDonald

  47. John Hillyard Cameron (1817-1876)
    Canadian Scot and Orange Grand Master

  48. Barbara Boles-Davis
    The hardest working Templar in the Grand Priory of Canada

  49. The Life of John Mockett Cramp, D.D.
    1796-1881. Late President of Acadia College; Author of "The Council of Trent," "Baptist History," Etc. by Rev. T. A. Higgins D.D. (1887)

  50. Murdo McIvar
    A mainstay of the Gaelic Society of Vancouver

  51. BGen (Ret'd) Garry S. Thomson
    Garry Thomson was commissioned in The Royal Regiment of Canada in Toronto in 1963 and commanded the Regiment from 1976 to 1979.

  52. Life of Colonel Talbot
    and the Talbot Settlement by Edward Ermatinger (1859)

  53. Family of Eric Liddell

  54. Pierre Berton
    The historian who shaped Canadian identity more than any other

  55. Duncan McIntyre

  56. Armory and Lineages of Canada
    Comprising the Lineage of Prominent and Pioneer Canadians with Descriptions and Illustrations of their Coat Armor, Orders of Knighthood, or other Official Insignia by Herbert George Todd (1913)

  57. Dent, John Charles
    Lawyer, journalist, author, and historian

  58. John Wallace Baird (1869-1919)
    Professor of Psychology

  59. Across an Ocean and Time
    The World as Seen by Harry Nash by John C. Nash (2014)

  60. Life of Thomas McCulloch
    By His Son William McCulloch, D.D. edited by his granddaughters (1920) (pdf)

  61. William Christie
    Largest biscuit maker in Canada

  62. John Bethune
    Ontario's pioneer Presbyterian preacher (pdf)
  63. Father Lancombe
    Founder, priest and peacemaker
  64. Angus, Richard Bladworth
    Banker, railway executive, and businessman
  65. Canada and Canadians
    By Sir Richard Henry Bonnycastle, Kt. Lieutenant-Colonel Royal Engineers and Militia of Canada West in two volumes (1849)
  66. Grey Owl
    The Ojibwa taught Archie their ideas about life and nature. He became angry at the “white man” for treating Indians and nature badly.
  67. Sir John Murray
    Pioneer in Oceanography
  68. William McNab, m.e.i.c.
    Chairman of the Valuation Committee of the Grand Trunk Railway System
  69. William Renwick Riddell
    Lawyer, judge, historian, and author.
  70. Arthur St. Clair
    Governor of the Northwest Territory 1787-1802 by Rachel Marian Jarrold (1906) (pdf)
  71. Lord Shaughnessy, K.C.V.O., Hon.M.E.I.C.
  72. Lord Dufferin
  73. Alexander (Sandy) Craig
  74. The United Empire Loyalists of Canada.
    Illustrated by Memorials of the Servis Family by William Kirby (1884) (pdf)
  75. Edward William Thomson
    By M. O. Hammond
  76. Douglas Brymner
  77. Descendants of James Leslie, Capt 1Sth Reg. of Foot
    Provided by Barrie Leslie (pdf)
  78. William Notman
    Photographic Pioneer
  79. Wes Hall
  80. Roy Thomson, 1st Baron Thomson of Fleet
    A Canadian newspaper proprietor who became one of the moguls of Fleet Street.
  81. John Walter Grant MacEwan
    Canadian farmer, Professor at the University of Saskatchewan, Dean of Agriculture at the University of Manitoba, the 28th Mayor of Calgary and both a Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA) and the ninth Lieutenant Governor of Alberta, Canada.
  82. James Richardson
    Leading grain merchant in central Ontario
  83. Helen Armstrong
    That impassioned woman at the heart of the 1919 Winnipeg General Strike
  84. Autobiography of John Macoun , M.A.
    Canadian Explorer and Naturalist, Assistant Director and Naturalist to the Geological Survey of Canada 1831-1920, With Introduction by Ernest Thompson Seton, A memorial volume published by the Ottawa Field-Naturalist Club (1922) (pdf)
  85. Robert Campbell
    Chief Factor of the Hon. Hudson's Bay Company
  86. Joyce Wieland Life & Work
    By Johanne Sloan (2014) (pdf)
  87. William Coaker
    Clerk, businessman, farmer, office holder, editor, labour leader, and politician
  88. Desmond Morton
    Canadian Historian
  89. John Crosbie
  90. Taylor, William
    Businessman and Politician
  91. A Woman of Valour
    The Biography of Marie-Louise Bochard Labelle by Claire Trépanier (2010) (pdf)
  92. Canadian Folk-Lore Society, First Annual Report 1911
    Includes a brief Bio of David Boyle, LL.D., F.F.S.C., the well known Canadian archaeologist and Honorary President of this Society, who died February 14, 1911, aged sixty-nine years, was born in Greenock, Renfrewshire, Scotland, in 1842, and came to Canada in 1856. (pdf)
  93. James Brown
    Businessman and Politician. His importance lay instead in his contributions to the social and economic development of the province through his concern for education, agriculture and land policy, transportation, and immigration. Perhaps it was inevitable that the practical Scottish immigrant should give leadership as a builder rather than as a constitutional authority.
  94. Sir William Mulock
    Postmaster General
  95. W. H. Fraser
    Pioneer of the Spanish movement in Canada
  96. Frank Baines 1877 - 1968
    Conservationist and an important link with pioneer origins of Saskatchewan (pdf)
  97. William Davidson
    Lumber merchant, shipbuilder, and office-holder.  See video about him on the page about him on our index page at the link above.
  98. Life of Sir William E. Logan
    First director of the geological survey of Canada by Bernard J. Harrington (1883) (pdf)
  99. Sir John William Dawson
  100. The Canadians: Joshua Slocum
  101. The McLoughlin Empire and its Rulers
    Doctor John McLoughlin, Doctor David McLoughlin, Marie Louise (Sister St. Henry). An account of their personal lives, and of their parents, relatives and children; in Canada’s Quebec Province, in Paris, France, and in the West of the Hudson’s Bay Company with documents, letters, maps, and illustrations by Burt Brown Barker, LL.D., Vice President Emeritus, University of Oregon (!959) (pdf)
  102. Roderick Ross MacFarlane, 1833-1920
    by Edward A. Preble (pdf)
  103. The White Chief of the Ottawa
    A sketch of the life experiences of Philemon Wright and his family, the first settlers in the district of Ottawa By Bertha Wright Carr-Harris (1903) (pdf)
  104. A List of the Members of the House of Assembly for Upper Canada
    From 1792, to the Union in 1841, By Wilfred Campbell, LL.D. (pdf)

  105. Governor Musgrave and Confederation
    By His Honour Judge F. W. Howay (pdf)
  106. Thomas John Thomson, painter
    Article by Joan Murray
  107. The Analytical Study of Canadian History
    Article by John Lesperance (1887) (pdf)
  108. Cummer Memoranda
    A Record of the Progenitors and Descendants of Jacob Cummer, a Canadian Pioneer by Wellington Willson Cummer and Clyde Lottridge Cummer, PH. B., M.D. (1911) (pdf)
  109. The Revd. John Stuart, D.D., U.E.L.
    Of Kingston, U. C. and His Family, A Genealogical Study by A. H. Young (1920) (pdf)
  110. Brief Sketch of Life and Work of Rev. James Evans
    Inventor of the Syllabic System of the Cree Indians in Northwestern Canada 1801—1846 By Rev. John Maclean (pdf)
  111. Stephen Leacock
    Canadian teacher, political scientist, writer, and humorist.
  112. Marie Anne Gaboury
    First Canadian Woman in the Northwest (pdf)
  113. The Story of Laura Secord
    And Canadian Reminiscences by Emma A. Currie (1900) (pdf)
  114. William Watt
    (1830-1916) One of five brothers from Stromness in the Orkney Islands who joined the Hudson’s Bay Company in the mid-nineteenth century.
  115. Lucy Margaret Baker
    A Biographical Sketch of the first Missionary of our Canadian Presbyterian Church to the North-West Indians by Elizabeth A. Byers (1920)
  116. Gaelic Scholar Alexander Maclean Sinclair (1840-1924)
    A dissertation presented by Michael David Linkletter (pdf)
  117. Herbert Symonds
    A Memoir compiled by friends (1921) (pdf)
  118. Garrett VanDusen
    Chatham native’s route to film success had many detours
  119. Rev William Wye Smith
    Minister, poet and writer
  120. John R. Booth
    A Father of Canada and Industrialist
  121. Thomas McMurray
    Author, journalist, temperance worker, and settler
  122. William Beatty
    A short biography of the Businessman, Methodist lay minister, and politician by Adrian Eric Hayes
  123. Life and Work of Donald Harvey MacVicar, D.D., LL.D.
    By his son, John H. MacVicar, B.A., Melville Church, Fergus, Ontario (1904) (pdf)
  124. Jordan B. Peterson
    Clinical Psychologist
  125. Angus William Rugg MacKenzie
    Founder of the Gaelic College in Cape Breton
  126. A Family Record
    Embracing a Sketch of the history of the Scratch, Wigle, Fox, Friend, Wilkinson, Shepley, McCormick, Malotte, Coatsworth, Iler families and other early Settlers of the country of Essex. The Sketch gives an account of their early settlement in America and the final settlement of their descendants in Western Canada By Mrs. Mary J. Burch (1880) (pdf)
  127. Sinclair, Alexander MacLean
    Presbyterian minister, author, Gaelic scholar, and educator
  128. The Jarvis Family
    Or, The Descendants of the first settlers of the name in Massachusetts and Long Island and those who have recently settled in other parts of the United States and British America, collected and compiled by George A. Jarvis, of New York; George Murray Jarvis, of Ottawa, Canada; William Jarvis Wetmore, of New York; assisted by Alfred Harding, of Brooklyn, N. Y. (1879) (pdf)
  129. The History pf the Morison or Morrison Family
    With most of the "Traditions of the Morrisons" (Clan Mac Ghillemhuire), Hereditary Judges of Lewis, by Capt. F. W. L. Thomas, of Scotland, and a record of the descendans of the Hereditary Judges to 1880. A complete history of the Morison Settlers of Londonderry, N. H., of 1719, and their descendants, with genealogical sketches also, of the Brentwood, Nottingham, and Sanbornton, N. H., Morisons and Branches of the Morisons who settled in Delaware, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Nova Scotia, and descendants of the Morisons of Preston Grange, Scotland, and other families by Leonard A. Morrison (1880) (pdf)
  130. McEachran, Duncan McNab
    Veterinarian, professor, author, school administrator, inspector, and stockbreeder
  131. Sir Allan Napier MacNab
    Politician, businessman, land speculator, lawyer, and soldier; b. 19 Feb. 1798 at Newark (Niagara-on-the-Lake), Upper Canada, third of seven children of Allan MacNab and Anne Napier; d. 8 Aug. 1862 at Hamilton, Canada West.
  132. Life of Sir William E. Logan, Kt., LL.D., F.R.S., F.G.S., &c.
    First Director of the Geological Survey of Canada, Chiefly Compiled from his Letters, Journals and Reports by Bernard J. Harrington, B.A., Ph.D., Professor of Mining in McGill University, Late Chemist and Mineralogist to the Geological Survey of Canada (1883) (pdf)
  133. Jonas W. Watson
    Lake Superior pioneer, Ancestry and Descendants, compiled by Jessie Palmer Williams (1950) (pdf)
  134. Robert Gillespie Reid
    Railwayman and Businessman
  135. Charles Richard Tuttle
    Journalist and Author
  136. Memoir of The Rev. Archibald Campbell Searth, M.A.. D.C.L.
    Rector St. George’s Church, Lennoxville, Professor of Ecclesiastical History Bishop's College, Lennoxville and Canon of the Cathedral of Quebec together with Dr. Scarths reminiscences of his life and annals of the Parish of Lennoxville, edited by the Archdeacon of Quebec (1904) (pdf)
  137. Past and Present
    Notes by Henry Cawthra and Others compiled by A. Maude (Cawthra) Brock and edited by A. H. Young, M.A., D.C.L. (1924) (pdf)
  138. Julia Grace Wales
    Canadian academic known for authoring the Wisconsin Plan, a proposal to set up a conference of intellectuals from neutral nations who would work to find a solution for the First World War (pdf)

The Canadian Family Who Secretly Bought Up Ireland: The Weston Dynasty
The Weston Family, whose empire spans from Canada to Ireland and beyond, has amassed a $14.5 billion pound net worth through snapping up businesses in everything from baked goods to luxury apparel.

The Secret Wealthy Family That Owns Canada: The Bronfmans
The Bronfman Family, who sold their stake in alcohol empire Seagram's for a staggering $34 billion U.S. dollars, diversified into branching into real estate, the music industry, and tech - among other industries - as they also courted controversy and shadowy connections. In today’s episode of Old Money Luxury, we’ll tell their insane rags to riches saga.

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