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James Fitzgibbon
Colonel and Savior of Canada and Toronto

“Such fearless, simple-hearted men as Colonel FitzGibbon, the hero of this plain, unvarnished tale, saved Canada in her hour of peril. Canada was too entirely handed over to the time-serving politician to do them fitting honor in their lifetime; and it is consoling to know that a more grateful generation of Canadians has arisen to keep alive the memory of those who fought for Canada’s right to live under British institutions when there was serious fighting to be done. The authoress of the present volume does not disclose her relationship to her hero, but she has compiled this biographical narrative with loving zeal, and everyone who cares for Canada’s past will thank her.”—Canadian Gazette, London, England.

"I have read ‘A Veteran of 1812’ through from cover to cover, including the appendices. As a Canadian I thank you for this valuable accession to Canadian literature. It fills a gap that required the filling up by someone who would take the trouble to closely investigate the events of the time. I well remember the events of 1837 so far as Toronto was concerned, and can say that you have described them with much accuracy, and, I may add, in a felicitous manner. . . . To your grandfather, in my opinion, belongs the credit of having saved Toronto, others were willing to profit by Colonel FitzGibbon’s exertions."—Extract from Letter from D. B. Read, Esq., Q.C., author of "Life of Sir Isaac Brock, K.B"

A Veteran of 1812
The Life or James Fitzgibbon by Mary Agnes Fitzgibbon (1894) (pdf)

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