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The Canadian Men and Women of the Time
Edited by Henry James Morgan (second edition) (1912) in two volumes


THE first edition of “Canadian Men and Women of the Time” appeared in 1898. It comprised a volume of 1,118 pages, royal octavo, and included, approximately, 2,891 sketches of living characters. Of these over 900, or almost 33 per cent., have since died.

The volume met with a warm reception and was more than ordinarily successful. Its circulation was large, and extended to the remotest corners of the world. It was and is to be found in all the principal public libraries of Europe, Asia and America, as well as in a great many private collections. It was largely used by the newspaper press, mostly, however, without acknowledgment, a species of plagiarism into which a portion of the Fourth Estate seems to have fallen, in the present day, without any apparent sense of shame.

Various works, modelled upon the same lines as the present one, have since been started in Canada, but none of them have answered the public expectation—hence a demand has arisen for a second edition of “ Canadian Men and Women of the Time,” to meet which the present volume has been prepared. Like its predecessor, the Editor trusts that it may be found accurate, trustworthy, and up-to-date. It is certainly as complete, as regards the number of characters represented, as well as the facts and information touching them, as circumstances have permitted. If any name of importance has been omitted, the fault, upon examination, will be found not to rest with the Editor, but with someone more directly concerned.

The volume now submitted will be found to contain a greater number of names than the previous one, some 7,900 sketches being included within its folds. Of these some have died while the book was being published, but any such occurrences, with other unforeseen changes, will be found to be duly recorded in their proper place.

A second volume, embracing portraits of the persons represented herein, will appear just as soon as all the portraits have been collected for the purpose.

The Editor has been indebted to many persons for various courtesies and other assistance received during the preparation of the book. A list of these ladies and gentlemen is subjoined, and to one vii

and all he tenders his hearty thanks. His acknowledgments are especially due to his younger son, Mr. Hamilton Richards Morgan, who, throughout, has been of material assistance in revising the proof sheets and otherwise rendering important service.

The full list of those to whom we have been indebted is as follows, the names being given in alphabetical order:

Fred Abraham, Montreal; Dr. Silas Alward, K.C.; Lt.-Col. J. R. Armstrong, St. John, N.B.; Major-General the Rt. Hon. Lord Aylmer, Queen’s Bay, B.C.; Prof. Alfred Baker, M.A., Toronto; the late Mlle. Robertine Barry (“Francoise ”), Montreal; Dr. Robert Bell,. F.R.S., Ottawa; His Honour Judge Benson, Port Hope, Ont.; Hon. A. Bergevin, M.L.C., Montreal; Mrs. Jean Blewett, Toronto; John Boyd, Montreal; R. Errol Bouchette, LL.B., Library of Parliament, Ottawa; J. P. Bucke, Sarnia, Ont.; Wm. Buckingham, Stratford, Ont.; Lt.-Col. W. S. Buell, Brookville, Ont.; W. W. Campbell, LL.D., Ottawa; E. S. Caswell, Public Library, Toronto; Major E. M. Chadwick, K.C., Toronto; Major Chambers, Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod, Ottawa; E. T. D. Chambers, Quebec; J. A. Chisholm, K.C., Halifax, N.S.; F. Blake Crofton, London, Eng.; N. Omer Cote, I.S.O., Ottawa; Capt. Thos. Cote, do.; the late Hon. Mr. Justice Curran, LL.D., Montreal; Dr. Willoughby Cummings, Toronto; Madame Dandurand, Montreal; Hon. L. 0. David, Senator, do.; Hon. Mr. Justice Davidson, D.C.L., do.; A. D. de Celles, C.M.G., LL.D., General Librarian, Ottawa; Col. G. T. Denison, Police Magistrate, Toronto; Miss de Pencier, Spencerville, Ont.; William Dennis, Halifax, N.S.; Theodore Doucet, Montreal; William Drysdale, His Majesty’s Customs, Montreal; Hon. J. V. Ellis, Senator, St. John, N.B.; Sir Sandford Fleming, K.C.M.G., LL.D., Ottawa; T. B. Flint, D.C.L., Clerk of the House of Commons, Ottawa; Edward Foley, Advocate, Quebec; His Honour the late Hon. D. C. Fraser, D.C.L., Lieut.-Governor of Nova Scotia; Hector Garneau, Advocate, Montreal; Lt.-Col. J. D. Gemmill, Rome, Italy; C. H. Gould, Librarian, McGill University, Montreal; Dr. J. M. Harper, Quebec; C. A. E. Harriss, Mus. Doc., Ottawa; Prof. R. Carr Harris, C.E., Kingston, Ont.; Lt.-Col. Edward Harrison, Ottawa; Mrs. Kate Simpson Hayes (“Mary Markwell”), Winnipeg; Lady Hickson, Montreal; J. Geo. Hodgins, I.S.O., LL.D., Toronto; Miss Catherine Hughes, Provincial Archivist, Edmonton, Alta.; Col. Hon. Sami. Hughes, Minister of Militia and Defence, Ottawa; Lt.-Col. R. E. Kent, Kingston, Ont.; The Venerable Archdeacon Ker, D.C.L., Montreal; the Secretary of the Law Society, Toronto; Madame Lavergne, Montreal; J. B. Learmont, Montreal; John Leslie, Secretary, Dept, of Justice, Ottawa, W. D. Lighthall, ICC., F.R.S.C., Montreal; Mrs. Isabel Macdonell, Brockville, Ont.; John A. Macdonell, ICC., Alexandria, Ont.; Hon. Wm. McDonald, Senator, Glace Bay, N.S.; Hon. P. T. McGrath, St. Johns, Nfld.; the Venerable Archdeacon Mac-Morine, Kingston, Ont.; Dr. Marois, Quebec; Hon. Wm. Miller, K.C., P.C., Senator, Arichat, N.S.; Miss Mary Morgan, London, Eng.; Lt.-Col. E. W. B. Morrison, D.S.O., Editor-in-Chief, Daily Citizen, Ottawa; Very Rev. W. J. Murphy, D.D., Rector, University of Ottawa; Capt. Newton, formerly A.D.C., Ottawa; Miss Nisbit, Hamilton, Ont.; J. P. Noyes, K.C., Sweetsburg, P. Q.; Miss A. M. Nutting, Baltimore, Md.; James O’Halloran, K.C., Cowansville, P.Q.; Frederick Paul, Editor-in-Chief, Saturday Night, Toronto; John Reade, LL.D., F.R.S.C., Assistant Editor Montreal Gazette, Montreal; J. Ross Robertson, Editor-in-Chief, Daily Telegram, Toronto; J. Palmerston Robertson, Provincial Librarian, Winnipeg; C. Blacketi Robinson, Ottawa; Hon. Sir G. W. Ross, LL.D., F.R.S.C., Toronto; S. D. Scott, Vancouver, B.C.; Collingwood Schrieber, C.M.G., C.E., Ottawa; Rev. Thomas. Sedgwick, D.D., Tatamagouche, N.S.; J. H. Senkier, K.C., Vancouver, B.C.; Major L. W. Shannon, London, Ont.; R. W. Shannon, M.A., barrister, Calgary, Alta.; Miss Clarice Smith, Ottawa; Lt.-Col. H. R. Smith, C.M.G., I.S.O., Sergeant-at-Arms, House of Commons, Ottawa; the late Lt.-Col. A. A. Stevenson, Montreal; H. E. Suckling, Canadian Pacific Railway, Montreal; Benjamin Suite, Ottawa; L. P. Sylvain, Library of Parliament, Ottawa; the late Col. Hon. David Tisdale, K.C., Simcoe, Ont.; William Wainwright, Vice-President, Grand Trunk Railway, Montreal; Horace Wallis, Premier’s Department, Toronto; Lt.-Col. Fred White,
C. M.G., Comptroller, Royal North-West Mounted Police, Ottawa; D. R. Wilkie, President Imperial Bank, Toronto; Lt.-Col. C. F. Winter, D.A.A. General, Montreal; Major Henry J. Woodside, Ottawa; the Rt. Rev. C. L. Worrell, D.C.L., Bishop of Nova Scotia, Halifax, N.S.; Hon. James Young, Galt, Ont.

Communications intended for a new edition of “Canadian Men and Women of the Time” should be addressed to the Editor, Box 371, Post Office, Ottawa.

Ottawa, February, 1912.

Volume 1  |  Volume 2

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