Sir John Murray
Sir John Murray, the son of Scotch settlers in Canada, was born at
Coburg, Ontario, on March 3d, 1841. There he passed the first seventeen
years of his life. In the primitive conditions of a new community the
natural robustness of his nature found a free development in congenial
In 1858 he came to Edinburgh where he prepared for its University at the
Stirling High School. His career at the University appears to have been
stamped by some of the qualities that distinguished him in after life.
Impatient of dogmatic authority, he was somewhat scornful of inherited
tradition, and treated his prescribed studies with a cheerful sans gene.
For even in those days he desired to find out things for himself, and
delve for knowledge independently. The capacity of clear and original
thought, with a genius of disentangling the heart of a subject from its
enveloping details, was as characteristic of the youth as of the man.
From the small circle of scientific men who then made Edinburgh famous,
he gathered, during his student days, what was most worth having, and
went his way. That one of the facets of his personality drew him into a
friendship with Louis Stevenson, offers a suggestive glimpse into a
by-way of his character.
After continuing his scientific training for a period of several years
at Bridge of Allen; he undertook a hazardous voyage to Spitz-burgen, in
a Peterhead whaler in 1868, to study the Arctic Sea. This was the
initial exploit that marked him as a pioneer in Oceanography. With the
history of the development of this science his name is inextricably
bound as a recognized leader. The work of Pourtales, in 1867-1869, off
the Florida coast in the Corwin and Bibb, had stimulated among
scientific men the interest in deep sea exploration. This was further
aroused by several English expeditions under the joint charge of
Thomson, Carpenter and Jeffreys.
When, in December, 1872, the Challenger set out on her famous voyage,
under the leadership of Sir Wyville Thomson, to explore the oceans of
the world, Murray was appointed one of the three principal assistants.
On the return of the Challenger from her cruise of nearly four years, he
was made chief assistant in the colossal labor of publishing the Reports
of the expedition. At the death of Sir Wyville Thomson in 1882, it was
freely predicted that the work would never be finished. But Murray was
appointed editor, rose superior to all obstacles and vicissitudes, and
finally brought the enterprise to a successful conclusion by issuing the
last of the fifty volumes in 1895.
He will probably be best remembered by his work in connection with the
Challenger Expedition. The labor of editing the Reports was one of which
the difficulty has perhaps not been fully realized. It could never have
been completed without first class powers of organization and great
determination of purpose. And it required skill and tact of the highest
order to keep in hand the small army of specialists who were working on
the reports in every quarter of the globe. Not the least of his troubles
were his constant struggles to extract money from a grudging Treasury,
that felt its patience sorely tried by the length and expense of the
undertaking. At one stage of the proceedings Murray forced the
Government to produce the necessary funds by threatening to finish the
work at his own personal expense.
Murray used to say that he was the only man who had read every word of
all the volumes. To carefully read all the page proof was in itself no
light task.
With the assistance of Renard of the University of Ghent, he himself
studied the deep sea deposits collected by the expedition. The result of
this work was published as one of the volumes of the Report. This gave
to science the first minute description of the deposits on the bed of
the ocean, and disclosed the extreme slowness with which some of them
are accumulating.
His active mind gave him a wide sympathy for many scientific activities.
Among the several fields in which his services to science were
important, should be mentioned his bathymetrical survey of the
fresh-water locks of Scotland. This work he conducted for many years
with a capable corps of observers. These investigations were published
in a series of six volumes, finished in 1910. This is probably the most
complete work of its kind in existence.
Chiefly for the purpose of testing in deep water various new apparatus
which had lately been used in shallow seas, Murray organized an
oceanographic expedition to the North Atlantic in 1910, under the
auspices of the Norwegian Government. He financed this enterprise
himself, with the exception of the salaries of the government
assistants, who were in charge of Dr. Johan Hjort. In his capacity of
promoter and advisor of the cruise, Murray was cooped up and tossed
about for several months, when nearly seventy, in the uncomfortable
little steamer Michael Sars; a hardship that he made light of, for he
loved the ocean which he knew so well.
In 1912 Murray and Dr. Hjort collected the results of the voyage in a
volume entitled “The Depths of the Ocean.” This publication, a valuable
reference-book on thalassography, contains a complete summary of
oceanography, it treats of the apparatus, the manner of its use and the
ends reached in this science; while it brings the whole subject up to
date with a description of the work accomplished by the Michael Sars.
To commemorate the memory of a close friendship, Murray gave a fund to
the National Academy at Washington, establishing the Alexander Agassiz
Medal, which is to be awarded occasionally for distinguished work in
Oceanography. On the occurrence of its first award in 1913, the Academy
adopted the following course. They selected Dr. Hjort for the honor, and
sent a replica of the Medal to Murray.
It is hoped that at the end of the present war, a similar tribute can be
offered through The Royal Society, which will establish a Sir John
Murray Medal.
The Zoological stations on the Firth of Forth and on the Firth of Clyde
were founded by him. It was in part due to his efforts that the
meteorological observatory on Ben Nevis was created.
He took a keen interest in Polar Exploration, and made a journey to
Norway for the express purpose of seeing Nansen start on his attempt to
reach the North Pole. He first suggested the idea that the land around
the South Pole is one continuous continent, which the explorations of
Scott and Amundsen have done much to substantiate. The stimulus that
Antarctic research received from Murray’s enthusiastic support, was a
powerful factor in materializing at least one of those expeditions.
Murray was the authority on deep sea deposits. Many of the numerous
explorers who, since the days of the Challenger, have probed the depths
of the ocean, placed their collections of muds and slimes at his
disposal for study and description. His familiarity with this subject
led him to think there are no rocks on continental areas that could have
been formed from such deposits as the red clays, the pteropod and the
Globigerina oozes, which cover vast areas of the ocean’s floor, where
they have been accumulating for long periods of geological time. This
led him to the firm belief that the ocean basins have remained fixed
since the early ages of geology, and to a disbelief in those lost
Atlantes and elevated pathways called on to explain the geographical
distribution of land flora and fauna. Nor did he admit that Australia,
India, Africa, South America and Antarctica had ever formed a single
* Murray very naturally considered that the pendulum and geodetic,
observations of late years, as well as measurements of gravity over the
ocean, attest the permanence of the ocean basins. “ For,” as he wrote to
a friend not long before his death, “ it is extremely improbable that
there could be such a shifting of materials in the deeper parts of the
crust as to cause sub-oceanic heaviness to give place to sub-continental
lightness — such as now is found to exist.”
He insisted that abyssal Radiolarian ooze was a different deposit from
those that have formed Radiolarian rocks. Although Molen-graaff, in his
recent papers on the Danau formation, dissents from this view, he
believes in the permanence of continents and ocean basins. For he
considers that the theory is supported by the rarity of the Radiolarites,
and the fact of their being limited to the geosynclinals; that is to the
more mobile portions of the earth’s crust, which in broader or narrower
strips separate the great stable areas.
In common with most naturalists who since Dana’s day have examined coral
reefs in the field, Murray returned from the voyage of the Challenger
convinced that Darwin’s theory of subsidence did not satisfactorily
explain the formation of coral atolls and barrier reefs. Murray’s theory
lays special stress on the building up of marine platforms, by the
gradual deposit of the remains of marine organisms, to a suitable height
for the growth of reef building corals; and to the seaward growth of
corals on the talus, broken from the living reef and rolled down its
outer slope. The formation of the lagoons of atolls and the passages
between barrier reefs and the land he attributed to the solvent action
of sea water.
When Murray, then a comparatively young man, first suggested his theory,
he was advised not to publish anything hastily. This delayed its
appearance for about two years. The Duke of Argyll, learning of this
fact, wrote accusing the scientific world of a deliberate attempt to
suppress the truth for fear of injuring the prestige of Darwin. This
called forth the indignant protest of Huxley. The controversy, which
created a considerable commotion among the scientific men of that day,
was known as the “Conspiracy of Silence.”
Murray maintained that the famous coral boring on the Atoll of Funafuti
in the Ellice Islands, made under the auspices of the Royal Society of
London, supported his views. In fact he predicted that the diamond drill
would penetrate into a talus. It might have been inferred from this
prophecy that the core taken from Funafuti would lead to a discussion of
what it actually revealed. A site for the hole should have been selected
where, if, as many believe, the theory of subsidence is mistaken, the
drill would have encountered only a comparatively thin stratum of coral
rock. Such a site might be found at some point a short distance from the
centre of a lagoon, but even there the evidence would not be conclusive
if the atoll happened to rest on a foundation of limestone. The
situation chosen for the Funafuti bore, on the rim of a large atoll, was
unfortunate, and the work instead of proving anything has complicated
the subject; for eminent men have drawn very different conclusions from
the results of the undertaking. Distinguished supporters of Darwin’s
theory of subsidence have held that the drill pierced a continuous coral
reef. Murray believed it “passed through a portion of the talus produced
by the fragments torn from the growing face of the reef, and on which it
had proceeded seawards.” While Alexander Agassiz was inclined to think
that the drill passed in part through Tertiary limestones, and in part
through a talus of modern material.
The theories of Murray, Agassiz, and Gardiner differ in the amount of
work that they attribute to modern corals, and the relative values they
assign to such agencies as organic deposits, erosion, solution, the
trade winds, and the scouring force of the ocean. But they all agree in
asserting that Darwin’s theory of subsidence does not offer a
satisfactory solution of the method of formation of atolls and barrier
One episode in Murray’s life furnishes a good example of the unexpected
practical benefits that may result from the pursuit of pure science.
While crusing in the regions adjacent to the island of Java, the nets of
the Challenger collected some bits of phosphate. A careful examination
of these objects convinced Murray that they must have been formed on
land. Subsequent search for their origin, under Murray’s auspices, led
to the discovery of the phosphate deposits of Christmas Island. The
island was annexed to Great Britain, and a company under Murray’s
presidency developed a highly prosperous mine. Some years before his
death the company had already paid in royalties, for the protection of
the English flag, more than the entire cost of the Challenger
This enterprise made Murray rich, and while he accepted the
opportunities which the possession of wealth offers to an intelligent
man, it in no way affected his interest in the pursuit of science. One
of the chief projects of his last years was to equip a vessel on the
lines of the Prince of Monaco’s “Princesse Alice,” and set out in her
for a protracted cruise around the world in the interest of
Murray was elected a Foreign Honorary Member of the American Academy in
1900. Among the many other honors that came to him in recognition of his
scientific work, he received the Prussian order ‘ Pour le Merite. Punch
celebrated the event with a cartoon, which always delighted Murray. As
the final decision in the award rests with the King of Prussia, the
picture represents the Kaiser who has called for the publications of the
candidate. Vistas of lackeys are staggering in loaded with the mighty
volumes of the Challenger Report, while the astonished monarch asks in
amazement why the name of this prolific author had not been previously
Under a somewhat brusque manner, Murray could not conceal a genial
kindliness, and deep human sympathy and interest. His devotion to
research was combined with a strength of will and a steadfastness of
purpose, that rendered him singularly efficient in anything he
undertook, whether scientific or practical; for he had an unusually
clear and steady vision in worldly affairs, uncommon in the devotee of
pure science.
His connection with the Challenger Reports began a wide acquaintance
among scientific men; his business interests in Christmas Island,
Canada, and the United States threw him in broad touch with a different
world. Accustomed to meet many varieties of people, the readiness with
which his keen and active mind struck fire in contact with other men,
made him, wherever he went, a commanding figure.
Murray had little sympathy for those whom he termed the hod carriers of
science. Men whose mental activities seem to be satisfied in collecting
undigested facts. Not that he undervalued facts, but that he strove to
fit them into the body of human knowledge. He never lost sight of. the
aim of science, a deeper insight into Nature, and a broader outlook on
the Universe.
In 1889 Murray married Isabel Henderson, daughter of Thomas Henderson
the shipowner, and brought his wife back to Edinburgh, where their home
became one of its intellectual centres. For many years of his later
life, Sir John and Lady Murray, with their family of two boys and three
girls, lived in a roomy house on the outskirts of Edinburgh, which he
had christened “ Challenger Lodge.” It was characteristic of the man
that his unfailing insight enabled him to established a most sympathetic
relation with his children, and caused him to use original methods,
based on great independence and liberty, to develop them into efficient
and self reliant personalities.
Turning into his own avenue, on March 16, 1914, Murray’s automobile
skidded and capsized, killing him instantly. Such an end, always wished
for by him, came as a shock to his friends in many lands, whose
admiration for the naturalist was only exceeded by their love of a very
human fellow-man.
G. R. Agassiz. |