Robert G. Reid (1842-1908)
Reid emigrated to Canada in 1871.
From Henry Youmans Mott, Newfoundland Men (Concord, N.H.: Cragg, 1894)
contractor; b. 12 Oct. 1842 in Coupar Angus, Scotland, son of William
Robertson Reid and Catherine Gillespie; m. 17 Aug. 1865 Harriet Duff in
Auckland, New Zealand, and they had three sons and one daughter; d. 3
June 1908 in Montreal.
Robert Reid’s father owned a linen mill at Coupar Angus. After leaving
school Robert was apprenticed to an uncle, a stonemason at nearby Leys
of Hallyburton. He worked as a mason in the area of his home town for a
few years, and then emigrated to Australia to prospect for gold in 1865,
meeting his future wife during the passage. The gold-rush had passed its
peak by this time and Reid found that prospecting was not so lucrative
as he had hoped. A partnership to work a claim did not pan out and he
turned to practising his trade, finding his skills in demand on public
works in New South Wales. Eventually he began working on the
construction of stone viaducts in the Blue Mountains there, thus
initiating his involvement with railway construction.
Reid returned to Coupar Angus in 1869, presumably to take on some role
in the family business, his father having died in 1867. In 1871 he
emigrated once again – without his young family – to North America. In
all likelihood he was looking for opportunities in railway construction
and, although he travelled first to New York, he soon concluded that
there was greater promise in Canada, perhaps on the understanding that
construction of a transcontinental railway was imminent. He went on to
Ottawa, where according to family tradition his first job involved stone
work on an extension to the Parliament Buildings. In 1872 he was working
on masonry abutments for the Grand Trunk Railway’s International Bridge
between Fort Erie, Ont., and Buffalo, N.Y., completed in 1873 [see Sir
Casimir Stanislaus Gzowski*]. He brought out his family from Scotland in
that year and took up residence in Galt (Cambridge), Ont., where he
formed a partnership with the contractor James Isbester. For the next
few years, as the “outside man” of Isbester and Reid, he worked on
subcontracts with the Grand Trunk in Canada and the United States, and
then on bridges along the Ottawa River for the Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa
and Occidental Railway.
In the late 1870s Reid moved to the United States, to work in
construction of the American trans-continentals. He apparently
established his family in California, although for the next five years
he was employed chiefly in Texas. In 1880 Reid worked on bridges for the
Southern Pacific, including a bridging of the Colorado River at Austin
which gave him a reputation for being able to overcome difficult
geographical obstacles within budget. In 1882 he subcontracted to build
iron and masonry bridges for 250 miles of the International line, west
of San Antonio and into Mexico, among them a bridge over the Rio Grande.
The next year he finished a railway bridge over the Delaware Water Gap,
N.J.–Pa. It is reported that this contract solidified his reputation as
a bridge contractor of uncommon ability and especially as a man who
stuck to his word. Despite having been brought into the project after
work had commenced, and despite being abandoned by the original
contractor when it became apparent that the contract would not cover the
costs of construction, Reid completed the bridge.
His reputation now established, Reid returned to Canada late in 1883. He
had retained at least some connections among Canadian railwaymen, and he
may have been actively recruited by the Canadian Pacific Railway.
Whatever the case, he was quickly entrusted with some of the CPR’s most
difficult subcontracts, building bridges along the north shore of Lake
Superior. Reid’s work would appear to have been exemplary, and it earned
him the lasting trust of William Cornelius Van Horne*, then
vice-president of the CPR, and most especially of Van Horne’s assistant
Thomas George Shaughnessy*, who became a lifelong friend. His
achievements included the near-legendary Jackfish Bay section of the
line, which necessitated the most difficult network of tunnels and
bridges east of the Rockies.
Reid’s work commanded respect both for his abilities and for his
propriety in financial matters and led to a contract, reputedly without
a tender, to work on the Lachine Bridge, near Montreal; it was completed
in 1886. By this time he had taken up residence in Montreal. Then, in
1887, Reid began a contract in Ontario to complete the Sudbury branch of
the CPR, an 86-mile line from Algoma Mills (Algoma) to Sault Ste Marie.
This was a milestone in Reid’s career: it was his first contract to
construct a railway line and it was the first time he was joined by his
eldest son, William Duff*, who was increasingly to become the “outside
man” for his father. In that year as well he and Isbester undertook to
build the foundations of a bridge at Grand Narrows, Cape Breton, and a
46-mile stretch of the Intercolonial Railway between the narrows and
Point Tupper, near Port Hawkesbury; both were completed in 1890. Reid
contracted the “inflammatory rheumatism” that was to plague him for the
rest of his life while standing in Bras d’Or Lake to oversee a critical
stage in the construction of the bridge.
Although by 1890 Reid had made a substantial fortune in railway
contracting, it is for his work in building the railway across
Newfoundland that he is chiefly known. On 16 June that year, as the
Grand Narrows Bridge was being completed, he and George Hodgson
Middleton signed an agreement with the government of Sir William
Vallance Whiteway to take over construction of the main line from
Harbour Grace Junction (Whitbourne) to Halls Bay. Reid’s involvement was
welcomed in Newfoundland since he was personally wealthy and well
connected (letters of recommendation had come from Van Horne and
engineers Sandford Fleming* and Collingwood Schreiber*). Construction of
the railway had been floundering for nearly a decade: the original
contractor had gone into receivership after completing an 84-mile line
from St John’s to Harbour Grace and the government had constructed a
26-mile branch line to Placentia as a public work.
Reid and Middleton contracted to build the 261 miles from Harbour Grace
Junction to Halls Bay within five years for $15,600 per mile – Reid was
willing to accept Newfoundland government bonds as payment – and agreed
to operate the Placentia branch without subsidy. This project was
decidedly the largest that Reid had taken on and the first that he was
unable to oversee at every stage. By this time, however, he had a number
of trusted employees, many of them Perthshire Scots who had worked under
him in Canada. His sons, particularly William (known in Newfoundland as
W.D.), also increasingly involved themselves in construction. Reid
became, for the first time, the “inside man,” based in Montreal. He
rarely visited Newfoundland except in the summers and usually wintered
in California after 1890.
Although construction was progressing satisfactorily, in May 1892 Reid
and Middleton broke their connection for “personal reasons” and Reid
agreed to fulfil the contract. As the line neared completion the
Whiteway government decided to continue it to Port aux Basques
(Channel–Port aux Basques), abandoning the idea of a terminus at Halls
Bay. In May 1893 Reid contracted to complete the line – to be known as
the Newfoundland Northern and Western Railway – within three years on
the same terms, and to operate it for ten years in return for grants of
5,000 acres of land per mile operated.
Early in 1894, 17 members of the House of Assembly were accused under
the Corrupt Practices Act and the Whiteway government fell. The ensuing
political uncertainty led Reid to suspend construction, since his
railway bonds had become unsaleable. The political situation, coupled
with several years of poor fisheries and the feeling in world financial
markets that Newfoundland had overextended itself in its eagerness to
have a railway built, contributed to a bank crash in December [see James
Reid became more active in the affairs of the colony when it appeared
that the government might have to default in the aftermath of these
developments. Whiteway returned to power in February 1895, and Reid
encouraged a delegation to Ottawa to seek confederation with Canada and
also helped bring his bankers, the Bank of Montreal, into Newfoundland
to sort out the mess left by the collapse of the banks. His contacts in
the Montreal financial community enabled Colonial Secretary Robert Bond*
to arrange a loan which avoided a default, and construction of the
railway resumed in June. As the line approached Port aux Basques in 1897
Reid commissioned the construction of a steamship, the Bruce, to connect
the Newfoundland with Canadian rail lines, thus beginning his
involvement with coastal shipping.
In the spring of 1897 the Whiteway government had begun to anticipate a
general election and the completion of the main line, which was sure to
bring widespread unemployment. The government then contracted with Reid
to build three branch lines. The act authorizing construction also
empowered the government to make another contract in order to
consolidate the railway system under a single operator. After Whiteway’s
party lost the election of October 1897, Reid began to negotiate with
the new prime minister, James Spearman Winter*, and his minister of
finance, Alfred Bishop Morine*, for an agreement to extend his operating
contract beyond 1903. The railway contract of 1898 made provision for
Reid to operate the main line for 50 years in return for a further grant
of 5,000 acres of land per mile. He also undertook to operate the
Newfoundland coastal steamer service with a government subsidy and take
over operation of – and eventually purchase – the government telegraph
line [see Alexander McLellan Mackay]. In return for an immediate payment
of $1,000,000 and the future reversion of a portion of Reid’s lands the
government agreed that after 50 years the railway was to become the
property of Reid’s successors.
The contract, introduced into the legislature on 28 Feb. 1898, passed
quickly and was signed on 15 March. Governor Sir Herbert Harley Murray
had at first sought to withhold royal assent but was instructed to sign
by British colonial secretary Joseph Chamberlain in a dispatch dated 23
March. However, Chamberlain’s instructions also included a strong
statement questioning the wisdom of the contract, for local publication:
“Practically all the Crown Lands of any value become . . . the freehold
property of a single individual. . . . Such an abdication by a
Government of some of its most important functions is without parallel.
. . . The Colony is divested for ever of any control over or power of
influencing its own development.” The contract became the more
controversial after it was learned in November that finance minister
Morine had been on retainer as Reid’s solicitor during the negotiations.
A significant faction of the Liberal opposition (led by Edward Patrick
Morris*) had voted for the contract, but Bond, now Liberal leader, was
able to use the uproar over Morine’s role and the opposition of the
Colonial Office to unite his party against the Conservatives.
Early in 1900 Reid and Morine were in London attempting to raise
£1,000,000 to develop Reid’s properties when the Winter government fell.
Upon returning to Newfoundland Reid applied to the new Bond government
to have the 1898 contract assigned to a limited liability company,
having learned that British financial backing to develop his lands would
not be forthcoming as long as the “Reid empire” remained a sole
proprietorship. Bond refused. After a November general election in which
the Conservatives, led by Morine and financed by Reid, were trounced by
Bond’s Liberals, Reid agreed to renegotiate the contract. A new one was
signed on 2 Aug. 1901. The government resumed full ownership of the
railway and telegraph, after paying back Reid’s $1,000,000 plus
interest, and submitted the question of his losses on the operation of
the telegraph to arbitration. Reid also returned 1.5 million acres of
land to the crown in exchange for $850,000.
By this time Reid had turned virtually all of the day-to-day management
of affairs to his sons – indeed, William had negotiated the 1898
contract while his father wintered in California. In fact, it appears
that the impetus for this contract had come in part from Reid’s sons,
who wished to get out of the railway business and make their own
fortunes by exploiting the resources of the Reid lands. The founder
remained president of the Reid Newfoundland Company until his death,
although he felt the plan to develop its lands had been irretrievably
damaged by the renegotiation of the 1898 contract.
From the signing of the 1898 contract Reid ceased to be as favourably
regarded in Newfoundland. For the remainder of his life the government
was in the hands of Bond, and the premier developed an increasing
dislike for the Reids (most particularly William, who schemed to bring
about Bond’s removal). It seems likely that Reid strongly disapproved of
the participation of his son and Morine in the 1904 Conservative
election campaign, for he had issued a directive that railway employees
were to refrain from becoming involved in politics. Although he was, for
the most part, removed from Newfoundland affairs, the Liberals portrayed
him as “Czar Reid” and built their popular support at his expense. His
residence remained in Montreal, where he was a director of the CPR
(after 1903), the Royal Trust Company, and the Bank of Montreal. In 1905
Reid offered to sell all his Newfoundland holdings to the government for
$9.5 million, or just his interest in the railway and steamships for
$3.5 million, because he felt that animosity towards the Reid
Newfoundland Company was making its continued operation of the railway
unworkable and hindering the development of its lands. Bond refused to
consider the offer.
Reid did not make his customary summer visit to Newfoundland in 1906,
his health having deteriorated to the point where he was unable to walk.
He was knighted in the New Year’s honours list of 1907 and made his last
visit to Newfoundland that summer. He died of pneumonia at his home in
Montreal on 3 June 1908. As his funeral was taking place there on 6
June, shops in St John’s were closed for a half hour, and the railway
and steamships ceased operation for 15 minutes.
Reid’s will directed that his interest in the Reid Newfoundland Company
was to be “realized and disposed of as soon as possible” and advised his
heirs not to “invest any part of my estate in any new enterprise or in
any speculative or Hazardous investments in Newfoundland or elsewhere.”
His family, however, would continue to operate the Newfoundland railway
until 1923, and the Reid Newfoundland Company was to manage the Reid
lands until they were purchased by the provincial government in the
By all accounts Robert Gillespie Reid was a competent contractor,
taciturn and scrupulous in an age when railway contractors were not
particularly noted for such qualities. The work for which he is best
known, the building of the Newfoundland railway, came after the most
active stage of his career had passed. Yet, the line across Newfoundland
was very much the achievement of his will and ability. In Newfoundland
questionable motives and high-handed political tactics later became
associated with the name Reid, but these may be in large part attributed
to his sons, and particularly the mercurial William.
Robert Cuff |