A THIRD important
question involved in the early struggle of the province was that of
education. The policy inaugurated as we have seen in Governor Simcoe's
day was too comprehensive and far-seeing to omit this. To control the
executive government, the religion and the education of the country was
to mould its future at will; and while the dominant party doubtless
believed they were discharging their duty by their trust, and acting for
the highest interest of the country, they quite forgot the fact that the
men to whom they thus extended a paternal government were men of equal
capacities as men and of equal rights as citizens with themselves.
In the matter of
education, the early policy projected a university and four royal
grammar schools, two in the east at Cornwall and Kingston, and two in
the west at Newark (Niagara) and a place undetermined. The university
was reserved for York, the new capital of Upper Canada. Had this policy
been carried into effect, though some of the locations might have proved
unfortunate, it might have resulted, with subsequent change of location
to suit the needs of the population, in a most comprehensive and
efficient scheme of higher education. Even now, a central university
with strong affiliated collegiate institutes at centres of population
solves the problem of the wider diffusion of at least a portion of
university education.
We have already seen
that the secondary part of this scheme shaped itself into the district
schools as early as 1807 and 1810. The lack of funds delayed the
university part until the royal charter of 1827, and even then the only
practical result was Upper Canada College, an institution answering to
the royal grammar schools as originally projected.
But the entire system
thus created was dominated throughout by the idea of a state church,
with exclusive privileges in religion, education, and even civil power.
When, therefore, in 1820, and again in 1828, Mr. Ryerson took up his pen
in defence of the rights of the great majority of the people against
this unjust policy, the subject of education, and, in 1828, the subject
of the proposed constitution of the new university occupied a prominent
place. On taking his position as editor of The Christian Guardian in
1829, he made full use of the columns of the new journal to awaken the
country to a proper estimate of the importance of this subject, and
practical results almost immediately followed. In the conference of the
Methodist Church of 1829, the subject of an institution of learning was
discussed, and while it was postponed for that year in order to
establish The Guardian, in the following year the subject was again
taken up and practical measures adopted, resulting in the opening of
Upper Canada Academy in June, 1836.
The Presbyterians were
actuated by the same spirit, and two movements appear among them, one to
establish a literary and theological institution at Pleasant Ray, in the
township of Hillier, Prince Edward County, and the other to secure from
the government the appointment of a theological professor on a status of
equality with the professor of divinity of the English Church in the
staff and council of King's College. These Presbyterian movements
reached their final results in the opening of Queen s College in March,
3 1842. A third movement, quite independent of these two and antedating
both, appears in the Upper Canadian legislative assembly. As soon as the
nature of Dr. Strachan's charter and ecclesiastical chart was known in
the province, the assembly prepared an address to the King on the
political affairs of the country, based on a report of a select
committee of the House, in which this passage closes the reference to
the new university charter following an expression of strong
condemnation of its exclusive sectarian provisions: "It should not be a
school of political or sectarian views. It should have about it no
appearance of a spirit of partiality or exclusion. Its portals should be
thrown open to all, and upon none who enter should any influence be
exerted to attach them to any particular creed or church. It should be a
source of intellectual and moral light and animation, from which the
glorious irradiations of literature and science may descend upon all
with equal lustre and power. Such an institution would be a blessing to
the country, its pride and glory. Most deeply, therefore, is it to be
lamented that the principles of the charter are calculated to defeat its
usefulness, and to confine to a favoured few all its advantages."
(Report of March 17th, 1828.) The address of the colonial assembly to
the King brought the matter before the British House of Commons in 1828,
Where it was further pressed by petitions signed by thousands of Upper
Canadian subjects. Mr. George Ryerson, an elder brother of Mr. Egerton
Ryerson, was the bearer of these petitions. A select committee of the
British House of Commons took up the matter in connection with other
Canadian affairs, and in regard to the university reported in the
following terms: "It cannot be doubted as the guidance and government of
the college is to be vested in the hands of members of the Church of
England, that in the election of professors, a preference would
inevitably be shown to persons of that persuasion; and in a country
where only a small proportion of the inhabitants adhere to that church a
suspicion and jealousy of religious interference would necessarily be
created." This declaration is followed by the recommendation of
essential changes in the charter, both as to its theological faculty and
the appointment of professors generally. One of these provisions was
adopted in the first amendment of the charter by the provincial
legislature in 1837.
It was with the
movement in the Methodist Church that Mr. Ryerson was most directly
connected. During the first two or three years his official influence as
editor of The Guardian and his personal influence as a member of the
conference and church were very helpful to the committee who were
struggling with the difficult task of bringing into operation a large
literary institution without any aid from public sources. The following
extract from an editorial in April, 1831, will indicate the character of
his support, as well as the principles upon which the new institution
was being founded:—"It is the first literary institution which has been
commenced by any body of ministers in accordance with the frequently
expressed wishes of the people of Upper Canada. The Methodist conference
have not sought endowments of public lands for the establishment of an
institution contrary to the voice of the people as expressed by their
representatives; much less have they sought to acquire such endowments
to erect 'essentially a missionary college' for the purpose of carrying
on an extensive proselytizing warfare upon the territories of their
religious neighbours. Rut the Methodist conference, in the manner m
which they have commenced and are proceeding in the establishment of
this institution, say, >n effect, to the people of Upper Canada, 'We
have not laboured among you for the promotion of selfish and party
purposes, but for the diffusion of pure and undefiled religion; nor have
we sought or received any other subsistence than the voluntary offerings
of your liberality. Desirous of promoting more extensively the interests
of the rising generation and of the country generally, we have resolved
upon the establishment of a seminary of learning. We have done so upon
liberal principles; we have not reserved any peculiar privileges to
ourselves for the education of our own children; we have published the
constitution for your examination; and now we appeal to your liberality
for assistance, we feel confident that you will not withhold it; we
believe your good wishes are with us in this undertaking, and we submit
to your decision for the success or failure of it,'"
The undertaking proved
much more arduous and costly than its promoters had anticipated. When
completed the building was by far the most classic in architecture and
imposing in appearance of any up to that time erected m Upper Canada for
educational purposes, not excepting Upper Canada College; and instead of
costing £6,000 as estimated, the cost, with furnishings, reached £9,000.
The perfection of the workmanship may be estimated from the fact that
after seventy years the government of Ontario find it still a
substantial, valuable building. The amount collected by the trustees
from the Canadian Methodist people and their friends, who hy 1834 had
been thoroughly canvassed, was £4,000. By that date the building was
enclosed and well advanced towards completion; but the trustees, who
were not. a body corporate, and had hitherto proceeded entirely upon
their personal responsibility, were under obligations to the banks and
for private loans to the extent of -£2,000. It was at this difficult
juncture that Mr. Ryerson became officially connected with the college,
being appointed by the trustees as their agent to England to solicit aid
for the institution, and to petition the imperial government for a royal
charter. The first part of this commission was to him exceedingly
uncongenial, as literally it was true of him " To beg I am ashamed." But
this is the letter which followed him from Mr. Lord, the English
president of the Canadian conference: —'"You must stay in England until
the money is got. Use every effort, harden your face to flint, and give
eloquence to your tongue. This is your calling. Excel in it. Be not
discouraged with a dozen refusals in succession. The money must be had,
and it must be begged. My dear brother, work for your life, and I pray
God to give you success. Do not borrow if possible. Beg, beg, beg it
all. Tt must be done."
But the more difficult,
as well as more important part of Mr. Ryerson's commission was the
securing of the royal charter. It must be borne in mind that up to this
time no such legal recognition had been afforded to a body of
non-conformist ministers, either in England or in any of the colonies. A
bill for the purpose of incorporating the trustees had already failed to
pass the Canadian legislature. There was thus no precedent to which he
could appeal, and no model which he could copy, and his sole hope was in
the justice of his cause, and in the spirit, now rapidly growing in
England, of equal civil and religious rights and privileges.
To grant the Methodists
equal legislative, >f not equal governmental support for their college,
with that which had already been conceded to Dr. Strachan on behalf of
the Church of England, was only a fair practical outcome of this spirit.
Rut a technical difficulty was at once proposed by the law officers of
the crown. How could a body unknown to the law be officially recognized
as the recipients of a royal charter? Mr. Ryerson's legal acumen here
stood him in good stead, and found a way out of the difficulty. Although
the Methodist conference, as such, was as yet unknown to English law,
the Methodist preacher as such had already been given a recognized legal
status by the grant of legal authority for the solemnization of
matrimony. Mr. Ryerson accordingly constituted his fundamental chartered
body of all men so recognized by law in Upper Canada, and the charter
granted to these authorized them to elect trustees and visitors who
should be a body corporate for all the purposes of the college. The
first legal name of the college was Upper Canada Academy, its name at
once designating its comprehensive character, offering its services to
all the people of the province, and yet distinguishing it from Upper
Canada College, already in operation. Both were designed to prepare the
way for higher institut ions of learning in the immediate future, when
the number of students prepared for a university course should warrant
the advance. In the race toward this goal the Methodist institution won
by two years, commencing university work in 1841 and reaching its first
graduating class in 1815.
Mr. Ryerson's return
from his English mission was a veritable triumph of patient industry and
remarkable ability devoted unsparingly to a high purpose. It was but
five years since a governor-general had superciliously replied to a
loyal address of the Methodist conference, in which they ventured to
refer to their projected college, of which a stone had not yet been
laid, " That the system of education which has produced the best and
ablest men in the United Kingdom, will not be abandoned here to suit the
limited views of the leaders of societies who perhaps have neither
experience nor judgment to appreciate the value or advantages of a
liberal education." Within three years Mr. Ryerson, one of the leaders
referred to in this disparaging paragraph, was on his way to England
with recommendatory letters from this same governor-general, who had
already learned to form a truer estimate of the Methodist people and
their leaders; and now after nearly two years of arduous toil and able
work for his church and his country, he returned home with the first
royal charter ever granted by the imperial government for an educational
institution outside of an established church, arid with a fair prospect
of its release from financial embarrassment. Already as the result of
his labours he found, on his arrival home, the buildings completed and
occupied by a promising body of teachers and pupils, under the
principalship of Rev. Matthew Richey, M.A., who had opened the academy
on June I8th, 1836, This step had been secured through the financial
assistance which he had obtained from friends in England.
But financial
difficulties were as yet by no means ended. He had received in England
from Lord Glenelg instructions to the new governor-general, Sir Francis
Bond Head, to recommend to the Canadian legislature a grant in
assistance of the institution. Mr. Ryerson, who knew well the state of
affairs in the two branches of the legislature at that date, w as fully
aware that this last recommendation would be of no practical service. He
therefore persisted in his efforts, until in April, 1837, a few days
before sailing for home, he secured further instructions from the
imperial government to Sir Francis Bond Head to advance the amount,
£4,100, out of the unappropriated revenues of the crown. One-half of
this amount was paid in November following, in the midst of the
excitement, which immediately preceded the insurrection. The balance was
withheld by the governor until the whole matter was brought before
parliament by petition from Mr. Ryerson. The question was carried back
to Lord Glenelg, but upon report and address of the House of Assembly to
the governor it was settled.
The establishment of
responsible government in Canada in 1840 led to important consequences
in regard to university work. During the first session of the provincial
legislature a bill prepared by Mr. Ryerson was introduced, and passed
both Houses, extending the charier of Upper Canada Academy under the new
name of "Victoria College," so as to confer university powers. This bill
received the royal assent at the hand of Lord Sydenham, August 27th,
1811. In October of that year Mr. Ryerson was appointed the first
president under the enlarged charter, and opened the session on the 21st
of that month. His formal inaugural took place on June 21st, 1842, and
on August 3rd following he was honoured by the Wesleyan University,
Middletown, Connecticut, with the degree of doctor of divinity.
The official relation
to Victoria, College thus begun he held for four years, during which
time students flocked to the college from all parts. Among those who
became eminent in after years in various walks of life were the late
Judge Springer; S. S. Nelles, afterwards his successor in office; the
Hon. J. C. Aikins; the Hon. Wm. Macdougall, C.B.; J. George Hodgins, his
life-long friend and associate in work; the Rev. Wm. Or-miston, D.D.,
one of the brightest ornaments of the Presbyterian Church; Col. Walker
Powell, Adjutant-General; Stoughton Dennis, Surveyor-General; the Hon.
W. H. Brouse, and James L. Biggar, M.D Out of such materials as these
were organized in four years four undergraduate classes, under a
curriculum equal in extent of science, literature and philosophy to that
of the best American colleges of the time. Its matriculation embraced
both Latin and Greek—in the former Nepos, Caesar, Sallust. and Virgil,—
arithmetic and algebra in mathematics, with English grammar, history,
geography, and elementary science. The subsequent course included four
years' work in the Latin and Greek languages, four in mathematics, three
in science, two years each in English constitution and history,
philosophy, evidences of natural and revealed religion, Hebrew and
French. Rhetoric, composition and elocution received attention
throughout the course, and the study of the Greek testament and Biblical
literature was also provided for.
The following words
from the pen of the late gifted Dr. Ormiston give a most vivid
portraiture of the impression made upon his students by Dr. Ryerson as
college president: "Dr. Ryerson was at that time in the prime of a
magnificent manhood. His well-developed, finely-proportioned,
firmly-knit frame, his broad, lofty brow, his keen, penetrating eye, and
his genial, benignant face, all proclaimed him every inch a man. Ilis
mental powers, vigorous and well disciplined; his attainments in
literature, varied and extensive; his experience, extended and
diversified; his fame as a preacher of great pathos and power, widely
spread; his claims as a doughty, dauntless champion of the rights of the
people to civil and religious liberty, generally acknowledged; his
powers of expression, marvellous in readiness, richness and beauty; his
manners affable and winning; his presence magnetic and impressive,—he
stood in the eye of the youth fill, ardent, aspiring student;, a tower
of strength, a centre of healthy, helpful influences, a man to be
admired and honoured, loved and feared, imitated and followed. And 1 may
add, that frequent intercourse for nearly forty years, and close
official relations for more than ten, only deepened and confirmed the
impression first made. A more familiar acquaintance with his domestic,
social and religious life, a more thorough knowledge of his mind and
heart constantly increased my appreciation of his worth, my esteem for
his character, and my affection for his person.
"Not a few
misunderstood, undervalued or misrepresented his public conduct, but it
will be found that those who knew him best, loved him most, and that
many who were constrained to differ from him in his management of public
affairs, did full justice to the purity and generosity of his motives,
to the nobility, loftiness and ultimate success of his aims, and to the
disinterestedness of his manifold labours for the country and the church
of Christ.
"As a teacher he was
earnest and efficient, eloquent and inspiring, but he expected and
exacted too much work from the average student. His own ready and
affluent mind sympathized keenly with the apt, bright scholar, to whom
his praise was warmly given, but he scarcely made sufficient allowance
for the dullness or lack of previous preparation which failed to keep
pace with him in his long and rapid strides; hence his censures were
occasionally severe. His methods of examination furnished the very best
kind of mental discipline, fitted alike to cultivate the memory and to
strengthen the judgment. All the students revered him, but the best of
the class appreciated him most. His counsels were faithful and
judicious, his admonitions paternal and discriminating, his rebukes
seldom administered, but scathingly severe. No student ever left his
presence without resolving to do better, to aim higher and to win his
While Mr. Ryerson was
thus engaged in laying the foundations of Victoria College, two other
colleges were being brought into operation. The Presbyterian Church had
in 1839 petitioned the legislature of Upper Canada for an act of
incorporation for a university at Kingston. The act was passed in 1840,
but as they desired a royal charter, it was found necessary to ask for
its disallowance, 146 and the charter was issued October 14th, 1841. The
institution was accordingly opened for the reception of students on
March 7th, 1842, and as the curriculum for the degree of R.A. extended
over three years, the first graduates had completed their course in
1845. Finally King's College after long delay was brought into
operation, and on June 8th, 1813, the inauguration took place, the
college being located in the Parliament Buildings. The practical work of
instruction appears to have commenced in October following, and the
warrants of the first professors in arts bear date September, 1843. On
March 4th, 1837, the royal assent had been given by His Excellency, the
Governor-General, to a bill incorporating Regiopolis College, Kingston,
under the direction of the Roman Catholic Church.
These various steps
growing out of the exclusive character of the university charter
obtained in 1827, and which Dr. Strachan called his charter, presented
Upper Canada as early as 1843 with her university problem. There were
then in operation in the province four colleges, the best equipped of
which had not more than four full professors in arts. One of these,
King's College, was ui possession of the provincial endowment,
consisting of nearly £39,000 in provincial debentures and other stock,
besides a large quantity of lands. Although no building had been erected
or instruction given, there was already a considerable debt against this
endowment. The other colleges were without endowments or property other
than the buildings which had been erected for Victoria as already
related, and real estate and buildings which had been secured by the
Roman Catholic Church for Regiopolis. Queen's was as yet without
buildings, and was seriously considering the problem before her.
Victoria and Queen's had each been voted a legislative grant of £500,
but apart from that were dependent on fees and church funds. The total
number of undergraduate students in arts in the province was less than
fifty, and these were divided among three colleges.
It was at this juncture
that in 1843 the first effort, to secure a truly provincial university
was made by the Honourable Robert Baldwin. His scheme embraced a large
number of the distinctive features of the Federation Act of 1887. It
proposed to include all the existing colleges by removing them to
Toronto; also aity that might hereafter be founded. It deprived all the
colleges of their degree conferring powers. It proposed to erect a
central university, with teaching faculty, in which the students of all
the colleges should receive instruction on equal terms. The only
subjects excluded from the university course were the divinity subjects.
Each college was left free to teach whatever it chose. The colleges were
placed somewhat largely under the control of the central university
authority or council, in which they were all equally represented; and
while the university endowment was to remain intact and for the
university, for a period of four years each college was to receive a
grant in aid of -£500. A minimum amount invested in buildings, outfit,
and endowment was required to entitle a college to claim its place and
status in the university. It is said that this scheme was the work of
Mr. Baldwin's own mind, having been prepared after a single interview
with each of the parties concerned.
From the Anglican
party, who were now in possession of the endowment, this bill met with
the most uncompromising opposition. They claimed that the endowment
belonged by gift of the crown to King's College exclusively; that King's
College had been constituted by royal charter a Church of England
institution; and that the provincial parliament had no power to
interfere with either the property or the charter. They petitioned
parliament for leave to present their case by counsel at the bar of the
House, and the Hon. W. II. Draper was deputed for that purpose, and in
an able address of over two hours laid the constitutional argument
before the members.
The Presbyterians,
whose college had been in operation for a year and a half, but who had
not yet erected buildings, and had thus no financial complication,
supported the proposed plan most heartily, and were prepared to
surrender their university powers and remove to Toronto at once. In fact
the whole movement originated with the expressed desire of Queen's to
take part in the provincial university. Dr. Eiddell, the principal of
Queen's, was a very hearty advocate of the scheme, and pressed it upon
the Methodists in a series of letters to Dr. Ryerson. The Methodists, on
the other hand, were in a most embarrassing position. They were now
divided into three bodies, the largest numbering 32,000 and the smallest
20,000 adherents. They had only some three or four years previously
completed a most exhausting effort to secure the last of the nine
thousand pounds needed for the building of their college, and they were
as yet entirely without endowment. The most toilsome labour of this work
had, as we have already seen, fallen on Dr. Ryerson. He was now asked to
leave the institution thus founded to fall back upon its previous work
of an academy or minor college, and begin anew the task of founding a
Methodist college in the provincial university. His reply — penned by
his own hand, though presented as that of his church through resolution
of the college board —-is such as Methodism need never be ashamed of.
The essential parts of this document are contained in the fourth and
fifth resolutions, as follows:—
"4. That viewing the
general objects and opinions of the University Rill in this light we
cordially concur in them, and give that bill, our warm approbation and
support; although its present application to the Wesleyan Methodist
Church as a body, from circumstances peculiar to ourselves, deprives us
of important rights and privileges which we now enjoy, without
conferring upon us any corresponding advantages, since all the resources
which we have been able to obtain both in this country and in England
for the erection of college buildings have been expended in the
completion of a commodious and expensive edifice at too great a distance
from the seat of the University of Toronto to render any of its
advantages available to the scholars and students of Victoria College.
"5. That in view of the
peculiar inconveniences and disadvantages to which the operation of the
bill must necessarily subject us. without its being in our power to
enjoy the advantages of the university, we appeal to the just and
enlightened consideration of the government to grant us such assistance
as our peculiar circumstances suggest, and to aid us to the utmost of
its power in making any arrangements which may hereafter be deemed
expedient and advisable to secure to the persons under our institution
the advantages of the university."
But this expression of
approval and of desire as soon as possible to take part in the project
did not end Dr. Ryerson's efforts on its behalf The bill was meeting
with powerful opposition on plausible constitutional grounds. Into its
defence he threw himself with all his ability, energy, and learning, and
in a most complete reply to Mr. Draper's address to the parliament, he
proved that the province had a right to a truly provincial university;
that the original endowment was not a gift to the English Church or to a
particular college, hut was granted by the crown for the education of
the people of Canada in response to a request from the legislative
assembly of the province, and that over both the charter and the
endowment, parliament— which includes the crown itself—possessed
complete power, and that over both of these the present tenants had no
personal rights or control, being but trustees for the people.
The political
complication to which we have already referred, ending in the
resignation of Mr. Baldwin and the majority of his colleagues, brought
this first promising effort for the establishment of a provincial
university to an end, but the fundamental principles of the whole
question were developed in this first attempt at solution, and were
clearly grasped and maintained both by Mr. Baldwin and Dr. Ryerson.
Their effort was to build the new university into the past history of
the people; to make it include rather than antagonize or destroy
existing institutions; to make it comprehensive, meeting the wants,
conciliating the sympathies, and enlisting the support of all the
people; and finally to make it impartial, offering perfectly equal
rights and privileges to all. The province was destined to wait for
fifty years before another measure equally comprehensive would be
proposed, and in those fifty years the university question was to pass
through six successive phases of attempted legislation and party
conflict. Before this history was completed, if completed it he even
yet, Robert Baldwin, Bishop Strachan, Dr. Ryerson, W. H. Draper, J. R.
Robinson, It. B. Sullivan, and all the other actors in the beginning of
things had passed from the scene.
The second attempt at
the solution of the university question was made by Mr. Draper in 1846.
The general principles of Mr. Draper's bill were the same as those
presented by the Baldwin Bill, and t was supported and opposed by the
same parties, and on the same grounds. Dr. Ryerson at this time defined
his position in the following propositions:—
1. That there should be
a provincial university furnishing the highest academical and
professional education, at least in respect to law and medicine.
2. That there should be
a provincial system of common school education, commensurate with the
wants of the entire population.
3. That both the
university and the common school system should be established and
conducted upon Christian principles, yet free from sectarian bias or
4. That there should be
an intermediate class of seminaries in connection with the different
religious persuasions who have ability and enterprise to establish them,
providing, on the one hand, a theological education for their clergy,
and, on the other hand, a thorough English and scientific education and
elementary classical instruction for those of the youth of their
congregations who might seek for more than a common school education, or
who might wish to prepare for the university, and who, not having the
experience of university students, required a parental and religious
oversight -n their absence from their parents.
5. That it would be
economic as well as patriotic on the part of the government to grant a
liberal aid to such seminaries, as well as to provide for the endowment
of a university or a common school system.
It is evident from the
contemporary press that already a new principle was making its way into
the university question, viz., the entire separation of the higher
education from religion, leaving that entirely to the voluntary efforts
of the churches. " I cannot, for the life of me, see," says a prominent
editor of that time, "what religion has to do with the department of the
university devoted to arts and sciences." l)r. Ryerson's view was the
very opposite of this, religion with him forming an essential element in
all education.
Another element in the
educational problem of that time was the appearance of residential
secondary schools either owned by or patronized by the principal
religious denominations. Upper Canada College was really such under the
control of the Church of England. Upper Canada Academy, still continued
as a preparatory adjunct of Victoria College, was another. Knox College
filled for some years a similar place for the Eree Church Presbyterians,
and the Society of Friends were establishing another in Bloomfield.
Those institutions, the outcome of the; religious and intellectual
spirit of the age. were destined for a time to be eclipsed by the rise
of the high schools as a part of the system which Dr. Ryerson was now
inaugurating; but their persistence to the present and their large
extension in secondary colleges, both for young men and young women, is
the best proof of their value in an educational system.
Mr. Draper's bill was
lost by the carrying of an amendment to the second reading, and so ended
the second attempt at the formation of a. provincial university. Its
failure was due to two causes. The voluntary party in the House and
outside were now taking the ground that even for education no state
grants should be made to churches. The church party, on the other hand,
were making a most determined effort to retain control of the university
and its endowment. Mr. Draper's bill suited neither, and was killed by
their combined vote.
A similar fate befell
the effort in 1847 made by the solicitor-general, Mr. John A. Macdonald.
to solve the university problem. His bill offered the largest
concessions yet tendered to the church party. He proposed to hand over
to them King's College, with the building now completed, together with
an annual income of $12,000, and to give to Queen's and Victoria and
Regiopolis $6,000 each. The balance of the annual income arising from
the university endowment was to be expended on the district grammar
schools and in promoting the teaching of scientific agriculture. This
bill, known as the partition scheme, called forth the most strenuous
opposition of the Liberals, who had now planted themselves firmly on the
principle that the university endowment should not be divided, and that
the provincial university should be completely secularized. On the other
hand, t was rejected by the church party, who still claimed the whole
endowment, as well as the college. The combined opposition of these two
parties caused its withdrawal.
This partition bill of
Mr. Macdonald was the introduction of an entirely new phase of the
university question. Hitherto all were agreed on the idea of a single
provincial university. The question at issue was its control in the
interests of a single religious body, as opposed to the equal rights and
privileges of all. Nor was there any question as to the relation of the
churches and religious teaching to university education. All university
reforms proposed to retain this by the incorporation of the existing
colleges. The principle of historic continuity was thus maintained.
There was no proposal to destroy existing institutions for the erection
of the new. Mr. Macdonald's proposition was thoroughly conservative. It
proposed to do full justice to all existing institutions, but at the
expense of the central university, which had now become the ideal of
liberal thought. The ground was thus shifted, and henceforth the battle
was to be between one secular state university and the four church
colleges. Mr. Macdonald's partition bill received Dr. Ryerson's strong
support, and determined his position on the university question to the
end of his life, for the following reasons:
1. It appeared to him
to meet the full extent of the needs of university education as at that
time existing in the leading colleges of the English-speaking world. The
vast modern extension of the sphere of the university was then unknown.
2. It coincided with
his conservative instincts, which always led him to work with
spontaneous historic growth rather than upon theory.
3. It satisfied his
convictions of the need of religion as an essential part of all
4. He judged that the
four colleges already established would afford the advantages of higher
education to a larger number than would receive them in one central
The defeat of the
Conservative government at the next election and the return of the
Liberals to power, placed the university question once more in the hands
of Mr. Baldwin, and his now largely advanced positions were embodied in
the bill of 1849. The central idea of this bill was the complete
separation of the provincial university from all ecclesiastical
influence and control. The subject of divinity was excluded from the
university; all religious tests, subscriptions and exercises were done
away with; it was forbidden to the government to appoint an ecclesiastic
on the senate, and such could not fill the office of chancellor. The
only privilege offered to the outlying colleges established by the
churches was the right to appoint one member of the senate, and tins
privilege was offered only on condition of their being deprived at once
and forever of the power to confer degrees except in divinity. The
central idea was the extinction of all other colleges as educational
institutions and their conversion into theological schools, and this to
be accomplished either by their voluntary surrender, or by the force of
state-endowed competition.
It is not surprising
that this bill satisfied neither the high church party, who found
themselves stripped by it of the college and endowments to which they
had held so tenaciously, nor the other religious bodies, who at so much
sacrifice, had founded colleges of their own. It met the wishes of the
thorough "voluntaries" alone, who as yet had not founded colleges of
their own. It certainly was at variance with Dr. Ryerson's fundamental
principles of education, which sought to combine morals and religion
with intellectual culture and to unite voluntary effort with the aid of
the state. The fundamental principle of the new bill was that the state
alone should control and maintain education, and that all alliance of
the churches with the state was to be avoided. It cut loose from all
past history of education in the province, ignored all church
institutions, and built upon a purely secular foundation.
In four years' time the
exclusive rigidity of this bill was broken, and a bill apparently more
liberal in its attitude to outlying colleges was introduced by Mr.
Hincks in 1853. Dr. Ryerson, who liatl strongly opposed the Baldwin Bill
in 1819, in 1850 had secured legislative authority for the removal of
Victoria College to Toronto; and in 1852 he addressed a series of open
letters to the Hon. Sir Francis Hincks, now the head of the Canadian
government, outlining a most comprehensive and patriotic plan for the
establishment of the provincial university upon a basis which might
secure the cooperation of all the sections of the community.
The Hincks Bill of 1853
did not follow Dr. Ryerson's outline, which anticipated some of the most
important features of the Federation Act of 1887, but was modelled on
the example of the London University, and possibly implied, though it
did not specifically enact, the partition features of Mr. Macdonald's
bill of 1847. It made more liberal provision for the affiliation of the
outlying colleges, separated the teaching faculty of arts from the
university, making provision for its support as a state college from the
university endowments, and provided that the balance of income from the
university endowment after meeting the wants of the university and
college should be at the disposal of the legislature for the aid of
higher education. These provisions were accepted by the outlying
colleges as a promise of more harmonious relations, and they all
accepted affiliation with the reconstructed university, and for a time
their representatives took their places on the university senate.
Parliamentary acts,
however, can change names and constitution, but not spirit, policy or
nature; they can constitute an institution the provincial university in
form and theory without making it such in the affections and support of
the people or in its spirit and attitude toward that other educational
institutions of the country. The new university and state college
consisted still very largely of the same men; its policy was still the
policy of the old state church college, to use the provincial endowments
as the rival of the outlying colleges. The Baldwin Act had, as we have
seen, converted this policy into one of extinction; and although the new
act pointed towards a better way, there was under it not the slightest
effort toward a combination of resources and colleges for the building
up of a truly provincial university. If such a result was ever to come
it could under this policy come only when the outlying colleges had been
destroyed by the force of an unfair financial competition. These 100
colleges had from the very first maintained the attitude of willingness
or even desire for friendly cooperation in some form to build up a truly
provincial university. They were now doomed to see all hope in this
direction extinguished.
Dr, Ryerson had from
the first been a leader in this movement. He had throughout opposed all
sectional and exclusive policies, whether ecclesiastical or political.
When, therefore, the sectional character of the university policy—for
the policy rather than the constitution was at fault—culminated in the
conflict of 1800, he threw himself with all his force and ability into
it and in favour of a comprehensive policy. The particular form of that
policy was not the best. It still clung to the old partition scheme of
John A. Macdonald, which would have been a fatal mistake. The conflict
resulted for a little time in increased legislative aid to the
denominational colleges, in itself a very doubtful advantage. But it
embittered the state university party, and at the first opportunity all
state aid was taken from the denominational colleges, their affiliation
with the provincial university was cancelled, and they were left, as was
supposed, to die, but in reality to renew their youth when once they
were left to live by the merit of their work and the truth of the
principles upon which they were founded. Dr. Ryerson was their
consistent friend and supporter by pen and tongue and purse to the end.
He believed in religion and morals in all education.
He believed in a
comprehensive unity of all forces in a truly provincial system. His
chief mistake was, perhaps, that he did not unflinchingly apply the
voluntary principle to the religious side of the work. It, perhaps, was
financially impossible in his time. If so, then even this was not an
error on his part, for in maintaining the religious principle even at
the compromise of the other he has preserved for us a goal which is most
abundantly vindicated by the strength and influence of the religious
colleges to-day, and the reflex influence of which has been of the
greatest benefit to the state college itself. |