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Makers of Canada
Egerton Ryerson by Nathanael Burwash (1909)


THIS book does not pretend to be either a minute biography or a detailed history. It is the presentation to our countrymen of the various aspects of the work of a great man who has left his impress upon, several of the important institutions of our province, and in each case for good. In these sketches we have made no attempt, except in the first brief Chapter, to trace the record, either of his personal or public life, or the development of his character, or the lessons which might be gathered from the example of his life. We have rather considered his working life of the makers of Canada, and necessarily with that something of the great movements of the days in which he lived. The subject is a noble one and we must acknowledge that we have done it but scant justice.

The volume is the product of joint labour with my life-long friend and colleague, Dr. A. H. Reynar. He has specially prepared the first Chapter dealing with the early life and ministry of Dr. Ryerson, and the eleventh, dealing with the literary work of Dr. Ryerson.

We must both acknowledge our constant indebtedness to the indefatigable labours of Dr. H. George Hodgins, LL.D. The rich storehouse of historic material which he accumulating in his many works will place all future labourers in this field under lasting obligations.

With the hope that our work may prove useful to the thousands who in our schools are now reaping the advantages of Dr. Ryerson's labours, we commit it to our fellow-citizens of Ontario.


VlCTORIA COLLEGE, Feb. 28th, 1901.


Chapter I
Early Life and Ministry

Chapter II
Religion and Politics in Upper Canada in 1826

Chapter III
The Beginning of the Struggle for Equal Rights

Chapter IV
A Methodist Press and a Methodist College

Chapter V
Mr. Ryerson in the Political Arena

Chapter VI
The University Question

Chapter VII
Founding The Common School System

Chapter VIII
The Development of the School System

Chapter IX
The Separate School Question

Chapter X
The Grammar or High Schools

Chapter XI
Later Literary Work

Chapter XII
Later Church Work and Closing Days

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