TOWARDS the close of
his long and honoured life. Dr. Ryerson was for a long time one of a
very few surviving actors in the stirring and important events of the
early years of the nineteenth century. His intimate knowledge of the
past was frequently of great use in the conduct of affairs
ecclesiastical and civil, and it was frequently sought and highly
prized. Those who had the benefit of his experience and counsel could
not but think themselves happy, and they could not but think that the
time would soon come when his genial presence could no more be found
amongst them, and the rich treasure-house of his memory would be forever
darkened and sealed up by death. Hence it came that he was again and
again importuned to commit to writing the story of his life, and to
leave some record of the observation? and experiences of his long and
eventful career. It was felt that such a record would not only be
interesting as a story of the beginnings of our Canadian life, but it
would be helpful as a guide to a true policy for the present and the
future -a policy well grounded on the foundations of the past. And it
was but natural that such a man would love to tell the story of his
life, and that all who knew him would love to hear the story told.
It was not till about
six years before his death that Dr. Ryerson found time to enter
seriously upon the work in question. The makers of history are not often
at the same time the writers of history, and Dr. Ryerson was engaged in
making the history of his country till he had passed three-years beyond
the three score years and ten. This was in 1876, when ho retired from
the office of chief superintendent of education. Between that date and
his death in 1882 he prepared his three works of chief literary and
historical interest. They are "The Story of My Life," "Canadian
Methodism, Its Epochs and Characteristics," and "The Loyalists of
America and Their Times."
The writings of Dr.
Ryerson are all marked by the complete subordination of the style to the
matter. Indeed there is no pretence at style. Sometimes, it is true, a
certain stateliness and formality of expression appears, such as was
often found in the old-time writers and speakers, and was thought
becoming in treating serious things, just as the powdered wig or
swallow-tailed coat was thought becoming on occasions of ceremony. As a
general thing, however, the style is familiar and idiomatic, and such as
marks a ready speaker rather than a writer.
"The Story of My Life,"
an octavo of more than six hundred pages, is in part only an
It may have; been the
original intention of Dr. Ryerson to tell the story of his life as an
ordinary autobiography, and some part of the work is actually written in
that way. On the seventieth anniversary of his birthday he wrote a short
sketch of his life. This sketch ends with an account of his first
sermon, preached on Whit Sunday, 1825. The story is continued to 1832
chiefly by extracts from a diary kept from 1829 to 1832. Beyond that
time the title, "The Story of My Life," if taken too literally, would
not be correct, for Dr. Ryerson's work becomes less and less and the
book becomes more and more the story of Dr. Ryerson's life, prepared
with admirable skill and loving care by Dr. J. George Hodgins, the
faithful friend and fellow-labourer of Dr. Ryerson for many years. The
grand old man never found time to tell more than the beginning of the
story and some later fragments, and the work as completed was prepared
by Dr. Hodgins as a monument to his revered friend. It is at the same
time a noble monument to the friend who made it for his friend, and for
long years to come it will associate in the story of the makiug of
Canada the names of Ryerson and Hodgins.
The second of the three
works to be mentioned here is that entitled "Canadian Methodism, its
Epochs and Characteristics." It is a collection of articles or essays,
as they are called, prepared at the request of the Methodist conferences
of London, Toronto and Montreal, and first published in the Canadian
Methodist Magazine. The essays were collected into a volume of 140 pages
by the Rev. Dr. Withrow, the editor of the magazine.
When we remember the
militant character of the Methodist church for many years after Dr.
Ryerson bad entered the ministry, and especially when we remember the
heroic part taken by him in the religious conflicts forced upon his
people, we cease to wonder at the warmth that sometimes is displayed in
the narrative. We rather wonder that there is so little warmth and we
admire the evident and heartfelt charity that forgave the offences of
the past and would even forget all that the fidelity of a historian
would permit him to forget. Can we wonder, for example, that in the
essay on the Loyal Origin of Methodism, some warmth of feeling should be
kindled when the men who fought, bled, and suffered exile for the flag
of England, flung back the charge of disloyalty brought against them by
sectarian prejudice and animosity? In like manner we may look for some
indignation when the writer sees the eccentricities and vagaries of
excited and uncultivated people held up as the standard of doctrine and
practice of a whole church, in spite of the clear statements of their
acknowledged teachers. The marvel rather was, and that marvel still
remains in this new century, that men of intelligence and conscience in
ordinary affairs should lose all conscience and intelligence under the
blinding influence of religious antipathy. Even to-day the caricatures
and slanders of the early part of the last century are repeated, and if
I )r. Ryerson were living still, he might find a respectable authority
amongst his old antagonists, gravely charging him with the absurd
doctrine that genuine conversions and convulsions go regularly and
properly together. Such being the case, some men might say that it is
fain to contend against religious prejudice for it can not he
eradicated, but others would reply as would Dr. Ryerson, that we must
not cease to contend against noxious weeds and venomous creatures,
though we may scarcely hope to see them utterly eradicated and
In the same volume of
essays the whole story of the clergy reserves controversy is told from
Dr. Ryerson's point of view. There are also five essays on the divisions
amongst the Methodists in Canada. These essays are written by the Rev.
John Ryerson, a brother of Dr. Ryerson and a highly respected authority
on the history and usages of Canadian Methodists. There are also several
essays on the relations of the Canadian Methodists to the British
conference. Happily all the misunderstandings and divisions recorded in
these essays have given way to union at home and the most cordial
relations with the mother churches in England and the United States, and
the essays may ere long be of interest to none but historians and
antiquarians and book collectors.
The most considerable
of Dr. Ryerson's literary works and the only one remaining for
consideration in this volume is his "Loyalists of America and their
Times." It is in two octavo volumes and contains over a thousand pages.
For some twenty years the author had this work in mind, and as he could
find time from his official duties he prepared for its publication. Rut
long before he had any thought of authorship, and indeed from his
earliest youth, he was himself in course of preparation for the task.
Remote as the subject may seem to this generation, it was the great
subject of family history and table talk ki the home of young Egerton
Ryerson. His father, Col. Joseph Ryerson, when only fifteen years of
age, joined the royal army on the breaking out of the American
Revolution in 1775. About eighteen months later he received an ensign's
commission as a reward for distinguished service. And soon after that
his skill and energy and daring secured the further promotion to a
lieutenancy in the Prince of Wales Regiment. Throughout the war he
fought under the royal standard and at the close of the war in 1783,
when Great Britain acknowledged the independence of the United States,
Joseph Ryerson and his brother Samuel left the young republic to seek
new homes under the old flag in that true North that had remained loyal
to the empire. The brothers went first to New Brunswick, and afterwards
removed to Ontario, or Upper Canada, as it was then called, where they
settled on lands awarded to them by the government in consideration of
their services and sacrifices in the cause of a united empire. Then came
the experiences of pioneer settlers in the Canadian wilderness, the
journeyings and toils and privations, the enterprise and success, the
simple life, the neighbourly helpfulness and generous hospitality of the
good old times. These all were familiar to Egerton Ryerson, as they came
to him fresh from the fountains of household talk, or as they were
matters of personal experience.
The manner in which Dr.
Ryerson tells the story of the United Empire Loyalists and their times,
is strongly suggestive of the manner hi which he became familiar with
the facts. His work is not history, such as we think of it from the
examples of our great historians. The scenes and events are seen at
short distance, and the reader is left to supply proportion and
perspective to the narrative. But if the enchantment that distance lends
is wanting, we find ourselves carried away by a new enchantment back
into the closest contact with the persons and events described. We seem
to listen to the story as it falls in the twilight from the lips of the
sturdy old United Empire Loyalists and their brave wives and children.
We catch the tones of strife, and pain, and pathos, and humour, and we
lend ourselves to this new enchantment with no less pleasure than we do
to that of the grand panorama of Gibbon and the brilliant pictures of
There is, however, a
distinct historic value in this work of Dr. Ryerson's in that it has
helped to qualify and correct an opinion that has obtained too widely
even amongst Canadians and Englishmen—the opinion that the English
people were all wrong in the unhappy struggle of the American
revolution, and the colonists all right. In his attempt to change what
was to many of his readers a fixed opinion, Dr. Ryerson thought it
necessary to produce copious documentary evidence to prove that the
prevailing impressions were seriously at fault. The following is his
apology for this method— a method that is to some readers tedious
enough:— "The United Empire Loyalists were the losing party; their
history has been written bv their adversaries and strangely
misrepresented. In the v indication of their character 1 have not
offered assertion against assertion; but in correction of unjust and
Untrue assertions I have offered the records and documents of the actors
themselves, and in their own words. To do this has rendered my history
to a large extent documentary, inst ead of being a mere popular
narrative. The many fictions of American writers will be found corrected
and exposed in the following volumes, by authorities and facts which
cannot be successfully denied. In thus trailing myself so largely of the
proclamations, messages, addresses, letters and records of the times
when they occurred, 1 have only followed the example of some of the best
historians and biographers."
It is pleasing to note
that the latest and best of the American historians themselves have come
round to views substantially the same as those of Dr. Ryerson on some of
the important issues in the history of the American revolution. And
especially do they, in just and generous spirit, maintain that the men
who staked all and lost all for the integrity of the empire were in
numbers far more considerable than had long been supposed, and that they
were in standing and character of the very best in the colonies. Dr.
Ryerson does not undertake any defence of the conduct of the English
government. On the contrary he condemns it in strong terms. He
maintains, however, that the bad policy of compulsion was not that of
the English people but of the king and of a court party whose overthrow
was desired by the mass of the English people and whose success would
have been as great a disaster to England as it would have been to the
colonies. The true thought of England found expression in the words of
Chatham and Burke and not in the message of the king and his ministers.
Neither does Dr. Ryerson blame the colonists for resisting the attempt
to subvert their liberties. He rather commends them for it, even to the
length of taking up anus as a last resort. But he does blame them for
their secession from the empire when further patience and forbearance
would inevitably have secured all their rightful demands—and their
demands were in the main rightful. Moreover this would have been secured
with the good will and assistance of their kin beyond the sea from whom
the colonists derived their English love of liberty, and without the
help of their French allies, who were actuated by the hate of England
rather than by the love of America.
The part of Dr.
Ryerson's book which treats of the American revolution seems to be
wholly in favour of those who maintain that war is always a blunder and
a crime. Rut we are left in some uncertainty in this case as to which
party is entitled to the bad preeminence as blunderers and criminals.
We still ask ourselves
sometimes what might have been if the counsels of Edmund Burke in
England and Joseph Galloway in America had prevailed, and the whole
British people had presented a united front against all falsehood and
oppression. But the God of battles, the God of all the earth, ruled
otherwise. His thoughts were not our thoughts, neither were our ways His
ways. We submit to his ruling, and yet we trust that He was in those
troublous times leading His people by ways they knew not to the larger
and more steadfast achievement of both law and liberty for all the
That portion of Dr.
Ryerson's work which treats of the United Empire Loyalists in their
pioneer Canadian life has always been interesting, but in our times
there is a new awakening of interest in the subject. We are now far
enough away from the times of the first settlers to find a certain
quaintness in all that was theirs, and we are also in danger of losing
many of the traditions of those times if we do not speedily secure in
some way the collections and recollections of those who stood in closest
connections with the past. Dr. Ryerson's book is of special value to
Canadians from this point of view. It is written by a maker and the son
of a maker of Canada. And if it has something of the irregularity of all
such early things, it is full of the spirit of liberty and law and
truth, and buoyant with the breezy strength that makes "this Canada of
ours" so dear to all Canadians. |