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George Millward McDougall
The Pioneer, Patriot and Missionary by John McDougall (1888)


T0 the Canadian public and the Christians of every Church this humble volume is respectfully presented, the writer apologizing that he did not earlier detail the facts herein given. The subject of the following sketch was a true patriot, and one of the pioneers of our great Dominion He was a faithful missionary, and his whole life was spent in the vanguard of Christian work. That this short recital of the events of his life may stir someone to go and do likewise is the earnest wish of his loving son,

Mokley, Alberta, 1888.



Chapter I

Chapter II
Moves to Owen Sound—Makes business connections—Starts for college - Received as a probationer for the ministry - la appointed to establish a new mission in the far North.

Chapter III
Starts to explore for and establish a mission—Locates at Garden River—His work during six years' residence at this place.

Chapter IV
Moves to Rama - Three years' residence at this place.

Chapter V
Appointed to the Hudson Bay Missions—Is made Chairman of same-Throe years with Norway House as Headquarters—Describes several missionary trips made during these years.

Chapter VI
Moves from Norway House to Saskatchewan—Settles at Victoria—Eight years' pioneer work at this place.

Chapter VII
Moves to Edmonton -Three years' residence at this place--Journeyings and experiences connected with this new field

Chapter VIII
Visits Ontario Pleads the cause of Missions—Takes a short trip to the Mother Land —Once more sets his face Westward—Is employed by Government to conciliate the excited Plain Tribes—His tragic end.

Manitoba and the North West

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