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The History of Manitoba

The Story of Manitoba
By F. H. Schofield (1913)
The Romantic Settlement of Lord Selkirk's Colonists
The Pioneers of Manitoba by George Bryce
The Lake of the Woods
By George Bryce LL.D.

Manitoba History

Landmarks and Red Letter Days 1610 - 1920 by Holly S Seaman (1920) (pdf)
This publication provides bullet points by date on the significant events in Manitoba.
Handbook to Winnipeg and the Province of Manitoba
Prepared for the 79th Annual Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science 1909

Manitoba Historical Video

The Story of Manitoba
By F. H. Schofield, B.A. in 3 volumes (1913)
Across the Prairie Lands of Manitoba and the Canadian North-West
A Wiltshire Man's Travels in the Summer of 1882 by Sidney J. Pocock
The Creation of Manitoba
A History of the Red River Troubles by Alexander Begg (1871) (pdf)
Early Days in Upper Canada
Letters of John Langton from the Backwoods of Upper Canada and the Audit Office of the Province of Canada edited by W. A. Langton (1926) (pdf)
The Winnipeg General Sympathetic Strike
May - June, 1919 (pdf)
Sessional Papers
Second Session, Fourteenth Legislative Legislative Assembly of Manitoba Session 1915 (pdf)
Forward Movement for Missions Series No. 4
Synopsis of Lectures on Manitoba and the Northwest delivered by Rev. John MacLean at the Methodist Young People's Summer School, Victoria College, Toronto, Ontario on 29th July 1902 (pdf)

The Mennonites of Manitoba
The Mennonites of Manitoba told the story of a German-speaking group of Dutch farmers from Russia who came in 1874 to the fertile land of Manitoba to create a new life practicing their traditional religion.

Polson's Probation
A Story of Manitoba by James Morton (1897) (pdf)
Manitoba Memories
Leaves from my Life in the Prairie Province, 1868-1884, by Rev. George Young, D.D., Founder of Methodist Missions in the Red River Settlement (1897) (pdf)
Queries and Replies
The Canadian Pacific, Manitoba, The Canadian North-West, Testimony by Actual Settlers (pdf)
The Canadian North-West
A speech delivered by his Excellency, The Marquis of Lorne, Governor General of Canada, at Winnipeg (1881) (pdf)
Farm Lands, Cheap Lands, Good Lands, Best Markets, Facts for Intending Settlers, Description of Lands in the vicinity of Winnipeg issued under the authority of a joint Committee of the City Council and Board of Trade of Winnipeg. (1888) (pdf)
Emigration to North Western Canada
Information for intending Settlers (1893) (pdf)
Province of Manitoba Budget Speech
Delivered by the Hon. John Norquay, Premier and Provincial Treasurer on April 16th, 1884 (pdf)

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