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Ontario Department of Agriculture

This department produced many bulletins on the agriculture of Ontario which helped many farmers and here we are listing some of these that we've found in our research.

Ontario Agricultural College
Bulletins 99 to 112
Ontario Agricultural College
Bulletin 124. Nature Study, Stories in Agriculture
Ontario Agricultural College
Bulletin 128. Eggs, and other topics on fruits ad vegetables, etc.
Ontario Department of Agriculture
Bulletins 146 to 168 includes, Uses of Fruits, Vegetables and Honey, Fruits Recommended for Planting in Ontario, The Swine Industry in Ontario, Fungus and Insect Pests of Growing Vegetable Crops, Farm Poultry with the results of some experiments in Poultry Houses and Fattening Chickens, Gardening for Schools, Some Facts Concerning Fertilizers and their Use, Insecticides and Fungicides, Farm Forestry, Principles of Tillage and Rotation, Insects Affecting Fruit Trees, Milking Machines, The Production, Care, and uses of Milk, The Sheep Industry in Ontario, Breakfast Foods, Incubation of Chickens, Alfalfa or Lucerne, Bee-Keeping in Ontario.
Bulletins 181 to 208

The Teeth and Their Care, Bee-keeping in Ontario, Notes on Cheddar Cheese-Making, Uses of Vegetables, Little Peach Disease, Children: Care and Training, The Codling Moth, Weeds of Ontario, Farm Poultry, Bee Diseases, Bee-keeping, Agricultural Co-operation, Tuberculosis of Fowls, Apple Orcharding, Insecticides and Fungicides, Tomatoes, Bee Diseases, Lime-Sulphur Wash, Onions, Fruit Juices, Peach Growing, Peach Diseases, Grape Growing in Niagara Peninsula, Cabbage and Cauliflower, Decay of the Teeth, Dairy School, Staff of Dairy, Part I. Cheese-making and Butter-making, Dairying on the Farm, Ice Cold Storage on the Farm, Farm Poultry and Egg Raising Conditions in Ontario. (pdf)
Bulletins 233 to 256
The Preservation of Food; Home Canning, Dairy Cattle, War Breads, Wintering of Bees in Ontario, etc.
Bulletins 257 to 271
Books on Agriculture and Household Science, Results of Co-operative Experiments with Farm Crops, Wheat and Rye, Sugar Beets, Mushrooms, Cheese and Butter Making, Farm Water Supply and Sewage Disposal, Farm Crops, Hay and Pasture Crops, Grasses, Clover, Judging Vegetables, Sheep, etc.
Bulletins 351 to 373
Insecticides, Fungicides and Herbicides, Potatoes, Rose Culture, The Pear in Ontario, The Raspberry and Blackberry in Ontario, Insects Attacking Fruit Trees, Top Working and Repair Grafting, The European Corn Borer, Insects Attacking Vegetables, Farm Underdrainage, Farm Water Supply and Sewage Disposal, Results of Three Years’ Study Poultry Rations, Parasites Injurious to Poultry, Manures and Fertilizers, Draft Horses, Soybeans in Ontario, Pork on the Farm, Farm Poultry, Vegetable Gardening, Testing Milk, Cream and Dairy Products, Buttermaking on the Farm, Soft Cheese Making, Dairy Cattle
Bulletins 416 to 443
Insects Troublesome in the Home, Milk Transportation in the Toronto Milk Shed, Hints on Judging Field Crop Seeds, Field Roots and Potatoes, Care and Methods Used in Obtaining Poultry Blood for Pullorum Testing, Cattle Lice and How to Control Them, The Value of Soil Analyses as an aid in Truck Crop, Swine Parasite Control, Save that Litter, Pollination in Relation to Orchard Planning, Legumes for Profit, Farmyard Manure Serves Best on the land, Buck Rakes, Poultry Equipment for the Busy Farmer, Bee Diseases and Pests of the Apiary, Fruit Varieties, Destructive Pest Animals, The Home Vegetable Garden, Establishing the Young Orchard, The Domestic Rabbit, Control of Rabbits, Mouse Control in Orchards, Orchard Soil Management, The Grape in Ontario, Orchard Grafting, Currants and Gooseberries, Mastitis or Garget in Cows, Barley in Ontario, Swine Diseases and Their Prevention.

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