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The Medical Profession in Upper Canada 1783 to 1850
By William Canniff (1894)


The following pages contain the result of long-continued effort by the writer, to collect and arrange everything available relating to the early history of the Medical Profession of the Province of Ontario. Books, documents, newspapers, and letters, public and private. have been consulted, and facts appropriate to the work put to use. It may lie stated that not a few historical matters recorded would have been lost, had not the writer gathered them up and embodied them in this work. It is believed that this volume supplies a valuable contribution to Canadian history. Although the number of pages is greater than intended and was promised in the prospectus, it has been found impossible to include all the material collected. This, however, shall be preserved for future use.

It will be seen by the observant render. that the Medical Profession of Upper Canada has contributed a fair quota to the distinguished men who have taken an active part in the government of the country, and in laying the foundation of the Dominion of Canada: that they were men of high education, and possessed of noble qualities which fitted them to fill various positions of public trust.

The writer must acknowledge his indebtedness to very many, not only for information, but as well for encouraging words, while he was devoting much time and labour to this work. He especially thanks the several hundred subscribers, distinguished representatives of various classes of society, who so cordially gave their names in advance.

To the publisher, the writer is under more than ordinary obligation for his considerate kindness and assistance.

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