Peter Pond reaches
Starting-point of
Athabasca library
—The Hudson Bay
roused—Conflict at
Fort Wedder-burn—Suffering—The
dash up the Peace
Dunvegan —Northern
great river
occupied—Loss of
life—Fort Simpson,
the centre— Fort
Reliance—Herds of
Norman built—Fort
Good Hope—The
Rockies—The Yukon
reached and
fierce Liard
River—Fort Halkett
in the mountains
—Robert Campbell
comes to the
the Upper
Yukon—His great
on the water
(The map on page
384 should be
consulted while
this chapter is
being read,)
Less than twenty
years after the
conquest of Canada
by the British,
the traders heard
of the Lake
Athabasca and
Mackenzie River
district. The
region rapidly
rose into notice,
until it reached
the zenith as the
fur traders'
paradise, a
position it has
held till the
present time.
As we have seen,
Samuel Hearne, the
Hudson's Bay
Mungo Park of the
North—first of
white men,
touched, on his
way to the
Coppermine, Lake
Athapuscow, now
thought to have
been Great Slave
It was the good
fortune, however,
of the North-West
Company to take
possession of this
region first for
The daring
Montreal traders,
who had seized
upon the
Saskatchewan and
pushed on to Lake
Ile à la Crosse,
having a surplus
of merchandise in
the year 1778,
despatched one of
their agents to
Lake Athabasca,
and "took seisin"
of the country. As
already stated,
the man selected
was the daring and
afterwards violent
trader Peter Pond.
On the River
Athabasca, some
thirty miles south
of the Lake, Pond
built the first
Indian trading
post of the
region, which,
however, after a
few years was
abandoned and
never afterwards
Less than ten
years after this
pioneer led the
way, a fort was
built on the south
side of Lake
Athabasca, at a
point a few miles
east of the
entrance of the
river. To this,
borrowing the name
of the Indian
nation of the
district, was
given the name
Fort Chipewyan.
This old fort
became celebrated
as the
starting-place of
the great
expedition of
Mackenzie, when he
discovered the
river that bears
his name and the
Polar Sea into
which it empties.
At this historic
fort also,
Roderick McKenzie,
cousin of the
explorer, founded
the famous
Library," for the
use of the
officers of the
Company in the
northern posts,
and in its
Lieutenant Lefroy
informs us he
revelled during
his winter stay.
At the beginning
of the century the
X Y Company
invaded the
Athabasca region,
and built a fort a
mile north of Fort
Chipewyan, near
the site of the
present Roman
Catholic Mission
of the Nativity.
As the conflict
between the
North-West and
Hudson's Bay
Companies waxed
warm, the former
Company, no doubt
for the purpose of
being more
situated for
carrying on the
trade with the
Mackenzie River,
removed their fort
on Lake Athasbaca
to the commanding
promontory near
the exit of Slave
River from the
lake. Renewed and
often enlarged,
Fort Chipewyan has
until recently
remained the
greatest depot of
the north country.
The fierceness of
the struggle for
the fur trade may
be seen in the
fact that the
Hudson's Bay
Company (1815)
with vigour took
up a site on an
island in front of
Fort Chipewyan and
built Fort
Wedderburn, at no
greater distance
than a single
mile, and though
it was not their
first appearance
on the lake, yet
they threw
themselves in
considerable force
into the contest,
numbering, under
John Clark,
afterward Chief
Factor, ten
clerks, a hundred
men, and fourteen
large canoes
loaded with
supplies. Many
misfortunes befell
the new venture of
the Company. A
writer of the time
says, "No less
than fifteen men,
one woman, and
several children
perished by
starvation. They
built four trade
posts on the Peace
River (lower) and
elsewhere in the
autumn ; but not
one of them was
able to weather
out the following
winter. All were
obliged to come to
terms with their
opponents to save
the party from
utter destruction.
That year the
Athabasca trade of
the North-West
Company was four
hundred packs
against only five
in all secured by
the Hudson's Bay
Three years
afterward the old
Company, with
British pluck,
again appeared on
this lake, having
nineteen loaded
canoes. Trader
Clark was now
accompanied by the
doughty leader,
Colin Robertson,
whose prowess we
have already seen
in the Red River
It will be
remembered that in
the year before
the union of the
Companies, George
Simpson, the young
clerk, arrived on
Lake Athabasca
with fifteen
loaded canoes. He
was chiefly found
at Fort Wedderburn
and a short
distance up the
Peace River. It is
not certain that
the prospective
Governor ever
visited Slave Lake
to the north. He
gives, however,
the following
vivid summary of
his winter's
experience in
Athabasca: "At
some seasons both
whites and Indians
live in wasteful
abundance on
venison, buffalo
meat, fish, and
game of all kinds,
while at other
times they are
reduced to the
last degree of
hunger, often
passing several
days without food.
In the year 1820
our provisions
fell short at the
establishment, and
on two or three
occasions I went
for two or three
whole days and
nights without
having a single
morsel to swallow,
but then again, I
was one of a party
of eleven men and
one woman which
discussed at one
sitting meal no
less than three
ducks and
twenty-two geese!"
This winter's
knowledge was of
great value to the
man afterwards
called to be the
arbiter of destiny
of many a
Other forts are
mentioned as
having been
established by
both Companies at
different points
on the Athabasca
River, but their
period of duration
was short. In some
cases these
abandoned forts
have been followed
by new forts, in
recent times, on
the same sites.
Soon after the
arrival of the
first traders in
the Athabasca
district, the fame
of the Peace
River—the Indian "Unjijah,"
a mighty stream,
whose waters empty
into the river
flowing from Lake
among the
adventurers. An
French Canadian
trader, named
Boyer, pushed up
the stream and
near a small
the first post of
this great artery,
which flows from
the West, through
the Rocky
Mountains. Long
abandoned, this
post has in late
years been
The Peace River
has ever had a
fascination for
trader and
tourist, and a few
years after
became known, a
trading house was
built above the
"Chutes" of the
river. This was
afterwards moved
some distance up
stream and became
the well-known
Fort Vermilion.
This fort has
remained till the
present day.
Farther still up
the Peace River,
where the Smoky
River makes its
forks, a fort was
erected whose
stores and
were on a larger
scale than those
of the mother
establishment of
Fort Chipewyan,
having had
stockaded walls; a
good powder
magazine, and a
good well of
water. This fort
for a time was
known as McLeod's
Fort, but in the
course of events
its site was
abandoned. Fort
Dunvegan, famous
to later
travellers, was
first built on the
south side of the
river, and was the
head-quarters of
the Beaver
Indians, from whom
the North-West
Company received a
formal gift of the
site. The present
fort is on the
opposite side of
the Peace River.
It will be
however, that it
was from the post
-at the mouth of
Smoky River that
Mackenzie, having
wintered, started
on his great
Journey to the
Pacific. In later
years the Hudson's
Bay Company has
maintained a fort
at this point as
an outpost of
Early in the
century we find
allusions to the
fact that the
catch of beaver
was, from
declining in the
Peace River
country, and that,
in consequence,
the North-West
Company had been
compelled to give
up several of
their forts.
Around Fort St.
John's a tragic
interest gathers.
John McLean, in
his "Notes of a
Twenty-five Years'
Service," speaks
of reaching on his
"tenantless fort,"
where some years
before a massacre
had taken place.
It had been
determined by the
Hudson's Bay
Company to remove
the fort to Rocky
Mountain Portage.
The tribe of
Tsekanies, to whom
the fort was
tributary, took
this as an insult.
At the time of
removal the
officer in charge,
Mr. Hughes, had
sent off a part of
his men with
effects of the
fort intended for
the new post.
Hughes was shot
down on the
riverside by the
Indians. The party
of boatmen, on
unconscious of the
fate that awaited
them, came
paddling towards
the landing-place,
singing a
voyageur's song,
and Just as the
canoe touched the
shore, a volley of
bullets was
discharged at
them, which
silenced them for
ever. They were
all killed on the
spot." An
expedition was
organized by the
traders to avenge
the foul murder,
but more peaceful
prevailed. Most of
the fugitives paid
the penalty of
their guilt by
being starved to
death. The
deserted fort was
some twenty miles
below the present
Fort St. John's.
The present fort
was built in the
latter half of the
century, and its
outpost of
Hudson's Hope,
together with the
trade station at
Battle River,
below Dunvegan,
was erected about
a generation ago.
The extension of
the fur trade to
Great Slave Lake
dates back to
within seven years
after the advent
of Peter Pond on
the Athabasca
River. The famous
trader, Cuthbert
Grant, father of
the "Warden of the
Plains," who
figured in the
Seven Oaks fight,
led the way, and
with him a
Frenchman, Laurent
Loroux. Reaching
this great lake,
these ardent
explorers built a
trading post on
Slave River, near
its mouth. A short
time afterwards
the traders moved
their first post
to Moose Deer
Island, a few
miles from the old
site, and here the
North-West Company
remained until the
time of the union
of the Companies.
The impulse of
union led to the
construction of a
new establishment
on the site chosen
by the Hudson's
Bay Company for
the erection of
their post some
six years before.
The new post was
called Fort
Resolution, and
was on the
mainland two miles
or more from the
island. This post
marked the extreme
limit of the
operations of the
Hudson's Bay
Company up to the
time of the union.
When Alexander
determined to make
his first great
voyage, he started
from Fort
Chipewyan and
bravely pushing
out into the
unknown wilds,
left Great Slave
Lake and explored
the river that
bears his name.
Here he promised
the tribe of the
Yellow Knife
Indians to
establish a post
among them in the
next year. The
promise was kept
to the letter. The
new post, built at
the mouth of the
Yellow Knife
River, was called
Fort Providence.
It was afterwards
removed to a large
island in the
north arm of the
lake, and to this
the name Fort Rae,
in honour of the
celebrated Arctic
explorer, John
Rae, was given.
Near this new
station there has
been for years a
Roman Catholic
Mission. It was
from the
neighbourhood of
these forts on the
lake that Captain
Franklin set out
to build his
temporary station,
Fort Enterprise,
one hundred miles
from his base of
supplies. Fort Rae
has remained since
the time of its
erection a place
of some
importance. It
formed the centre
of the northern
operations of
Captain Dawson,
R.A., on his
expedition for
observation in
recent times.
After the Hudson's
Bay Company had
Rupert's Land to
Canada, a new post
was opened on the
Slave River,
midway between
Athabasca and
Great Slave Lake.
It was called Fort
Smith, in honour
of Chief
Donald A., Smith,
now Lord
Strathcona and
Mount Royal. Near
the site of Fort
Smith are the
dangerous Noyé
Raids of Slave
River, where Grant
and Leroux, on
their voyage to
Great Slave Lake,
lost a canoe and
five of its
occupants. From
Fort Smith
southward to Smith
Landing a waggon
or cart road has
been in use up to
the present time.
Now this is to be
converted into a
Northward the
course of the fur
traders' empire
has continually
made its way.
Leaving Great
Slave Lake four
years before the
close of the
century, along the
course of
Duncan Livingston,
a North-West
Company trader,
built the first
fort on the river
eighty miles north
of the lake. Three
years later the
trader, his three
voyageurs and
interpreter, were
basely killed by
the Eskimos on the
Lower Mackenzie
River. A year or
two afterward a
party of fur
traders, under
John Clark,
started on an
expedition of
exploration and
retaliation down
the river, but
again the fury of
the Eskimos was
roused. In truth,
had it not been
for a storm of
fair wind which
favoured them, the
traders would not
have escaped with
their lives.
Very early in the
present century,
Fort Simpson, the
former and present
head-quarters of
the extensive
Mackenzie River
district, was
built, and very
soon after its
establishment the
prominent trader,
and afterwards
Chief Factor,
George Keith, is
found in charge of
it. It is still
the great trading
and Church of
England Mission
centre of the vast
region reaching to
the Arctic Sea.
During the first
half of the
century, Big
Island, at the
point whore the
Mackenzie River
leaves Great Slave
Lake, was, on
account of its
good supply of
white fish, the
wintering station
for the
district servants
of the Hudson's
Bay Company.
Though this point
is still visited
for fishing in the
autumn, yet in
later years the
trade of this post
has been
transferred to
another built near
the Roman Catholic
Mission at Fort
Providence, forty
miles farther down
the river. On Hay
River, near the
point of departure
of the Mackenzie
River from the
lake, several
forts have been
built from time to
time and
abandoned, among
them a Fort George
referred to by the
old traders. The
eastern end of the
lake, known as
Fond du Lac,
became celebrated,
as we have already
seen, in
connection with
the Arctic
explorers, Sir
George Back and
Dr. Richard King,
for here they
built Fort
Reliance and
wintered, going in
the spring to
explore the Great
Fish River. In
after years, on
account of the
district being the
resort for the
herds of cariboo,
Fort Reliance was
rebuilt, and was
for a time kept up
as an outpost of
Fort Resolution
for collecting
furs and "country
provisions." It
may be re-occupied
soon on account of
the discoveries of
gold and copper in
the region.
Journeying down
the Mackenzie
River, we learn
that there was a
fur traders' post
of the Montreal
merchants sixty
miles north of
Fort Simpson. In
all probability
this was but one
of several posts
that were from
time to time
occupied in that
locality. At the
beginning of the
century the
North-West Company
pushed on further
north, and had a
trading post on
the shore of Great
Bear Lake, but
almost immediately
on its erection
they were met here
by their rivals,
the X Y Company.
At this point,
reached by going
up the Bear River
from its junction
with the Mackenzie
on the south-west
arm of the lake,
Chief Factor Peter
Dease built Fort
Franklin for the
use of the great
Arctic explorer,
after whom he
named the fort.
To explore new
ground was a
burning desire in
the breasts of the
Immediately in the
year of their
reunion with the X
Y Company, the
united North-West
established a post
on the Mackenzie
River, sixty miles
north of the mouth
of Bear River.
Indeed, the mouth
of Bear River on
the Mackenzie
seems to have
suggested itself
as a suitable
point for a post
to be built, for
in 1810 Fort
Norman had been
first placed
there. For some
reason the post
was moved thirty
or forty miles
higher up the
river, but a Jam
of ice having
occurred in the
spring of 1851,
the fort was
mainly swept away
by the high water,
though the
occupants and all
the goods were
saved. In the same
year the mouth of
the Bear River
came into favour
again, and Fort
Norman was built
at that point.
After this time
the fort was moved
once or twice, but
was finally placed
in its present
position. It was
in quite recent
times that, under
Chief Factor
direction, a
station half-way
between Fort
Norman and Fort
Simpson was fixed
and the name of
Fort Wrigley given
to it.
Not only did the
impulse of union
between the
North-West and X Y
Companies reach
Bear River, but in
the same year, at
a point on the
Mackenzie River
beyond the high
cliffs known as
"The Ramparts,"
some two hundred
miles further
north than Fort
Norman, was Fort
Good Hope erected.
Here it remained
for nearly a score
of years as the
farthest north
outpost of the fur
trade, but after
the union of the
North-West and
Hudson's Bay
Companies it was
moved a hundred
miles southward on
the river and
erected on
Manitoulin Island.
After some years
(1836) an ice jam
of a serious kind
took place, and
though the inmates
escaped in a York
boat, yet the fort
was completely
destroyed by the
rushing waters of
the angry
Mackenzie. The
fort was soon
rebuilt, but in
its present
situation on the
eastern bank of
the river,
opposite the old
site on Manitoulin
During Governor
Simpson's time the
extension of trade
took place toward
the mouth of the
Mackenzie River. A
trader, John Bell,
who not only faced
the hardships of
the region within
the Arctic Circle,
but also gained a
good name in
connection with
Sir John
expedition in
search of
Franklin, built
the first post on
Peel's River,
which runs into
the delta of
Mackenzie River.
Bell, in 1846,
descended the Rat
River, and first
of British
explorers set eyes
on the Lower
In the following
year the Hudson's
Bay Company
established La
Pierre's House in
the heart of the
Rocky Mountains
toward the Arctic
Sea, and Chief
Trader Murray
built and occupied
the first Fort
Yukon. This fort
the Hudson's Bay
Company held for
twenty-two years,
until the
territory of
Alaska passed into
the hands of the
people of the
United States.
Rampart House was
built by the
Hudson's Bay
Company within
British territory.
Both Rampart House
and La Pierre's
House were
abandoned a few
years ago as
unprofitable. A
similar fate
befell Fort
Anderson, two
degrees north of
the Arctic Circlo,
built for the
Eastern Eskimos on
the Anderson
River, discovered
in 1857 by Chief
Factor R.
MacFarlane, a few
years before the
transfer of the
territory of the
Hudson's Bay
Company to Canada.
No doubt the
withdrawal from
Fort Anderson was
hastened by the
terribly fatal
epidemic of
scarlatina which
prevailed all over
the Mackenzie
River district in
the autumn and
early winter of
1865. More than
eleven hundred
Indians and
Eskimos, out of
the four thousand
perished. The loss
of the hunters
caused by this
disease, and the
difficulties of
transport, led to
the abandonment of
The conflict of
the North-West and
X Y Companies led
to the most
exploration that
Rupert's Land and
the Indian
territories have
witnessed. At the
time when the
Mackenzie River,
at the beginning
of the century,
was being searched
and occupied, a
fort known as The
Forks was
established at the
junction of the
Liard and
Mackenzie Rivers.
This fort, called,
after the union of
the Hudson's Bay
and North-West
Companies, Fort
Simson, became the
base of operations
for the
exploration of the
Liard River. We
have followed the
course of trade by
which the
Mackenzie itself
was placed under
tribute; it may be
well also to look
at the occupation
of the Liard, the
most rapid and
terrible of all
the great eastern
streams that dash
down from the
heart of the Rocky
The first post to
be established on
this stream was
Fort Liard, not
far below the
junction of the
western with the
east branch of the
river. There was
an old fort
between Fort Liard
and Fort Simpson,
but Fort Liard,
which is still
occupied by the
Hudson's Bay
Company, began
almost with the
century, and a few
years afterwards
was under the
trader, George
Keith. Probably,
at an equally
early date, Fort
Nelson, on the
eastern branch of
the river, was
established. In
the second decade
of the century,
Alexander Henry,
the officer in
charge, and all of
his people were
murdered by the
Indians. The post
was for many years
abandoned, but was
rebuilt in 1865,
and is still a
trading post.
It was probably
shortly after the
union of the
North-West and
Hudson's Bay
Companies that
Fort Halkett, far
up the western
branch of the
river, was
erected. After
forty or fifty
years of
occupation, Fort
Halkett was
abandoned, but a
small post called
Toad River was
built some time
afterward, half
way between its
site and that of
Fort Liard. In
1834, Chief Trader
John M. McLeod,
not the McLeod
whose journal we
have quoted,
pushed up past the
dangerous rapids
and boiling
whirlpools, and
among rugged
cliffs and
precipices of the
Rocky Mountains,
discovered Dease
River and Dease
Lake from which
the river flows.
Robert Campbell,
an intrepid
Scottish officer
of the Hudson's
Bay Company, in
1838, succeeded in
doing what his
predecessors had
been unable to
accomplish, viz.
to establish a
trading-post on
Dease Lake. In the
summer of the same
year Campbell
crossed to the
Pacific Slope and
reached the head
waters of the
Stikine River.
In opening his new
post Campbell
awakened the
hostility of the
coast Indians. He
and his men became
so reduced in
supplies that they
subsisted for some
time on the skin
thongs of their
moccasins and snow
shoes and on the
parchment windows
of their huts,
boiled to supply
the one meal a day
which kept them
alive. In the end
Campbell was
compelled to leave
his station on the
Dease Lake, and
the fort was burnt
by the Indians.
Under orders from
Governor Simpson,
Campbell, in 1840,
undertook the
exploration that
has made his name
famous. This was
to ascend the
northern branch of
the wild and
dangerous Liard
River. For this
purpose he left
the mountain post,
Fort Halkett, and
passing through
the groat gorge
arrived at Lake
Francos, where he
gave the
promontory which
divides the lake
the name
"Simpson's Tower."
Leaving the Lake
and ascending one
of its
called by him
Finlayson's River,
he reached the
reservoir of
Finlayson's Lake,
of which, at high
water, one part of
the sheet runs
west to the
Pacific Ocean and
the other to the
Arctic Sea. With
seven trusty
companions he
crossed the height
of land and saw
the high cliffs of
the splendid
river, which he
called "Pelly
Banks," in honour
of the then London
Governor of the
Company. The
Company would have
called it
Campbell's River,
but the explorer
refused the honour.
Going down the
stream a few miles
on a raft,
Campbell then
turned back, and
reached Fort
Halkett after an
absence of four
complimented by
Governor Simpson,
Campbell, under
orders, in the
next year built a
fort at Lake
Frances, and in a
short time another
establishment at
Pelly Banks.
Descending the
river, the
explorer met at
the junction of
the Lewis and
Pelly Banks a band
of Indians, who
would not allow
him to proceed
further, and
indeed plotted to
destroy him and
his men. Eight
years after his
discovery of Pelly
Banks, Campbell
started on his
great expedition,
which was crowned
with success.
Reaching again the
junction of the
Pelly and Lewis
Rivers, he erected
a post, naming it
Fort Selkirk,
although it was
long locally known
as Campbell's
Fort. Two years
after the building
of Fort Selkirk,
journeying in all
from the height of
land for twelve
hundred miles,
reached Fort
Yukon, where, as
we have seen,
Trader Murray was
in charge. Making
a circuit around
by the Porcupine
River and
ascending the
Mackenzie River,
Campbell surprised
his friends at
Fort Simpson by
coming up the
river to Fort
In 1852, a
thievish band of
coast Indians
called the
Chilkats plundered
Fort Selkirk and
shortly afterward
destroyed it. Its
ruins remain to
this day, and the
site is now taken
up by the Canadian
Government as a
station on the way
to the Yukon
Campbell went home
to London, mapped
out with the aid
of Arrowsmith the
country he had
found, and gave
names to its
rivers and other
features. A few
years ago an
officer of the
United States
army, Lieutenant
Schwatka, sought
to rob Campbell of
his fame, and
attempted to
rename the
important points
of the region.
Campbell's merit
and modesty
entitle him to the
The trading posts
of the great
region we are
describing have
been variously
grouped into
Previous to the
union of the
North-West and
Hudson's Bay
Companies, from
Athabasca north
and west was known
as the
Department," their
returns all being
kept in one
account. This
department was
long under the
superintendency of
Chief Factor
Edward Smith.
A new district
was, some time
after the transfer
of the Indian
territories to
Canada, formed and
named "Peace
River." The
management has
changed from time
to time, Fort
Dunvegan, for
example, for a
period the
head-quarters of
the Peace River
district, having
lost its
pre-eminence and
been transferred
to be under the
chief officer on
Lesser Slave Lake.
The vast inland
water stretches of
which we have
spoken have been
the chief means of
throughout the
whole country.
Without these
there could have
been little fur
trade. The
distances are
bewildering. The
writer remembers
seeing Bishop
Bompas, who had
left the far
distant Fort Yukon
to go to England,
and who by canoe,
York boat, dog
train, snow shoe,
and waggon, had
been nine months
on the journey
before he reached
The first northern
inland steamer in
these remote
retreats was the
Graham (1882),
built by the
Company at Fort
Chipewyan on Lake
Athabasca, by
Captain John M.
Smith. Three years
later the same
captain built the
Wrigley, at Fort
Smith, on the
Slave River ; and
a few years
afterward, this
builder launched
at Athabasca
landing the
Athabasca, for the
water stretches of
the Upper
Athabasca River.
How remarkable the
record of
adventure, trade,
hardship, and
successful effort,
from the time,
more than a
century ago, when
Peter Pond started
out on his