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The Inuit / Eskimo People

The Eskimo myth, as recorded by Petitot, is very simple; no cause is assigned for the great flood, which covered the summits of the Rocky mountains. Some Eskimo tied their boats together so as to make a large raft, on which they floated safely over the huge waves. The flood was calmed by a juggler or magician throwing first his bow and then his earrings into the water.

Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (ITK) [external link]
Is the national Inuit organization in Canada, representing four Inuit regions – Nunatsiavut (Labrador), Nunavik (northern Quebec), Nunavut, and the Inuvialuit Settlement Region in the Northwest Territories. [External Link]

Inuit (pdf)
The Innuits of our Artic Coast
By His Honour Lieut.-Governor J. C. Schultz, LL.D., M.D. (1890) (pdf)
The Creation of Nunavut
Written by Dr. Peter Kulchyski — Posted August 11, 2017
Sketch of the Esquimaux found in the Territory of Boothia Felix
This is an extract taken from the book "Appendix to the Narrative of a second Voyage in search of the North West Passage and of a residence in the Arctic Regions during the years 1829 - 1833" by Sir John Ross, Captain of the Royal Navy.
Part Qallunaaq
From Hudson Bay to the Firth of Tay Searching for My Scottish Grandfather © by Zebedee Nungak. Also added a variety of Inuit videos.
Nanook of the North (1922)
Classic Documentary, silent movie.
Situating Nunavut Education with Indigenous Education in Canada
By Heather Elizabeth McGregor (pdf)
The Eskimo
By Franz Boas, Ph.D. (1887) (pdf)
Eskimo of Hudson's Strait
BY F. F. Payne (pdf)
The Eskimo Race and Language
By Mr. A. F. Chamberlain, B.A.
An Inuit legend in audio [external link]
The Eskimo of Stupart Bay
By R. F. Stuart (pdf)
The Eskimo Book of Knowledge
By George Binney, B.A. Oxon., Hudson’s Bay Company, London, Rendered into the Labrador Dialect by The Reverend W. W. Perrett, for many years Superintendent of the Moravian Mission in Labrador with the assistance of Dr. S. K. Hutton, M.D., Secretary Moravian Missions, London. (1931) (pdf)

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