DEEM it quite unnecessary to offer any apology for the publication of
this work. The rapid formation of historical societies, both county and
township, in so many different sections of our Province, indicates that
the public mind is at last thoroughly awakened to the necessity of
collecting and preserving in some more permanent and abiding form than
the evanescent columns of the weekly newspaper or the scarcely less
ephemeral magazine, these fast disappearing records of our old pioneer
life, with their humble story of trials and triumphs, ere the
destructive hand of time has obliterated them forever.
interest and attention which our early local history is exciting on
almost every hand is certainly as much to be lauded as the past neglect
of it was to be condemned, and is truly only a suitable recognition on
our part of the immense debt of gratitude which the generation of the
present owes to the old pioneer past. To the courage, hardihood, and
brave-heartedness of these old backwoods settlers of the early days we
certainly owe it that our country is what it is; and amid all the
luxury, refinement, and progress of the wonderful to-day we must ever
remember that the humble past has been the parent of the present, as the
present will be the parent of the future.
confess, with something akin to pride, the gratification it has been to
me to know that the present book may be considered one of the pioneer
works of its class. I feel, too, that it is a matter of considerable
importance that every child of the township should have some knowledge
of its early history and settlement. I have deemed it, therefore, no
idle ambition to have attempted the task of rescuing that history, as
well as the names of many of the first settlers, from that oblivion with
which time in a few short years would inevitably overtake them. In my
own humble way I have striven to give both the history of Blanshard and
the biography of its first settlers as much of permanence and publicity
as is to be secured in a work of this kind.
lives and hardships, the joys and sorrows of those humble heroes and
heroines of the backwoods have always to me had a charm and an interest
which I have striven, however feebly, to impart to these pages. If to
the reader they give one-half the pleasure in reading them which they
have given me in writing them I will be amply rewarded.
old pioneer life, in this section of the province at least, has for many
years been a thing of the past. Only a very few of that fast diminishing
band of greyhaired veterans who can remember the old days in the
backwoods are now left in our midst. To touch some slumbering but still
responsive chord of memory which would waken the hearts of these, and at
the same time to stir up some sympathetic interest in the minds of the
present generation in a life of which they know practically nothing has
been my constant and I hope not unworthy aim. Although the historical
sketch of a township, and the biographical notices of some of its first
settlers as well, must necessarily, from their very nature, to be of
merely local interest, yet I have been ambitious enough to imagine that
this work might reach and perhaps interest a much wider circle of
the accomplishing of this object I have strewn through these pages
descriptive passages, illustrative of those phases of backwoods life
which were common to it, not only in my own neighborhood, but in every
part of the province. The log house and the backwoods shanty, like the
ox team and the sled, the logging bee and the country spree, were
inseparable from pioneer life everywhere. Inseparable from it, too, were
those hardships and privations which seem almost incredible to the
generation of to-day, and which give a lustre and a tinge of heroism to
the lives of the men and women of that period not easily to be
forgotten. A backwoodsman myself, and one who has spent many of the best
and perhaps the happiest of his days in the bush, I can claim that
intimate acquaintance with pioneer life which only actual experience can
give. I have drawn the sketches which I have described from the life. If
I have in the pages of this book in any way failed in the adequate
representation of them, I have failed not from lack of will but from
lack of ability.
William Johnston,
River Road, Blanshard.
St. Marys, August 24th, 1899.
Chapter I. - Early Settlement
Chapter II. - Municipal Notes
Chapter III. - Social Condition of the People
Chapter IV. - Villages, Schools, and Churches
Chapter V. - Meetings and Amusements
Chapter VI. - David Cathcart
Chapter VII. - Captain John Campbell
Chapter VIII. - Samuel Radcliff
Chapter IX. - James Dinsmore
Chapter X. - The Gunning Brothers
Chapter XI. - W. F. Sanderson
Chapter XII. - Reuben Switzer
Chapter XIII. - David Brethour
Chapter XIV. - Mathew Forsyth
Chapter XV. - Johnston Armstrong
Chapter XVI. - St. Marys |