General Introduction
to the Statistical Account of Upper Canada with a view to a grand
sysem of Emigration with a reform of the Poor Laws by Robert
Introduction | Volume 1 |
Volume 2
Chronicles of Canada
Being a Record of Robert Gourlay, Esq., Now Robert Fleming Gourlay,
"The Banished Briton", Concerning the Convention and Gagging Law,
1818, Mr. Gourlay's Arrest and Trial, (1842) (pdf).
Humour of the times of Robert
By William Renwick Riddell, LL.D., F.R.S.C. Can. (1920) (pdf)
The Neptunian No.17
Chronicles of Canada (pdf)
Banished Briton and Neptunian
Being a record of the Life, Writings, Principals and Projects of
Robert Gourlay, Esq. now Robert Fleming Gourlay (1843) (pdf)