Songs of the Makers of Canada
By John Daniel Logan.
The Great Canadian Tunebook
I commented to Doug Ross that I had attended a night out amongst
Scots and that as we were singing Scots songs one of the folk in the
bar asked us if we didn't know any Canadian songs. We found
the only Canadian song anyone knew was the National Anthem, O
Canada. And so a little time later Doug sent me a few emails
on the subject which I gathered together here.
Here we are setting up a page where we'll add some interesting
articles as we find them.
Young Canada's Nursery Rhymes
By J C Byers
Selections from Scottish
Canadian Poets
A Collection of the best poetry written by Scotsmen and thair
descendants in the Dominion of Canada with an Introduction by Dr.
Daniel Clark including numerous biographical sketches and portaits
of the Authors(1900) (pdf)
The Gaelic Bards from 1411 TO 1517
By The Rev. A. Maclean Sinclair
The Canadian Maple Leaf Song Book
The Poetical Works of Alexander
Selected and Edited with Introduction, Biographical Sketch, Notes
and a Glossary (1900) (pdf) Scots-Canadian poet.
The Little Manitoban
A Child's Story-Book (Christmas 1900) (pdf)
Canadian Summer Evening Tales
By Andrew Learmont Spedon (1866)
Canadian National &
Patriotic Songs
Dedicated to the Children of Canada with sheet music (pdf)
Canadian Poets
Chosen and Edited by John W. Garvin, B.A. (1916) (pdf)
Canadian Stories
By George Iles (1918) (pdf)
By Trench and Trail
In Song and Story by Angus MacKay (Oscar Dbu) (1918) (pdf)
Amy Cruickshank Jarvis
Aug 18, 1915 - Dec 13, 1964, Poet (pdf)
The Poets of Canada
By John Lesperance (1884) (pdf)
Leaves from the Backwoods
Poetry by Louisa Walker (pdf)
Canadian Singers and their
A Collection of Portraits and Autograph Poems compiled by Edward S.
Caswell (1919) (pdf)
The Marshlands (Second Edition)
The Trail of the Tide by John Frederic Herbin, B.A., (1899) (pdf)
The Poetical Works of Wilfred
Edited with a Memoir by W. J. Sykes (1922) (pdf)
Tales of the Porcupine
By W. Milton Yorke (1911) (pdf)
Canadian Songs and Poems
Voices from the Forests and Waters, the Settlements and Cities of
Canada, Selected and Edited by William Douw Lighthall, M.A., of
Montreal. (1892)
Wilson MacDonald
William Henry Drummond
By V. B. Rhodenizer from his article in the Canadian Bookman
Magazine of February 1927
Jean Blewett
By John Macklem from the Canadian Bookman Magazine of April 1927
Parnassus and the Public
By C. F. Lloyd from the Canadian Bookman Magazine of February 1928
Archie P. McKishnie
By Gertrude E. Forth from the Canadian Bookman Magazine of February
Charles G. D. Roberts
By James Cappon (1923) (pdf)
Dreams of Fort Garry
By Robert Watson, F.R.G.S. (1931) (pdf)
Evan MacColl
Poet and Customs Officer
Poems Written in Newfoundland
By Henrietta Prescott (1889) (pdf)
Selections from Canadian Poets
With occasional critical and biographical notes and an introductory
essay on Canadian poetry by Edward Hartley Dewart (1864)
Dreams in Homespun
By Sam Walter Foss (1897) (pdf) |