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Old Canadian Magazines / Newspapers

I thought it would be interesting to make available some issues of old Canadian Magazines as they often contain some great information. As I come across magazines I'll endevour to get hold of some pdf versions and will add them here.  Should you be aware of a publication do feel free to send me their names and I'll see if I can find copies.

The Canadian Newspaper Directory
Fifth Edition 1907 (pdf)

Canadian Geographic
January/February 2020 edition (pdf)

The Busy Man's Magazine
Founded in 1905 by Toronto journalist and entrepreneur Lt.-Col. John Bayne Maclean, a 43-year-old trade magazine publisher who purchased an advertising agency's in-house business journal, along with its 5,000-strong subscription base. The Business Magazine, was launched in October of that year as a pocket-sized digest of articles gathered from Canadian, British, and American periodicals. It sold 6,000 copies. Inside its bright blue cover, the fledgling monthly anointed itself, "the Cream of the World's magazines reproduced for Busy People." Its aim, Maclean wrote a year later, was not "merely to entertain but also to inspire its readers." It was renamed The Busy Man's Magazine in December 1905, and began soliciting original manuscripts on varied topics such as immigration, national defence, home life, women's suffrage, as well as fiction. Maclean renamed the magazine after himself in 1911, dropping the previous title as too evocative of a business magazine for what had become a general interest publication.

John Bayne Maclean was born September 26, 1862, Crieff, Canada West, Died September 25, 1950 (aged 87) Toronto, Ontario. Lieutenant Colonel John Bayne Maclean was a Canadian publisher. He founded Maclean's Magazine, the Financial Post and the Maclean Publishing Company, later known as Maclean-Hunter. He was born in Crieff, Ontario (near Guelph). Maclean's father, Andrew Maclean, was a Presbyterian minister in Puslinch Township who had immigrated to Canada from Scotland. Maclean worked as a teacher and financial editor of the Toronto Mail before entering publishing with his brother Hugh Cameron Maclean by founding Canadian Grocer & Storekeeper's Newspaper in 1887. In 1905 he founded The Business Magazine which became "The Busy Man's Magazine" before changing its name to Maclean's Magazine in 1911. He founded the Financial Post in 1907, the Farmer's Magazine in 1910, Mayfair in 1927 and Chatelaine in 1928 building Canada's largest magazine empire. His military rank was earned through service with the Canadian militia, in which he was Commanding Officer of Montreal's Royal Canadian Hussars from 1898 to 1903.

November 1907
May 1908
November 1908
May 1909
November 1909
May 1910
November 1910

Other copies can be found on the Internet Archive

Canadian Archive Reports
Produced by Douglas Brymner

The Canadian Horticulturist
Published by the Fruit Growers Association of Ontario

The Canadian Dry Goods Review

Other copies can be found on the Internet Archive

The Canadian Magazine of Politics, Science, Art and Literature
From the Ontario Publishing Co. Ltd.

The CANADIAN MAGAZINE needs no apology for appearing. The necessity, or, at least, the great desirability of Canada possessing a medium through which, in fuller measure than has hitherto been practicable, our leading statesmen and thinkers may, with the comprehensiveness of review articles, present to the public throughout the Dominion their views on questions of public interest, and the facts and arguments on which these views are based, has been recognized by many, and has been an important consideration with the founders of this Magazine. The Magazine is, therefore, intended to fill, in some measure, for Canada, the purpose served in Great Britain and the United States by the great Reviews of these countries. Timely articles on political and other public questions of interest to the Canadian people will appear every month from the pens of leading statesmen and writers of various shades of political opinion. While the pages of the Magazine will be open to the expression of a wide diversity of opinions, and opinions with which the Magazine does not agree, the policy will be steadily pursued of cultivating Canadian patriotism and Canadian interests, and of endeavoring to aid in the consolidation of the Dominion on a basis of national self respect and a mutual regard for the rights of the great elements which make up the population of Canada. In this endeavor, we are happy to announce, we have the co-operation, as contributors, of many of the leading public men and writers of both political parties.

A series of articles descriptive of various portions of the Dominion, and dealing with their scenery, industries and resources, will appear during the current year from the pens of travellers and well-known and graceful writers.

Social and scientific subjects of popular interest will be discussed in a popular vein from month to month by eminent specialists of our own and other countries.

Fiction, chiefly in the form of short stories touching Canadian life, will receive, with other contributions to light and wholesome entertainment, a considerable amount of attention. In short, the Magazine will embrace a wide range of subjects, and appeal to a wide variety of individual tastes.

The staff of contributors includes many well-known Canadian and foreign writers, and is always ready to include, also, worthy aspirants to literary honors, whose names are yet unknown to the public. In thus endeavoring to stimulate Canadian thought, and to aid in opening mines of literary worth that are yet undeveloped. The Canadian Magazine trusts to have the sympathy and practical encouragement of patriotic Canadians.

To those who recognize how much Canada has hitherto been dependent for magazine literature on foreign countries, and how unfavorable such dependence is to the growth of healthy national sentiment in our homes, our appeal, we believe, will not be in vain. And with the very large increase during the past decade in the number of graduates of our colleges and high schools, and the marked development in late years of a general taste for magazine literature, and the growing feeling of respect for ourselves as a nation, we think that our effort to permanently establish a magazine and national review, broadly Canadian in tone and feeling, will meet with a large and generous support in every part of the Dominion.

Volume 1 March to October 1893 is offered but is a little blurry to read but I was able to ocr in the above account from it.

May 1899 to October 1899
May 1906 to October 1906

Other 68 issues can be found on the Internet Archive

The Canadian Magazine
Volume II 1893 (pdf)

Belford's Monthly Magazine
A Magazine of Literature and Arts

Volume 1 (1877)

Other copies can be found on the Internet Archive

The Canada Farmer
A fortnightly publication on Agriculture, Horticulture and Rural Affairs

Volume 1 (1864)

Other copies can be found on the Internet Archive

Canadian Farmer Year Book
A Complete Reference Library and Handy Book tor the Farmer and Stockman

1916 - 3rd volume

The Canada Lumberman and Wood-Worker
Also Canadian Forrest Industries

25th edition 1905

Other copies can be found on the Internet Archive

Canadian Life and Resources
A Monthly Review of the Developed and Undeveloped Wealth of the Dominion of Canada and of Newfoundland

Volume 2 April 1904
Volume 5 1907
Volume 6 1908
Volume 7 1909
Volume 8 1910
Volume 9 1911

Other copies can be found on the Internet Archive

The Canadian Law Times

Volume 2 1882
Volume 9 1889
Volume 10 1890
Volume 14 1894
Volume 16 1896

Other copies can be found on the Internet Archive

Canadian Textile Journal
A Monthly Journal devoted to Textile Manufacturing with an up-to-date review of what is going on in the industry, E. S. Bates, Editor


Other copies can be found on the Internet Archive

Farmer's Magazine
A monthly magazine


Other copies can be found on the Internet Archive

The Dominion Annual Register and Review
For the Sixteenth Year of the Canadian Union 1882 edited by Henry J. Morgan, Keeper of the Records of Canada (1883) (pdf)
For the Nineteenth Year of the Canadian Union 1886 edited by Henry J. Morgan, Keeper of the Records of Canada (1886) (pdf)

Other copies can be found on the Internet Archive

Rose-Belford's Canadian Monthly and National Review
Edited by G. Mercer Adam

Volume 2 - January to June 1879
Volume 5 - July to December 1880

Other copies can be found on the Internet Archive

Canadian Grocer
Only Weekly Grocery Paper Published in Canada.

October 3, 1913

Other copies can be found on the Internet Archive

Canadian Practitioner
Formerly The Canadian Journal of Medical Science, A Monthly Journal of British and Foreign Medical Science, Criticism and News Edited by U. Ogden M.D., Corresponding Editor R. Zimmerman, M.B., L.R.C.P., London

Volume 1  (1876)
Volume 10 (1885)

Other copies can be found on the Internet Archive

Canadian Railway and Marine World


Other copies can be found on the Internet Archive

Canadian Railroader
The circulation of the magazine is devoted to the Canadian Railroad Men
Volume 1 (1917)

Another 107 issues are available on the Internet Archive

Canadian Foundryman and Metal Industry News


Other copies can be found on the Internet Archive

Canadian Home Journal


Other copies can be found on the Internet Archive

Canada Gazette

The Canada Gazette is the official newspaper of the Government of Canada. You can learn about new statutes, new and proposed regulations, administrative board decisions and public notices. Find out how government departments, businesses and other Canadian organizations can publish their public notices.

160 year History of the Canadian Gazette
Canada Gazette web site
Prince of Wales Royal Regiment March 6, 1858
The Canada Gazette 1892 (pdf)

Other copies can be found on the Internet Archive

O.A.C. Review
For 72 years, from 1889-1961, this magazine was published annually by and for students of the Ontario Agricultural College. It provides a rich source of historical information about the department and its alumni as well as the social and agricultural history of Ontario. Regular columns from the Ontario Agricultural College and the MacDonald Institute for Women provide ongoing commentary on student life, detailing the academic, athletic and social events of each year. Feature articles address the scientific, social and political issues of the day, through the Great Depression and two World Wars. Photographs, special reports and advertisements enhance the historical richness of this publication. Material for this collection is provided by the University of Guelph Library, Archival & Special Collections, and is available on The Atrium open access institutional repository. 

Volume 1
Volume 46
WITH this issue of the Review, the magazine enters upon its forty sixth year of publication. According to reliable information, the paper has the distinction of being the oldest active agricultural college magazine on this continent, and. needless to say, its history is an interesting one.

When the Review first appeared in November 1889,. under the editorship of H. H. Dean, retired head of the Department of Dairying, the College was composed of a main building (old Johnston Hall) a chemical laboratory, a small dairy building and a few farm structures. The magazine itself was a very creditable, eight-page paper, carrying several feature articles of wide interest, a vigorous Alumni section and a flourishing College Life department in which, among other things, it is recorded that “the boys appreciate the advent of saucer dishes on the supper tables, and are also glad to have their porridge better cooked,” all of which goes to prove that there is nothing new in the world.

Since that date the attendance at the O. A. C. has increased from about ninety to almost six hundred, and the College has become the greatest of its kind in the British Empire. During this period, the Review has experienced ail the fortunes that might beset the life of a man of equal age, but always in its pages one may see a complete crosscction of student life and interests down through the years, and view all the events and personalities that have helped to build up College traditions that are worthy of loyal support.

This year plans have been made to bring the Alumni Section back to something of the high standard it had during the war years, and as the Review now has the pleasure of welcoming all the students of Macdonald Institute as subscribers, an effort is being made to enlarge their interests in the paper.

In this effort to make the Review a truly institutional magazine, representing and appealing equally to the interests of the O. A. C., Macdonald, and the Almuni. the staff requests the support and co-operation of both students and graduates who may be able to assist them by contributing any interesting information that they feel would appeal to the other readers.

Another 294 issues can be found on the Internet Archive

The Canadian Nurse
Owned and published Monthly by the Canadian National Association of Trained Nurses

Volume 14 issue 11 November 1918 in which training is featured

Some 200 other issues are available on the Internet Archive

The Canadian Builder
Practical Paper Devoted to all Branches of the Building Trades

Volume 1 Issue 2

Some 43 other issues are available on the Internet Archive

The Canadian Indian
The Canadian Indian appeals, without distinction of race or creed, to every friend of our aborigines. We would like to see the magazine at least doubled in size so as to admit of longer signed articles from experts in Indian ethnology and philology, but its enlargement depends of course on the generosity with which it is supported. The cause, both in its humane and scientific aspects, is a most worthy one, one that merits the support of every true Canadian. — Dominion Illustrated.

Note: This seems to have been the only issue as I can find no reference to any additional volumes being available.

Volume 1 October 1890

Canadian Forestry Journal
Volume 15

Another 9 copies can be found on the Internet Archive. There is an article about how to prevent forest fires in the 1905 edition.

Canadian Motor, Tractor and Implement Trade Journal
Volume II (1920)

Do read the story "Rosenheim Buys a Farm" on page 13

Canadian Druggist
Volume 1 (1889)

24 other copies can be found on the Internet Archive

The Canadian Therapeutist and Sanitary Engineer
Incorporating the Canadian Journal of Public Health
Volume 1 issue 6 (June 1910)

Another 26 issues can be downloaded from the Internet Archive

Canadian Chemical Journal
Volume 1 (1917)

Another 9 issues can be downloaded from the Internet Archive

The Canadian Field Naturalist
The Ottawa Naturalist is issued bv the Ottawa Field Naturalists’ Club in continuation of its Transactions already published; the second volume of which was completed by the number for 1885-1886. For eight years the Club has earnestly carried on the work for which it was organized—“The study of the Natural History of this locality.’’ Nor has it confined itself to this rich and extensive field. It has gradually extended its influence, and, by excursions, classes and lectures, has sought to foster a love for Natural History, and a desire in all its members to investigate the marvellous realms of nature.

After careful consideration of suggested changes in the method of carrying on the Club’s work, it has been decided that its value, not only to members but to scientific observers in other places, will be greatly increased by the issue of a portion of its Transactions each month. This will ensure an earlier publication of the papers prepared for its. soirees, which is especially desirable when new species are described, and will keep the members more fully informed as to the progress of its work. The record of its proceedings will be made as complete as possible. To the papers and reports that have formerly appeared, will be added an account of each general meeting, soiree, class, excursion, sub-excursion, or other undertaking of the Club. This step will double the present size of our Transactions, and will necessarily entail a proportionate outlay. We must therefore have many new members. The Council will do all in its power, but the required increase in membership can only be secured by the active co-operation of every member of the Club. Especially will ladies be welcomed to our ranks, and every effort will be put forth to make the excursions and soirees pleasant as well as instructive It is much regretted that up to the present time the lady members have, with a few exceptions, not taken an active part in the work of the Club. There .are several branches of natural history, such as Botany, Entomology and Ornithology, which offer to them attractive fields for observation and experiment, and in which many ladies are doing most excellent work elsewhere.

The Club has endeavoured to impress the value of an acquaintance with the works of nature upon the teachers in our educational institution of all kinds, and upon those now being trained for these important positions. Every teacher would derive immeasurable delight and profit from such a knowledge, and those whose duties are performed outside the larger cities have great advantages in their closer proximity to inexhaustible and almost unexplored mines of scientific wealth. Teachers would do well to avail themselves of every opportunity of acquiring a knowledge of natural history so as to be able to communicate information whenever requested.

The time has come to renew our investigations in the field—to watch the return of the birds, the unfolding of leaf and flower, the reappearance of insects, the emerging of reptiles and other animals from their winter retirement. Notes of all these, and of similar occurrences should be carefully taken, and forwarded to the leaders who have been appointed in each branch to preserve and compile such records. It is particularly requested that the leaders of the Ornithological branch be kept informed as to the arrival and movements of our birds. These are now working northward to their breeding grounds and summer habitats ; some to remain with us, others stopping merely to rest and feed before continuing theii- journey.

The Club has been requested by the American Ornithologists’ Union to co-operate with it in obtaining information as to the migrations and breeding habits of all birds resident in or visiting this district, and to exert its influence in increasing the number of observers. The schedules and instructions furnished for making the desired records may be obtained on application to the United States Department of Agriculture, or through the Secretary of this Club.

It should be mentioned that this number of our magazine is necessarily filed with the reports of proceedings and other routine matter, and that the papers read before the Club during the past winter will be commenced in the next issue. Notice will then be given, by the leaders, of the sub-excursions to be held during the season, and of the first excursion if it has been arranged. Members can materially assist the Club by purchasing copies of the magazine, or of any monthly part thereof, to send to friends, or to persons interested in natural history pursuits.

Volume 1 (1887)

Another 127 issues can be downloaded from the Internet Archive

The Canadian Entomologist
For a long time the wielders of the Butterfly-net and Beetle-bottle in Canada have been longing for some medium of intercommunication—some mode of telling one another what they have taken, how and where they have taken it, and what they are in want of. This desire the Entomological Society purpose now to satisfy to some extent by the publication of the Canadian Entomologist. It is but a few years since the Society itself began as a little germ with a few members, and now we find it rapidly growing into a goodly tree with its main trunk in Toronto, its thriving branches in London and Quebec, and its scattered adherents all over the country. We trust that the success of this publication may be somewhat similar; it begins now with a few pages, a limited circulation, and a very small supply of the necessary funds, but we hope and believe, too confidently, perhaps, it may be—that it will by and by grow and increase, and acquire goodly dimensions, and become a handsome and valuable exponent of the progress of Entomological Science in this Dominion. May we beg, then, that all zealous Entomologists around us will come forward and assist the enterprise with at any rate their pens, if not always with their purses too!

And now for a word as to the proposed character and contents of the work. The Canadian Entomologist is intended to contain original papers on the classification, description, habits, and general history of Insects, the transactions of the Entomological Society of Canada; short notices of new works on Entomology ; accounts of the capture of new or rare species in Canada; lists of specimens for exchange, and desiderata, by members; correspondence, and answers to correspondents; notices to members, and suitable advertisments. It will be published not oftener than once a month, and only when there is a sufficiency of suitable matter for publication; its terms are gratis to members of the Society; 50 cents per volume of 12 numbers to non-members; extra copies will be sold at the rate of five cents each, or fifty cents per dozen. Any contributions to the publication fund will be thankfully received and gratefully acknowledged.

Volume 1 (1869)

Another 148 copies can be downloaded from the Internet Archive

The Canadian Liberal Monthly
Volume 2 No. 7 (March 1915)

This is the only copy I could find which is free to view.

The Canadian Printer and Publisher
January 1919

Another 11 copies can be downloaded from the Internet Archive

Canadian Transportation

Another 50 copies can be downloaded from the Internet Archive

Journal of the Canadian Bankers Association
Volume 5 containing October 1897 to July 1898

Another 22 copies can be downloaded from the Internet Archive

The Canadian Bookman
A Monthly Review of Contemporary Literature Devoted to the Interests of Canadian Bookbuyers - Volume 1 See also the January 1919 issue which is the start of a new era in the magazines publication.

Another 4 copies can be downloaded from the Internet Archive

Canadian Camping
Official Publication of the Canadian Camping Association
February 1949 (pdf)

Another 92 copies can be downloaded from the Internet Archive

The Canadian Rose Annual
1955 edition

Another 55 copies can be downloaded from the Internet Archive

St. Andrew's College Reviews
1916 edition

Another 210 copies can be downloaded from the Internet Archive

The British Colonist
On December 11th, 1858, in the midst of a gold rush, a man with the improbable name Amor de Cosmos inked up an old hand press and launched a newspaper -- the British Colonist -- into the world. Published in Victoria, it became the leading paper in the colonies of Vancouver Island and British Columbia, and was the paper for the province of British Columbia until the emergence of Vancouver and competitors in the 1890s.

“In every thing that concerns British Columbia we shall take a deep and permanent interest” said de Cosmos, the “Lover of the Universe”, and so the paper did. From the extraordinary discoveries of gold and outbreaks of war, to the mundane shipping news and advertisements for insomnia cures, so much of the history of British Columbia and its people, exists only in the pages of this remarkable publication.

This website contains all the issues of the British Colonist (also called The Daily British Colonist, the Daily Colonist, and other variants) from its first issue in 1858 to December 1980. Once trapped between its crumbling covers, the chronicle of Victoria and British Columbia is now available at the click of a mouse.

You can browse by date or use the search feature to mine the contents of the paper. You may also want to refer to the index to the paper on Victoria’s Victoria.

37,515 copies can be downloaded from the Internet Archive

The Coleman Journal and Crow's Nest Pass Advertiser
Published in the Premier Coat Mining Centre of the Crows Nest Pass. A Weekly record of Interesting Community News read by Young and Old
Thursday, July 27, 1939 (pdf)
Another 96 copies can be read on the Internet Archive

Coleman Journal - Coleman, AB
For 51 years, from 1921 to 1972, this small building was the source of news in the town of Coleman. Oddly, this was an anti-labour newspaper, a rarity in small towns in its time - UNLESS they were financed by big business, which happened on occasion.
March 7, 1929 (pdf)
Another 1773 or so copies can be read on the Internet Archive

British Canadian Newspaper
British Canadian Newspaper which was a National paper printed in Simcoe, Ontario, February 18, 1857 (pdf)
1857 (pdf)

The Gateway
The Gateway is the student paper at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. It is published once a month in print during the academic year (September-April) and on a regular basis online throughout the calendar year by the Gateway Student Journalism Society (GSJS), a student-run, autonomous, apolitical not-for-profit organization, operated in accordance with the Societies Act of Alberta. The Gateway is one of the oldest student newspapers in Canada, founded in 1910. It's notable alumni include Don Iveson the Mayor of Edmonton, Joe Clark the former Prime Minister of Canada, Beverley McLachlin the former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada, clinical psychologist Jordan Peterson, and countless current journalists across Canada and the world.
The Gateway
Official Publication of the Students Union of the University of Alberta, October 4, 1940 (pdf)
Many copies are available on the Internet Archive

The Beaver
The Labour newspaper for Windsor, Sandwich and Walkerville
Dec 18, 1886 (pdf)

British Canadian
British Canadian Newspaper which was a National paper printed in Simcoe, Ontario, February 18, 1857 (pdf)

Canada West
By Canada Dept. of Immigration and Colonization. Other copies can be found on the Internet Archive

Trail Riders of the Canadian Rockies
Other copies can be found on the Internet Archive. See a copy of the May 1947 edition with an article about Jim Brewster

Common Ground
Common Ground is an independent publication, 100% Canadian owned. It is Western Canada’s biggest and best-loved monthly magazine dedicated to health, wellness, ecology and personal growth. Common Ground’s Publisher and Senior Editor, Joseph Roberts, organized Vancouver’s first Walk for Peace and helped start Common Ground magazine in 1982.

March 2015 (pdf)

Trail Riders of the Canadian Rockies
Including Skyline Hikers Association of the Canadian Rockies
Volume 1 No 1 October 1933 (pdf)
Other copies can be found on the Internet Archive

All Canadian Traveler
Published by the
Associated Canadian Travelers of Winnipeg
Volume 2 Issue 1 (pdf) (December 1935)

BearPaw Legal Education & Resource Centre Newswire
Aboriginal news from across Turtle Island and beyond

September 25 - Oct 2, 2015 (pdf)
Other copies can be found on the Internet Archive

Canadian Journal of Industry, Science and Art
Volume I (1852-53) (pdf)
Volume II (1853-54) (pdf)
Volume V. (1860) (pdf)
Other copies can be found on the Internet Archive

University of Toronto Monthly
Volume 1 (1900) (pdf)
Volume 2 (1901) (pdf)
Other copies can be found on the Internet Archive

Varsity Graduate
The University of Toronto has embarked on a great enterprise. All across Canada (and in Britain and the United States, too) Committees of Graduates are being organized. They are the nucleus for a strong graduate body to which the University may turn for inspiration and guidance. Morley Sparling in his article on “The Varsity Plan” which begins on page 34 tells how this organization is taking form. The Alumni Federation through its Board of Directors has given its unanimous support to the Varsity Plan. Our magazine, The University of Toronto Monthly, has been loaned to the University to serve as a bridge to the graduates and with this issue, appears in its new form and under its new name. Alumni news will still receive the best of attention because Velma Macfarlane, editor of the Monthly, continues as editor of The Varsity Graduate. We hope you like the new magazine and that you will help us to improve it by sending your criticisms and suggestions to the Editor.
John A. Bothwell,
President, The Alumni Federation of the University of Toronto. Volume 1-4 (1948-52) (pdf)
Another 9 copies are available on the Internet Archive

An Rhuba
The Highland Village Gaelic Folklife Magazine Vol. 14 Issue 1 (pdf)

Canadian Club of Fort William Annual
ALMOST as many places vie with one another for the honor of being the first to evolve the idea of the Canadian Club as contended of old for the distinction of being the birth-place of Homer. But, among all the claimants the City of Hamilton seems to have the first place, the idea of the Canadian Club as it now exists having taken bodily shape under the aegis of Charles R. McCullough. The idea, however, having once taken root, grew with astonishing rapidity until today hardly a city or a large town of importance in the Dominion is without its branch of this institution.

The Gleichen Call Newspaper
Claim in this issue is that Scotland originated the sending of Christmas Cards despite the fact that at this time Scotland didn't celebrate Christmas. January 9, 1929 (pdf)

The Blairmore Enterprise
Christmas Number, December 21, 1945 (pdf)

The Grain Grower's Guide
Grain Growers' Guide (1908-1928) is described as "the most important publication of the early farm movement."

Cinema Canada
In December 1989 Cinema Canada published its last issue (#169). It was the trade journal of record for the Canadian Film and television industry for 18 years.
December-January 1976, Third Edition, number 24 (pdf)

Farm and Ranch Review
Popular and respected Calgary-based monthly periodical focused on Western-Canadian agriculture founded by Malcolm Geddes, E. L. Richardson, and C. W. Peterson in 1904 and in print from 1905-1966. Tied to the Country Life Movement.

The Essay-Proof Journal
Devoted to the Historical Background of Stamps and Paper Money, April 1957 Vol. 14 No. 2 Whole No. 54 (pdf)

The World's Work
(1900–1932) was a monthly magazine that covered national affairs from a pro-business point of view.

The Anglo-American Magazine
The Anglo-American Magazine was published in Toronto from 1852 to 1855. These monthlies include parts: a history of the War of 1812; Forest Gleanings (Mrs. Traill); cities and Towns of Canada (Cobourg, London, Quebec); Colonial Chit-Chat (Jails in Upper Canada, Grand Trunk Railroad, Clergy Reserves, etc.); Editor's Shanty (Niagara River tunnel & suspension bridge, Toronto and its nuances, Phrenology, etc.); Facts for the Farmer; Mrs. Grundy's Gatherings (fashions, cooking, crafts); News from Abroad (Duke of Wellington's funeral, Burmah War, Kaffir War, Australian Gold).

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