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Works of D. C. Beard

Daniel Carter "Uncle Dan" Beard (June 21, 1850 – June 11, 1941) was an American illustrator, author, youth leader, and social reformer who founded the Sons of Daniel Boone in 1905, which Beard later merged with the Boy Scouts of America (BSA).

These books provide simple instructions on how to build shelters, and other items for the home. Instructions on fishing, building an aquarium, and lots of other activities and items.

Shelters, Shacks, and Shanties
What to do and How to do it
The Boy Pioneers: Sons of Daniel Boone
The American Boys Handybook of Camp Lore and Woodcraft
Boat Building and Boating
The Jack of All Trades
Animal Book and Camp-Fire Stories
The Book of Camp-Lore and Woodcraft
New Ideas for Work and Play - What a Girl can make or do
The American Girl's Handy Book
Guns and Gunning
The American Boys Book of Signs, Signals and Symbols
New Ideas for out of doors: The Field and Forrest Handy Book
For Playground Field & Forrest: The Outdoor Handy Book
Things worth doing and how to do them
Moonlight and Six Feet of Romance

Scattered from the Arctic Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico and from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean are thousands of trappers who use deadfalls, snares and other home-made traps, but within this vast territory there are many thousand who know little or nothing of them.

The best and most successful trappers are those of extended experience. Building deadfalls and constructing snares, as told on the following pages, will be of value to trappers located where material — saplings, poles, boards, rocks, etc. — is to be had for constructing. The many traps described cannot all be used to advantage in any section, but some of them can.

More than sixty illustrations are used to enable the beginner to better understand the constructing and workings of home-made traps. The illustrations are mainly furnished by the "old timers."

Chapters on Skinning and Stretching, Handling and Grading are added for the correct handling of skins and furs adds largely to their commercial value.

A. R. Harding.

Read his book...

Deadfalls and Snares
A Book of Instruction for Trappers About These and Other Home-Made Traps (pdf)

Building with Logs
By Clyde P. Fickes, Engineer, and W. Ellis Grobem, Chief Architect Forest Service published by the U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service (pdf)

A Boy's Workshop
With Plans and Designs for In-Door and Out-Door work
By a Boy and his Friends with an Introduction by Henry Randall Waite (1884)

Carpentry for Boys
In simple language, including chapters on drawing, laying out work, designing and architecture with 250 Original Illustrations by J. S. Zerbe, M.E. (1914) (pdf)

Practical Mechanics for Boys
In language which every boy can understand, and so arranged that he may readily carry out any work from the instructions given, with many original illustrations by James Slough Zerbe (1914) (pdf)

Electricity for Boys
A working guide, in the successive steps of electricity, described in simple terms with many original illustrations by J. S. Zerbe, M.E. (1914) (pdf)

Plank Frame Barn Construction
By John L. Shawver (1904) (pdf)

Woodworking for Beginners
A Manual for Amateurs, with over 700 illustrations
By Charles G. Wheeler, B.S. (1906) (pdf)

King's Series in Woodwork and Carpentry


This series consists of five volumes, four of which are intended as textbooks for pupils in manual-training, industrial, trade, technical, or normal schools. The fifth book of the series, the “Handbook in Woodwork and Carpentry,” is for the use of teachers and of normal students who expect to teach the subjects treated in the other four volumes.

Of the pupils’ volumes, the first two, “Elements of Woodwork’ and “Elements of Construction,” are adapted to the needs of students in manual-training schools, or in any institution in which elementary woodwork is taught, whether as purely educational handwork, or as preparatory to a high, or trade, school course in carpentry or vocational training.

The volumes “Constructive Carpentry” and “Inside Finishing” are planned with special reference to the students of technical, industrial, or trade schools, who have passed through the work of the first two volumes, or their equivalent. The subject treated are those which will be of greatest value to both the prospective and the finished workman.

For the many teachers who are obliged to follow a require! course, but who are allowed to introduce supplementary occuptional models under certain conditions, and for others who have more liberty and are able to make such changes as they see fit, this series will be found perfectly adaptable, regardless of the grades taught. To accomplish this, the material has been arranged by topics, which may be used by the teacher irrespectively of the sequence, as each topic has to the greatest extent possible been treated independently.

The author is indebted to Dr. George A. Hubbell, Ph.D., now President of the Lincoln Memorial University, for encouragement and advice in preparing for apd planning the series, and to George R. Swain, Principal of the Eastern High School of Bay City, Michigan, for valuable aid in revising the manuscript.

Acknowledgment is due various educational and trade periodicals, and the publications of the United States Departments of Education and of Forestry, for the helpful suggestions that the author has gleaned from their pages.

Bay City, Michigan.

Elements of Woodwork
Elements of Construction
Constructive Carpentry
Inside Finishing
Handbook for Teachers

Building Dry Stone Retaining Walls
This video shows how to build small drystone retaining walls from beginning to end; laying out the shape, digging the foundation, determining the wall angle, building the face, packing the back, and leveling the top. The techniques are suitable for all rock types, whether glacially rounded, angular, or flat-bedded

Alone built a stone house in the forest
Hello, as usual, after my house is ready, I collect the entire construction process in one rather short video.

A Manual of Fret Cutting and Wood Carvings
By Major-Gen. Sir Thomas Seaton K.C.B. with Diagrams (1874) (pdf)

The House
A Manual of Rural Architecture or How to build Country Houses and Out-Buildings by D. H. Jacques (1866) (pdf)

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