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Makers of Canada
Joseph Howe by Hon. J. W. Longley (1909)

Joseph Howe: The Tribune of Nova Scotia by Julian Biggs, National Film Board of Canada


Chapter I. Birth and Youth
Chapter II. Colonial Government
Chapter III. Responsible Government
Chapter IV. Howe as a Minister
Chapter V. Howe vs. Falkland
Chapter VI. The Liberal Ministry
Chapter VII. Howe and Railways
Chapter VIII. Foreign Enlistment and the Irish Catholics
Chapter IX. Howe and Confederation
Chapter X. Incidents
Chapter XI. Howe and Literature
Chapter XII. Howe's Social Qualities
Chapter XIII. Conclusion

The Speeches and Public Letters of The Hon. Joseph Howe
Edited by William Annand in pdf format
Volume 1  |  Volume 2

The Tribune of Nova Scotia
A Chronicle of Joseph Howe by William Lawson Grant (1921)

The Tribune of Nova Scotia after a speech in Mason Hall from a colour drawing by C. W. Jefferys


In May-August 1875 my father, the Rev. G. M. Grant, published in the Canadian Monthly four articles on Joseph Howe, which give, in my opinion, the best account ever likely to be written of Howe’s character, motives, and influence. Twenty-five years later he had begun to write for the ‘Makers of Canada’ a life of Howe, but his death left this task to Mr Justice Longley. In this he had thought to incorporate much of his earlier articles, and his copies of them remain in my hands, with excisions and emendations in his own handwriting. In the present little book I have not scrupled to embody these portions of my father’s work.

Howe’s speeches and public letters are the basis for any story of his career. They were originally published in two volumes in Boston in 1858, nominally edited by William Annand, really by Howe himself. In 1909 a revised edition, with chapters covering the last fourteen years of his life, was published at Halifax, excellently edited by Mr j. A. Chisholm, K.C. The journals o: the Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly of Nova Scotia contain the dispatches from the Colonial Once quoted in the text. Incidents and anecdotes have been taken from the biographies by Mr Joseph Fenety and Mr Justice Longley. I have also consulted the collection of his father’s pa pens presented to the Canadian Archives by Mr Sydenham Howe, and a manuscript life of Howe by his old friend the late George Johnson. Lord Grey, with his invariable interest in things Canadian, has had the private correspondence of his uncle searched for anything that might throw light can the railway imbroglio of 1851, but without result.



Chapter I. Nova Scotia
Chapter II. Birth and Training
Chapter III. The Old Colonial System
Chapter IV. The Fight for Responsible Government
Chapter V. Railways and Imperial Consolidation
Chapter VI. Baffled Hopes
Biographical Note

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