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Bert Lloyd's Boyhood
A Story from Nova Scotia by J. MacDonald Oxley, LL.D. (1892)


THERE is something so pleasing to the author of this volume — the first of several which have been kindly received by his American cousins — in the thought of being accorded the privilege of appearing before a new audience in the “old home,” that the impulse to indulge in a foreword or two cannot be withstood.

And yet, after all, there would seem to be but two things necessary to be said: — Firstly, that in attempting a picture of boy life in Nova Scotia a fifth of a century ago, the writer had simply to fall back upon the recollections of his own school-days, and that in so doing he has striven to depart as slightly as possible from what came within the range of personal experience; and, Secondly, while it is no doubt to be regretted that Canada has not yet attained that stage of development which would enable her to support a literature of her own, it certainly is no small consolation for her children, however ardent their patriotism, who would fain enter the literary arena, that not only across the Border, but beyond the ocean in the Motherland, there are doors of opportunity standing open through which they may find their way before the greatest and kindliest audience in the world.

Ottawa, Canada,
29th August, 1892.


Chapter I. Bert is Introduced
Chapter II. Fireman or Soldier
Chapter III. No. Five Fort Street
Chapter IV. Off to the Country
Chapter V. The Ride in the Coach
Chapter VI. At Grandfather's
Chapter VII. Country Experiences
Chapter VIII. Temptation and Triumph
Chapter IX. Lost and Found
Chapter X. Bert goes to School
Chapter XI. School Life at Mr. Garrison's
Chapter XII. A Question of Influence
Chapter XIII. Bert at Home
Chapter XIV. An Honourable Scar
Chapter XV. A Change of School
Chapter XVI. The First Days at Dr. Johnston's
Chapter XVII. The Hoisting
Chapter XVIII. School Experiences
Chapter XIX. Victory and Defeat
Chapter XX. A Narrow Escape
Chapter XXI. Learning to Swim
Chapter XXII. How Hoisting was Abolished
Chapter XXIII. Prize Winning and Losing
Chapter XXIV. A Chapter on Ponies
Chapter XXV. About two kinds of Ponies
Chapter XXVI. Victory won from Defeat
Chapter XXVII. About Literature and Law
Chapter XXVIII. Well Done, Boys!
Chapter XXIX. THE Valley of the Shadow
Chapter XXX. Home Missionary Work
Chapter XXXI. Not Dead, but Translated
Chapter XXXII. A Boy no Longer

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